shusu @ 2003-04-14 00:52:00 |
has been said, but will say again:
Mood: distressed
He's panicking.
imochan @ April 13 2003, 22:57:33 UTC |
I think the Lupin spammage is quite interesting. The paranoia/anger... it's carried over, it seems. >_>
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 23:00:42 UTC |
Ten comments! *laughs* The poor thing has just had the worst day imaginable- he's finally snapped. I stand by my statement that he needs a hug *sniff*.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 23:04:58 UTC |
Lupin's replying! One by one! What a sweet man!
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 23:07:11 UTC |
Oh I think I am in love with Lupercus. That is just the most thoughtful thing- I bet he's going to do all ten! Aw.
(parent)imochan @ April 13 2003, 23:14:23 UTC |
And did you notice how he says Draco's name in every post?
That man is insanely sensitive to other people's feelings. :D I would have his babies if he wasn't already committed. >_>
Sirius is a lucky man.
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 23:19:48 UTC |
He's actually senstive to a child's particular needs instead of hauling them into his office on a whim. He'd make such an excellent father (well, aside from his new fondness for the purple beans *snerk*). Sirius is indeed lucky, he'd better keep an eye on that one. ;-)
(parent)darklites @ April 13 2003, 23:31:20 UTC |
WHOO! Lupin does a smackdown. Am in <3 with this thread. Can't wait to see how this trip goes. Here's hoping Ron and Draco don't kill each other. Wheeeee.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 23:33:59 UTC |
hee. Looks like those two are stuck together. I can't imagine why Lupin is so adamant that they remain together though- anyone can see this is a recipe for disaster. I wonder what motives that man has up his sleeve...
(parent)darklites @ April 13 2003, 23:47:24 UTC |
HAHAHA, now Ron's replying to each comment thread with his own excuses. *sits back to wait for the rest, and hopefully Lupin's replies*
And it is a recipe for disaster, but what would it do for the plot if the partnering didn't happen? Heh. Lupin is probably trying to teach them a lesson. And isn't it very convenient that Harry's group has only 6 people instead of 8? Mmm hmm? ;)
darklites @ April 13 2003, 23:57:26 UTC |
Ron must really be desperate, he's asking to partner with his DAD?! *boggles*
This addiction to NA is seriously detrimental to my mental and physical well-being.
![]() |
eltie @ April 13 2003, 23:58:12 UTC Re: |
At least I'm not alone in my constant refreshing!
*clicks madly*
imochan @ April 13 2003, 23:22:13 UTC |
spare the rod and spoil the child, I guess.
I like Lupin's version of tough love better than Lucius's, though, personally.
moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 23:24:02 UTC |
True. Telling him firmly to stop complaining is different than cutting off all contact with him for the most ridiculous of reasons. In theory. *cough*
(parent)lunadeath02 @ April 14 2003, 00:02:09 UTC |
If those boys don't be careful, mainly Ron, they might get detention for not listening to thier teacher.
Maybe just_harry will hop in and say "I'll be Malfoy's partner if Ron doesn't want to be with him. I'll help him with his muggle clothes and show him around..."
*crosses fingers*
notapipe @ April 14 2003, 00:29:17 UTC |
At least he took a momentary break from panicking about not wanting to be with Ron to not want to be in the same group as Lavender. Not that I blame him at all, I'm not one for eugenics, but I think the Wizarding World, and indeed the human race would be better off if she never reproduced.
I hate pinkstarsgirlie so much, she's easily one of my favorite characters. If she posted more, she'd be right up there with Lupin and M.B.. (what's the proper punctuation there? one period? an exclamation point so I appear hyper, but save grammatical face?)