imochan @ 2003-04-14 00:02:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
"Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy, as you both do not have partners you are hereby assigned to each other."
Weee! lupercus! He's putting them all in Muggle clothing. :D
shusu @ April 13 2003, 21:11:33 UTC *stunned silly* | my shock, you beat me to posting.
imochan @ April 13 2003, 21:17:55 UTC Re: *stunned silly* |
Ernie Macmillan and Gregory Goyle
Poor kid. o_O
Man, I'm disappointed in Lupin. ;) If he was going to make Group 2 the Group From Hell, the least he could have done was give us some prospective H/D to obsess over. :D
Ah well, maybe they'll get separated in some freak portkey accident and have to ride the Underground together. XD
lunadeath02 @ April 13 2003, 23:09:38 UTC Re: *stunned silly* |
What I don't get is that Harry isn't a muggle-born. He's raised by Muggles, yes. So, I guess that's why he's leading, but... er.. never mind.
And Poor Draco. He doesn't want to be in his group at all, and his mum isn't allowed to speak to him! :'( There should be some sort of trade-off there, somewhere. probably won't be.
Something will definitely happen to group 2. ^^; Or was that group 3? I forgot.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 21:13:13 UTC |
Something tells me Draco's not going to like his--and he probably won't have money to buy any of his own!
He's not only got Ron and Draco in that group but Terry as well. And he's not in that group with them. Oh, so many many things that could possibly go wrong. Five knuts says one of 'em ends up in jail at some point.:-)
shusu @ April 13 2003, 21:15:03 UTC |
In jail???
Oh the Bad Places....
Definitely 'enraged'.
*jaw still hanging open*
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 21:17:50 UTC |
Wow, this sounds like such an adventure! We'll all need new icons to prepare. :D First Muggle London, then shopping in Diagon Alley, what opportunities it all offers. And Ron and Draco? *squeak* Should be veeeery interesting. And Muggle clothes! Perhaps this could materialize our beloved cliche of Leather!Draco, or even Aja'as BlueJeans!Harry. *swoons* I WANT DETAIED DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL ATTIRE. Though I'm sure we can depend on someone like Parvati or Padma or Lavender to fill us in.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 21:20:24 UTC |
Won't you, Dean? *wheedle*
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 21:28:39 UTC |
ACK. I WANT PICTURES. He could consider it an exercise in Muggle fashion. :D
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:21:41 UTC |
*rolls* Oh god, please someone give Draco leather pants. Or tight jeans. Harry's group would follow his around like a puppy, for some suspicious reason ;-)
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 21:31:31 UTC |
Lupin does say to ask someone if you need help picking out the Muggle clothing. Draco obviously has no experience, and he would have too much pride to ask. So Harry, in laundry-tip style, must of course step in to help out. And how ever would he be able to resist giving Draco tight jeans and a sexy t-shirt? We all know that deep down he wants to... :D
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:36:50 UTC |
you must have your clothing chosen and approved (by Professor Wiglorn or a Muggle-born student)
*can just see Harry having to approve Draco's outfit* "No, Muggles wear their pants tighter...a lot tighter." "...are you _sure_?"
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 21:44:32 UTC Re: |
*blush* ", let me tighten them for you..."
*eyebrows raised* "Better idea, Potter, how about I take it off so you can put it on and show me how tight they should be?"
Yawn. It's almost 1 am now, the second night in a row I've been up late because of NA goodness. Yum.
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 22:02:21 UTC |
Very hot, isn't it? I just realized, reading it over... *fans self*
"What on earth is that, Potter?"
"Well, it's a belt, to hold up your pants. Here, hold still."
"Potter. It's leather and has a buckle. I know a kinky sex toy when I see one."
*furious blush* "It's not like that!"
"You are putting it around my waist and now your hands are fastening it at the front. What on earth do you want me to think!?"
"Anything but th-"
"Wait. It's a Muggle chastity belt, isn't it? Have been talking to Pansy and Millicent?" *tugging*
"No, it's no-"
"Potter! How the hell do you get this thing off? Bugger, now my hands are stuck..."
"Well. This certainly has possibilities."
Now I'm definitely off to bed. Sweet NA-loffly dreams to all of you! <333
imochan @ April 13 2003, 22:04:37 UTC |
"Potter. It's leather and has a buckle. I know a kinky sex toy when I see one."
Pls stay and give us more drabble lurve!! *coaxes*
*feeds you more cookies*
anjaliesque @ April 13 2003, 22:25:18 UTC |
"There, Potter, I've taken off my elegant silk shirt. Now what do I put on?"
"Potter! What on earth are you staring at?"
"Oh, um...nothing. Here, take this."
"Please say that's not for me."
" is."
"Potter, that's a child's shirt!"
