darklites @ 2003-04-15 13:23:00 |
(no title)
What a day, huh?
shusu @ April 14 2003, 20:33:00 UTC they love us they really love us!! |
*still reading*
darklites @ April 14 2003, 20:37:34 UTC Re: they love us they really love us!! |
Harry bought the golf clubs!! I have an reaction but words can't describe it. i'm all wah, but I'm not sad. wah.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 14 2003, 20:38:10 UTC |
Something tells me the only way we'll get any sort of a full story about those golf clubs is if j_h happens to tell us. And I can't wait t hear from Ron about how he forced Draco to take out his wand in public.
However, this is kind of a red-letter entry anyway. He mentioned Potter by name...
shusu @ April 14 2003, 20:41:50 UTC |
Is anyone noticing that Draco was ASLEEP, ALONE in the cab with Harry????
Oh oh oh oh. I'm getting visuals!
karabou @ April 14 2003, 20:50:18 UTC |
I'm getting visuals!
Harry, gazing over at sleepy Draco... :D
bookshop @ April 14 2003, 20:57:22 UTC |
...Draco's head, maybe nodding towards Harry's shoulder...
sistermagpie @ April 14 2003, 21:01:14 UTC |
Or nodding the other way, thumping into the window, making Draco claim Harry pushed him into it while he was sleeping.
(parent)karabou @ April 14 2003, 21:02:20 UTC |
...! Draco's head falling and resting on Harry's shoulder as he had a bit of a nap, causing his head to feel "rather sore" when he woke up. Right...
And you've killed me. I'm off to bed now with a huge grin on my face.
![]() |
Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 21:46:29 UTC |
Harry trying to keep Draco from knocking back into the window again. <3!
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 21:50:45 UTC |
Can you imagine Harry sitting completely still so that he doesn't wake him up? I bet he wouldn't move a muscle.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 21:53:10 UTC |
Well, I'm certain Draco does look quite fetching while sleeping.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 21:59:25 UTC |
Hey, man, I was completely serious. And here you go and mock me.
(parent)darklites @ April 14 2003, 20:43:02 UTC |
Eee. I know. After weeks of pretending non-existence. And there's some exasperated fondness in the "bloody ray of sunshine that he is" even if it is meant to drip with sarcasm.
Haha, I love the description of how Ron made him take his wand out. Can just see Ron blowing up and describing the "real" events very soon.
zedmeister @ April 14 2003, 20:43:40 UTC |
</i>He mentioned Potter by name...</i>
Yeah, but "I think I'm developing a lump. Potter must have shoved my head into the window while I was resting my eyes. I may be suffering a brain haemorrhage." doesn't sound very promising.
I have a suspicion that PS's player is actively trying to squash any H/D vibes implicit in Lupin's post.
sistermagpie @ April 14 2003, 20:46:12 UTC |
Note he also said that Potter was looking for Weasley and Draco just got in the way.
(parent)bookshop @ April 14 2003, 20:53:07 UTC |
awwww what a cute icon! i hope ron and harry make up soon!
(parent)karabou @ April 14 2003, 20:56:34 UTC |
Thanks! So do I!
*is still all giggly, thinking of Harry buying Draco golf clubs and wandering around London with him*
darklites @ April 14 2003, 20:48:53 UTC |
Yes. Whereas Lupin said " After a bit of chaos I sent Harry to go and find them". I wonder who it was who 'edited' this reason, Harry when he told Draco, or Draco when he made the entry.
(parent)bookshop @ April 14 2003, 20:51:26 UTC |
yes, but this is Draco's point of view, and he always skewers everything. Even if they'd had a beautiful wonderful day full of mad passionate snoggage there's no way Draco would communicate that in his post.
(parent)shusu @ April 14 2003, 20:55:26 UTC |
Harry quite forgot himself and Draco's head hit the window with a thump.
"Sorry Malfoy... er, Draco..."
"That had better be a golf club."
"I didn't want to step on your toes. I mean, because they're broken and all. I was rather sorry to hear that, did I tell you---mmmppph."
zedmeister @ April 14 2003, 21:00:07 UTC |
I know, but with Draco it's hard to tell how much of the skewering is intentional and how much is due to his brattiness. Pansy's posts, for example, are completely transparent, but I'm not sure PS is deceitful so much as truly self-deluded. Although now that I think about it, I'm not so sure...
In either case, I think he'd simply avoid a subject he didn't want to discuss (like mad passionate snogging with Harry! :D) instead of purposefully misdirecting his readers, like the way he's been ignoring j_h recently.
bookshop @ April 14 2003, 21:09:04 UTC |
well, yes, but in this case, seeing as he was asleep at the time this supposed injury to his head took place, i doubt he would be in a position to deceive us willfully, seeing as he probably has no clue why the side of his head is sore anyway.
personally, i think there's really only a couple of things that it could be, and it's probably just that draco's head was just bouncing and hitting the side of the cab window while he slept as the cab was jostled. if draco suspects it of being anything other than that at all, anything to do with harry, then it's no wonder he'd prefer to believe harry banged his head against the window, haha. in any case, it's not an attempt to misdirect his readers, or to delude anybody but himself.
i have more to say on this subject but i think i'll say it in a separate post. :)
zorb @ April 14 2003, 20:50:23 UTC |
*dies repeatedly*
I cannot wait to hear the other PoVs of this most eventful day. I'm sure we'll get Ron's, but I hope we get Harry's, too. And Seamus's. Whee!
Oh yes, am also v. happy that the Weasleys' debt is paid off.
karabou @ April 14 2003, 20:52:34 UTC |
I can't wait to read the other entries, either! I really hope Harry writes one.. and I can't wait to see Ron's, hehe.
am also v. happy that the Weasleys' debt is paid off
Me, too! I can't imagine poor Molly having to go over there and work for Narcissa.
sistermagpie @ April 14 2003, 20:54:11 UTC |
I'm happy about the debt too--although when I heard "lottery ticket" I had horrible visions of the last season of Roseanne where they won the lottery and become fabulously wealthy, which would be awful. Phew! Still the Weasleys, just with a bit of good luck.
(parent)anamirza @ April 14 2003, 21:22:01 UTC |
Yes, that was my random visual too. And it was a pretty cute visual, too, I might add.
non_inferno @ April 14 2003, 21:22:44 UTC |
After seeing parts of 'Happy Gilmore' yesterday, this is highly amusing.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 14 2003, 21:16:26 UTC |
Squee! Harry bought Draco the golf clubs, and Draco kept them. His tokens of affection were not turned away! *giddy hop*
But in other news, it still tugs at my heart that Draco seems to be intent on pretending nothing has changed with his family. It's still, "my father" this and "when my father finds out", that. The poor dear is in such denial *sniff*.
notapipe @ April 14 2003, 22:00:15 UTC |
'Draco Malfoy,' he said to me, 'you have shamed my family with the class you possess that we simply do not for the last time. I do not have one minute need to take this lying down. It is killin' time, boy. If only I had a switch. Take out your wand, my more handsome enemy, or it's stew for you.'
I love this line. Ron's voice switches so many times here it's not even funny.
While the whole thing is unbelievable (and obviously potterstinks putting in big bold letters a Malfoy-skewed take on subtext between him and Harry throughout canon), one part struck me as rather Ron-like: the ill-formed "I do not have on minute need to take this lying down," which would have been spot on if it had been shouted.
knight_to_h3 @ April 14 2003, 22:15:37 UTC |