flyby @ 2003-04-13 23:37:00 |
With regard to the flagitious scofflaw behind the current malediction plagueing this school, I am indeed very close to exposing him and his scheme. It is only a matter of time before he is caught, and forced to answer for his diabolical delictum. Mark my words, he shall rue the day. Rue.
Am I the only one who thinks he means Harry? There was that plagiarism thing, and Snape never backed down over that either; it just seems totally IC for him toblame everything on j_h.
milenalupin @ April 13 2003, 16:08:06 UTC |
I'd rather think he's talking about lupercus who has practically tortured him all week with the increasing origami frustration. Not to mention the purple beans. And Snape was already pecking down on him after accidentally being fed crane cream (or whatever other Weasley product).
lupercus and
percyneedsalife seem to have come to very agreeable terms of trade recently. In good old Marauders' tradition.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 16:09:42 UTC |
I thought he meant Harry. Lupercus's "crimes" are out in the open. j_h is the one who's been plotting to take over the school and succeeding in secret!
(parent)milenalupin @ April 13 2003, 16:35:32 UTC |
In case you're right Lupercus is doing a brilliant distraction job. *giggles*
(parent)notapipe @ April 13 2003, 16:18:27 UTC |
"And Snape was already pecking down on him"potions_master/
milenalupin @ April 13 2003, 16:24:07 UTC |
I mean... note the use of first names...
And the coaxing with the beans... *giggles*
soooo there.
notapipe @ April 13 2003, 19:37:54 UTC |
I want to cursethank you for the following mental image: werewolf!lupercus, scary black-feathered Crane-that-looks-like-Big-Bird!
potions_master and Grim!
jadedsirius threesome in the Forbidden Forest underneath a full moon. And Big Bird squaks out, "Don't call me Sevvie," when the wolf howls, "Sevvie," in the throes of passion.
Just spreading the pain/fun.
greenapricot @ April 14 2003, 07:19:07 UTC |
I definitely think it's Harry and I wouldn't be surprised if Snape tries to somehow blame Remus's cranes on him too, along with every other possible bad thing he can come up with. I can't wait to see his final pronouncement.