imochan @ 2003-04-13 19:40:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hopeful
*squawks* I step away for a bit and...
They DISOWNED him?!?! *out cold* [edit: or, not so much exactly a disowning as a REALLY BIG SMACKDOWN MALFOY STYLE. ^_~ *snuggles to shusu for the correction*]
Lordie. This will certainly change some things. After the arrival of wehaveseven, the copius drug usage by
boot_boy inc., and the duel - er, sorry. the non-duel and the computerlab!fiasco - I was kinda looking forward to a new plot with, oh, I don't know... maybe
just_harry and
missgranger's pamphlet thing, or something nice, quiet and wedding-related with
lupercus & co. But my GOD.
*boggles* It never stops! Wah, the angst! The angst! *stares* Little bugger looks like he's taking it rather well, all things considered. I'm sure he needs some comforting, though.
Anyone wanna take bets on the subject matter/comfort!factor/laundry tips of just_harry's next post to the newly-non-malfoy
Wah! And how's the school going to treat him now, I wonder? They can be kinda fickle... >_>
shusu @ April 13 2003, 16:56:31 UTC repeat |
They didn't disown him. He's one step away from it, though.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 16:59:09 UTC Re: repeat |
-_- ah, thank you. Delving into the multitudes of nraged comments might have been a good idea this time. XD I apologise for the uneducated spammage. (_ _)
Now... how do I edit that damn post? >_>;;;
imochan @ April 13 2003, 17:02:42 UTC Re: repeat |
*squees violently at your icon*
many thanks, oh-voluminous one.
notapipe @ April 13 2003, 16:59:10 UTC |
So you WANTED a quiet, non-insane plot? Have you been into Terry's beans?
*is in heaven*
Two beans on "I'm sorry, Malfoy." or "I'm sorry, Draco." And then we'll all look for subtext, claiming that it wasn't a first year and instead it was just_harry that kept him up all night, or maybe he really DID obliviate him, or something along those lines. No, make it five beans.
imochan @ April 13 2003, 17:01:55 UTC |
Have you been into Terry's beans?
Yes. But I did not inhale.
And then we'll all look for subtext.
Do we ever do anything else? :D Subtext, beans, subtext, more beans, more subtext, maybe some furniture-throwing, top it off with some beanage and a well-placed jab at potions_master. *snicker*
samenashi @ April 13 2003, 17:30:14 UTC |
Wah. This just adds to my Draco!Angst. <333 Poor little guy. -.-
(parent)tropes @ April 13 2003, 17:42:42 UTC |
dude. is draco saying "bitch" in your icon?
can't... look... away...
samenashi @ April 13 2003, 17:45:41 UTC |
HAHA OH GOD IT LOOKS LIKE IT, DOESN'T IT. :D I think I grabbed it while he was halfway through saying "Saint Potter" or something, though. :))
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 19:40:28 UTC *sob* |
Just can't step away for a minute, can you? I ignore the thing for an evening and have a million threads to sort through. potterstinks just breaks my heart. He's trying to pretend as if nothing's happened...*weeps*
zorb @ April 13 2003, 19:56:57 UTC Re: *sob* |
That is the saddest thing in the world. It really is. *pets p_s*
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:06:54 UTC Re: *sob* |
My advice to blondenarcissa: get a backbone sister! My heart is just going to break into a thousand peices if he keeps leaving those plaintive comments that go ignored- *sniff*
imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:12:53 UTC Re: *sob* |
Does anyone else think has the distinct mark of j_h-syndrome??
o_o Seems like Draco's getting a taste of his own medicine. Not that it still doesn't hurt to see it happen!! *wailsob*
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:17:36 UTC Re: *sob* |
*laughs* True. Even though J_H was actually getting a taste of his own medicine in return from all those floods of PS comments everytime J_H posted in his journal that went ignored up until recently. Seeing PS flooding a journal again just to be ignored- especially his own mother's- just makes me want to cry. Especially the way the staff was bullying him around today, the poor kid just cannot catch a break.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:23:02 UTC Re: *sob* |
Even though J_H was actually getting a taste of his own medicine in eturn from all those floods of PS comments
Why, yes indeedy, you're right! Hrm. Vicious cycle, much? Jesus. *cries* He needs a snuggle.
