kat99999 @ 2003-04-12 22:09:00 |
Draco Makes Appearance-
Mood: determined
Hmm... looks like potterstinks has forgotten all about the duel, for some strange reason. Could it be that a certain someone who was also out all night distracted him?
And now Draco is off to the library, where the very same someone will be!
I'm starting to think this whole duel was one big distraction...
zorb @ April 12 2003, 14:43:48 UTC |
Either he's bullshitting or he was obliviated, because I can't imagine how he'd really forget about the duel. Do you think j_h purposely cursed him...in order to protect him? *g*
(parent)kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:06:31 UTC Re: |
Oooh vindictive-but-caring j_h!
My personal theory is that, however unreal or vagueish it may sound (not to mention wishful thinking), PS has some sort of arrangement with Boot, and the whole duel has been like - planned as a distraction for the school. I mean, it works - while the whole school goes one way, Harry and Draco are free to go off alone any which where they want!
It makes sense why the two seem so - not really serious about it all, lmao, although it could be put down to their general nonchalance about a lot of things. Still though - Draco's backup was a painting.
It does give food for thought.. is it all one big scam?
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:19:49 UTC |
Completely. I think Draco is still being very suspicious, but it makes me wonder if he's acting all 'La la la I've forgotten the duel' so that everyone in the school will be distracted again into trying to work out who cursed him or why the heck he's acting so out there. Obviously they're not going to say 'hmmm you're acting as though you've forgotten the duel - you must be sleeping with Harry Potter!'
Of course, I could be way off the mark. But I hope not! *fingers crossed*
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luleh @ April 12 2003, 15:30:27 UTC |
Yah. Either it's a real obliviate charm or P_S is faking it.
I could see him faking it, and I could see j_h going along with that.... I still think j-h had some alterior motives when he asked p_s to Hogsmeade, some sort of diversionary ploy? I dunno.
Also, has p_s forgotten about meeting his mother in Hogsmeade today?
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:32:55 UTC |
It would certainly free him up to go to Hogsmeade with anyone else that had asked instead, wouldn't it? Either he's forgotten, or he's 'forgotten'.
I can't see j_h being vindictive enough to do an Obliviate spell on Draco for whatever reason, and I don't know who else might do it. Any ideas and reasons why?
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luleh @ April 12 2003, 15:35:27 UTC |
Hmm, I dunno who would cast obliviate on Draco. Maybe Pansy and Millicent? I agree that Harry wouldn't do that.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:38:49 UTC |
Pansy and Millicent have definately been upping the defence for Draco lately... and the both of them didn't really have a lot to say about the whole duel, despite M.B. being the big feature girl prize in it all.
But... I don't know. Something doesn't fit... I don't think we'll ever get to the bottom of this!
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luleh @ April 12 2003, 15:41:41 UTC |
Maybe we have to wait and see what Terry does. Will he have forgotten too? Or was it the purple beans?
Can house elves cast memory charms?
sistermagpie @ April 12 2003, 15:11:59 UTC |
I have to admit the thought also crossed my mind. The whole thing's just bee so theatrical--nobody seems to even have commented on the cause of the whole thing being rather odd except Seamus. Terry got everybody blitzed on purple beans and now Malfoy...it's cracking me up whatever's going on. Please let him run into j_h. (God knows if there was no conspiracy with him j_h would certainly remind ps of the duel!)
My main wonder about that, though, is the Malfoys. Are they waiting with the rest of the school? You'd think Lucius would be up in that dorm room beating ps with his pimp cane (whoops, watching too much of that DVD!)--anyway, he'd be waking him up with something and getting him ready.
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:24:10 UTC |
God knows if there was no conspiracy with him j_h would certainly remind ps of the duel!
Hmm... could the reason j_h has stopped commenting on everything ps posts is because he feels like he doesn't need constant reassurance anymore? Having a guy arrange a whole big conspiracy just for you would certainly make you feel a little more secure about things...
mars_daydream @ April 12 2003, 14:50:59 UTC |
obliviated... good theory zorb. the plot thickens!
No, I'm Not Addicted, Not Me
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:07:33 UTC Re: |
Obliviated _is_ a good theory. I'm still, however, bargaining for some scandalous secrecy behind it all. *rubs hands together* We live in hope!
Also Not Addicted. Heeh.
sistermagpie @ April 12 2003, 15:45:50 UTC |
Yeah, I mean the WHOLE DANG SCHOOL is standing there.
Except Ernie. Is there a hidden meaning behind that? Did he decide it out it was all a conspiracy too?
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 15:53:19 UTC |
Maybe Ernie is in on the big H/D conspiracy too! They knew they would never get it past him...! *giggle*
(parent)rsiobhan @ April 12 2003, 16:02:13 UTC |
Not Ernie :(
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 16:11:56 UTC Re: |
You said, and I quote, 'Yeah, Ernie, I'll push you over. That's the last time Malfoy calls us Hufflepuffs pushovers.'
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 16:44:50 UTC Re: |
It still doesn't totally explain why Draco is acting as though he completely forgot the duel, though... Gah.
As for the Malfoy parents - who knows? I wish more NA people would post, it's all so tantalisingly teaseful!
sistermagpie @ April 12 2003, 16:47:33 UTC |
Whoops--sorry I deleted my post rather than just post again to add on my little best case scenario (see below). That'll teach me.
See, if that was his plan (to go to the library and decide "on the spur of the moment" to go off to Hogsmeade) it would make sense to pretend he'd forgotten about the duel. This way nothing's planned as far as anyone knows. Or something.
I would also like to see Colin post something, being that he is perhaps a little high on paint thinner.
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 16:50:10 UTC Re: |
See, if that was his plan (to go to the library and decide "on the spur of the moment" to go off to Hogsmeade) it would make sense to pretend he'd forgotten about the duel. This way nothing's planned as far as anyone knows. Or something.
I think it definately makes for a valid theory - Draco has been planning this for some time, I would wager. Or I would _hope_.
Sorry bout replying to the older message by the way (and again now lmao), I just check my email for comments and read them in the order they pop up. I'm far too eager to reply! *g*
As for Colin.. heeeeh, I wait in hope hope hope!
sistermagpie @ April 12 2003, 16:36:16 UTC |
Okay, apparently Crabbe was supposed to remind him and forgot.
He saw Draco and the first year walking together.
But now doesn't know where Draco is.
And Ma and Pa Malfoy don't seem to be with him either...
Best case scenario: He goes to the library. Runs into j_h. j_h mentions Hogsmeade passes. Having nothing else to do today that he remembers, ps suggests he use the one j_h isn't using. And they walk off into the sunset.
kat99999 @ April 12 2003, 16:47:07 UTC Re: |
Best case scenario: He goes to the library. Runs into j_h. j_h mentions Hogsmeade passes. Having nothing else to do today that he remembers, ps suggests he use the one j_h isn't using. And they walk off into the sunset.
Sounds good to me! Let's all pop open the celebratory champagne early!
vermithrax @ April 12 2003, 18:21:04 UTC |
And Ma and Pa Malfoy don't seem to be with him either...
Of course, if his parents are at the school, they won't be getting in the way in Hogsmeade. ;)