"No, Malfoy, I assure you, the Muggle style is for tight clothes. You wouldn't want to be out-of-style, would you?" *wheedling*
*harrumph* "Well, I suppose not. Give it here." *struggling*
"Here, I'll help you get it on." *more struggling*
"Ack! This fool piece of clothing is stuck on my head! I can't see!"
"I'll pull it down over your shoulders."
"Your hands are cold, Potter!" *suggestively* And seem to be sliding over my skin rather more than is needed... Admit it, you love the idea that I'm basically blindfolded."
*blush* *roughly* "Don't be ridiculous, Malfoy. There, I've got it at least partway down your stomach."
"Ack! My hair's a mess! You'll pay for this, Potter. And what on earth is this gibberish printed on the front? 'l1cK M3'?"
*stuttering* "Ah, well...that's, um... Muggle slang for 'worship me,' yeah." *sweating*
"Ah, perfect. You'd be wise to do what it says, Potter."
"..." *strangled noises*
"Also, did you know that your hands are still under my shirt?"
Shirt translates to "lick me" for those who don't know l33t, though it's pretty obvious. Okay, I can't hold my eyelids open any longer. Thanks for the cookies, I'm taking them to bed with me. Good night! <333
notapipe @ April 14 2003, 00:46:24 UTC |
*Slaughters several hecatomb, skins them, cuts away the meat from the thighs and wraps them in fat, making a double fold, and lays shreds of flesh upon them. Burns these on a cleft stick and pours the gleaming wine over, in sacrifice to you.*
Yes, I know I'm a geek for present-tensizing and un-pluralizing lines 459-463 of Book I of the Illiad to complement a drabble (but at least now I'll have it on hand for future use).
anjaliesque @ April 17 2003, 18:50:37 UTC |
O_O Wow. Thanks. I've never so much as an Oreo sacrificed to me. *in shock*
And I've been so horrendously busy for the last few days and have been cruelly NA-deprived and now must try to catch up on NA and NrAged but at least it's all the more delicious NA for me at once and I just read Remus's entry and- *wails*
And I still grin idiotically whenever I see your icon. *friends* :D
notapipe @ April 17 2003, 18:58:43 UTC |
*friends back*
Interests: "Relm Arrowny". o_O Isn't she the girl who painted monsters in FF6 whose grandfather was like a total badass? How does that work?
anjaliesque @ April 17 2003, 19:14:58 UTC |
*laughs* Everything I know about Final Fantasy is picked up from my video-game-playing friends. They also have this odd preoccupation with FF nicknames, and I've been involuntarily dubbed "Relm." Apparently because I compulsively doodle, am very eccentric, and have a mental age of ten. :D
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:53:01 UTC |
*rolls* And later the others will wonder why Harry was found fainted dead away. ;-)
Addictive, isn't it? Just when you think it's died down for the night, another interesting threat crops up.
kokopoko @ April 13 2003, 21:48:42 UTC |
I'd love to see Draco in a kilt. Oh, he's not Scottish is he? Nevermind. But it's a nice visual!
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:56:24 UTC |
*laughs* Ah, that's a priceless visual. Maybe he'll wait until the last minute and get stuck with the bottom of the barrel. *snickers at the mental image of FashionDisaster!Draco*
(parent)kokopoko @ April 13 2003, 22:03:34 UTC |
What if someone tricked Draco into wearing a bra by saying it's what muggles wear because it has two 'pockets' to store things they want to carry.
Or get him to wear a garter because it's a wand holder.
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 22:24:18 UTC |
*laughs!!!* He could wear the one he allegedly stole from Millicent. *snickers*
(parent)notapipe @ April 14 2003, 01:14:16 UTC |
Oh so reminds me of A Very Interesting Christmas Break.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 21:20:12 UTC |
Oh dear- Well, Harry's group is the one with Lupin in it, isn't it? It's only got six people. My knuts are on only Lupin and Hermione's groups actually making it to the Ministry in one peice ;-)
(parent)![]() |
cacklebang @ April 13 2003, 21:46:22 UTC |
I'm worried about sticking Draco in the same group as Padma, more than anything. ::cough::
(parent)notapipe @ April 13 2003, 22:00:52 UTC |
Quincy Rincewind and Clive Macnair
It appears Neville isn't the most incompetant wizzard at Hogwarts.
*hums "A Wizard's Staff Has a Knob on the End" quietly to himself*
notapipe @ April 14 2003, 01:21:02 UTC |
You obviously haven't heard that "A Wizard's Staff Has a Knob on the End" off of Kazaa. Horrible, horrible, horrible. It hurt even humming my mental punk cover version of it. (I do mental punk covers because punk covers are easy to do, rather than because they're actually good or anything)