And well, if Harry's not around, maybe Dean and Boot'll do? *ships*
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:28:35 UTC Re: *sob* |
*laughs* I think it might be hazardous for Draco's health to go anywhere near Dean at the moment, given the thrashing he and Terry got from Seamus this morning *snerk*. Perhaps PS and B_B will get detention together, and spend it throwing dramatic, flowery snarks at each other over repairing the copy machine ;-)
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:34:08 UTC Re: *sob* |
throwing dramatic, flowery snarks at each other over repairing the copy machine
Or better yet, B_B'd end up wrestling PS into some sort of headlock and force glitter and nailpolish on him. >:D
Maybe force feed him beans, too.
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:39:46 UTC Re: *sob* |
Punk!Draco *rolls* I can just see him wandering the halls stoned and punked out- Boot_Boy could be such a good bad influence on him ;-)
imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:43:17 UTC Re: *sob* |
XD we need dean_thomas to draw us that. *stares at NA*
awwww... c'mon!
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 20:31:32 UTC |
Dean/Terry/Draco? Hmm, one really must wonder what exactly they were getting up to in the computer lab... Boot did tell Draco to stop groping him! :D
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:36:53 UTC |
I think we're all in agreement that computerlab!fight = some pretty heavy-duty UST.
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 20:52:13 UTC Re: |
And, oh, the innuendo, it absolutely leaves me gasping! Naughty naughty, those boys are. It's no wonder Seamus was so mad! Taking advantage of his boyfriend like that, how uncouth. :D
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:56:43 UTC |
The photo copier, it seems, is fast become a favourite on the sex-toy registry.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 21:02:58 UTC Re: |
It always has been, in some cases. Did you ever see that funny Japanese commercial for Pocky or some sort of candy, with the copy machine? There's a short secretary who wants the Pocky on the shelf of the supply room, so she climbs up onto the copy machine. In skirt and high-heels, she slips and falls on the button. Her boss happens to walk in right then, and he finds his secretary sitting on top of the copy machine while it copies under her skirt. You can image his shock at her...interests.
Random, I know, consider it your pointless story of the day. :D
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 20:28:22 UTC Re: *sob* |
The good news is, check out his last post with the icon for the tone in which it's to be read. He's getting angry. Good!
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:30:38 UTC Re: *sob* |
He's getting angry.
Enraged, even. ;)
*fluffs pompoms in preparation for Yay!Draco extravaganza*
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:34:09 UTC Re: *sob* |
Hmm, hopefully. It almost seems more as if he's just going through his list of icons though...if he comments enough to go through them all, I just might have a cry. Somebody needs to chase that boy down and give him a hug *looks pointedly at Millicent* ;-)
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:43:37 UTC Re: *sob* |
Ooo he is getting mad! Good. But- *wibbles* he does need a hug! Somebody give the boy some love *sniff*.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 20:50:34 UTC Re: *sob* |
*waves pompoms pathetically*
2-4-6-3! For whom do we t00b and squee? Dra-co, Dra-co, Yaaaaaay Dra-co!
It has the option, of course, of being sung to the Volga Boat song.
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 20:56:51 UTC Re: *sob* |
Oh no, don't get that song in my head again! ...too late. I went around humming that for days the last time *laughs*.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 20:59:17 UTC Re: *sob* |
Good Lord. And Lupin has assigned Ron and Draco to work as partners. There won't be a copy machine in the city still working.
Wah that they are not in Harry's group.
Poor thing. I really hope he does something to rebel against his parents! Muggle London seems like just the place to do something stupid...
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:06:34 UTC Re: *sob* |
With Terry in their group no less! Well, that group isn't going to be doing anything productive *snickers*. They'll end up in a club somewhere stoned on purple beans, if they survive at all ;-)
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 21:13:21 UTC Re: *sob* |
Sorry, Lupin, dear.
Worst. Group. Ever.
And by Worst I obviously mean Most Fun. And the Subtext! :D:D:D