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fatalseafood @ 2003-04-14 23:47:00 |
I don't know if this has been said already, but...
Mood: gleeful
Instead, he dedicates half an entry to him!!!
bookshop @ April 14 2003, 21:17:32 UTC |
um, actually, NA has been labeled as an H/D RPG since its beginning nearly a year ago. As far as I'm aware, it has never been promo'd as anything other than an H/D RPG, actually, since its other primary relationships, both slash and het, are not static. Just because the players aren't sucking face and have not actually gotten together or had any significant interaction that can be termed "romantic" doesn't mean that the RPG has changed or that the H/D has disappeared.
Hell, there's a reason we have H/D plastered all over this community's userinfo.
I'm not going to delete your post, but I will be checking back just in case it causes things to get out of hand, okay?
non_inferno @ April 14 2003, 21:17:50 UTC |
I imagine that this would annoy NA players.
Good call.
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cacklebang @ April 14 2003, 21:23:22 UTC |
Dear me. Calm down.
The great thing about NA is the flexibility and variation of the relationships between the characters. Anything can happen.
People are allowed to look for H/D if they will and should not stop just because someone thinks that H/D will never happen.
Probably won't happen in canon, but does that stop fanfic writers?
Please be tolerant of other fans. Thank you!
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ex_meiko437 @ April 14 2003, 21:36:06 UTC |
I am quite tolerant of other fans! What was bothering me was that every post in this community lately seems to center around some miniscule thing happening with Harry and Draco, which probably has absolutely nothing to do with "blossoming love" between them.
It isn't that it will never happen, it is that it isn't there in the first place ^^; but hey.. have your fun! just not over every sentence in NA! ^^; sorry to cause such confusion.
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cacklebang @ April 14 2003, 21:40:28 UTC |
Heh. I'm not worried about focusing on H/D. I just like seeing what happens. I was rather more amused by the bit with the copy machine.
I do agree that the picking around for the pairing is a little stretched, but on the other hand, it could be worse. And besides, isn't it at least a little amusing? ^_-
notapipe @ April 14 2003, 22:10:35 UTC |
Ron/Snape! Terry's trip to rehab! How many tiles there are in the Prefect's Bathroom (though, since potterstinks is a prefect, this too could be H/D)! The eventual use of Draco's Golf Clubs... oops, guess that's back on that whole H/D dynamic.
nm :P
elena @ April 14 2003, 22:12:28 UTC |
I'd like to talk about Sirius's promiscuity.
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Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 22:25:23 UTC |
That thread is killing me. I hope Lupin is just paranoid. :((
(parent)darkflame173 @ April 14 2003, 23:32:48 UTC |
*waves her Terry/M.B. banner!*
^^ I never thought I'd enjoy that pairing nearly as much as I do. Go Terry! Win your terrible mistress *g*
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:31:26 UTC |
That's a journey into self love that frightens even me...and that's saying something! LOL!!!
(parent)marysiak @ April 15 2003, 04:26:30 UTC |
Boot/Millicent cracks me the hell up.
But I will always loff H/D
Nocturne Alley is even more of a tease than sarahtales and
thegraybook glued together.
sistermagpie @ April 15 2003, 06:48:16 UTC |
Yeah, I'm still waiting for Terry's response to Millicent's pointing out that she never agreed to be the prize in the duel. Will Terry really accept that when he comes down from his latest purple bean high?
(parent)altricial @ April 15 2003, 20:24:06 UTC |
Alright people, just drop it. She's not trying to cause a flamewar so calm down already. I think she has the right to be a non-ship-oriented fan of NA. She may of worded her comment too harshly but she clarified that she meant no ill feelings so maybe people can start backing off now. Thanks.
(parent)altricial @ April 16 2003, 07:37:57 UTC |
I believe Aja has already addressed this issue in her mod post so there was no need to come back and stir up ill feelings. I am sorry your feelings got hurt but like I said before, the poster meant no harm and it would be best to just let this rest.
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Anonymous @ April 14 2003, 23:34:45 UTC thoughts |
Posting about H/D, but trying not to squee too much over nothing. (I can see how that could be annoying...)
About the cab ride...
My initial impression was that the pendulum has swung a bit the other way.
"no one has noticed I am missing, as Potter seems to be looking for Weasley and I just happen to have got in the way"
Of course, there could be 500 other explanations, but had the thought that while "resting his eyes" Draco might have done some "I couldn't help it as I was asleep" action (hands, chin etc). Harry--miffed/hurt at being ignored for so long--has none of it, and pushes him off so that he lightly hits the window.
Or maybe this is just my attempt to give j_h some dignity. Have some pride for God's sake, man!
Also, noting:
chapstick (nice of him to mention he got it back, no?)
golf clubs,
hails cab
...is horribly un-pc and says that Draco is the girl.
But actually, rather than the H/D-ness of it all... what I *really* want to know about how Harry and the glorious duo that is Pansy and Millicent got along. I *really* want to know how the dynamics of that worked out. I would like a j_h that could hold his own, but am worried...
And... Man the Weasleys are *lucky*. That's the 2nd lottery they've won. Perhaps they should enter them more often.
Have to add: DEAN!!! I hope you are OK! I love you muchly!! I have the biggest crush on you!!! Please have no big injuries from that horrible Boot-Malfoy incident! I want to write a million get-well cards!
weatherby @ April 14 2003, 23:53:37 UTC Re: thoughts |
Now I'm wondering about Harry, Pansy, and Millicent as well.
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 00:02:48 UTC Re: thoughts |
HAHAHAHAHAHA, what she said, man, what she said.
*loves Alice*
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:09:37 UTC Re: thoughts |
LOL! I have a spare code if she wants it =)
(parent)bookshop @ April 15 2003, 00:16:45 UTC Re: thoughts |
dude, we keep offering, she keeps saying no, haha!
*turns the pressure on Alice*
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:21:07 UTC Re: thoughts |
*waves fingers in front of Alice in a stupid-mystic kind of way*
You will take the code!
You will take the code!
You will take the code!
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 00:26:42 UTC Re: thoughts |
No need for a code, but it is nice of you to ask.
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:29:02 UTC Re: thoughts |
*waits for vanityfair and
altricial to gang up on her*
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 00:12:49 UTC Re: thoughts |
*ships Harry/Millicent/Pansy* on *NO* evidence whatsoever!!
Boot will be happiest spurned. He will write bad goth poetry about it and wallow in the darkness of his soul-deep pain.
Professor Vector seems to have a crush on Draco, so...
Against all odds and probibility, Dean will leave Seamus and hook up with me
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 00:24:50 UTC Re: thoughts |
(continues fantasy...)
Dean and I will live across the street from Ginny and Cho and visit Sirius and Remus every Sun. We will all laugh at the various pains and humiliations that the Malfoys endure.
Professor Vector will give Draco the adoration he desires as she stuffs him full of pastries and Harry will remember his Draco-Dudley comparisons.
Pansy and Millicent will provide Harry with the cruelty he seems to desire, but they will do so with style. They will use the resource of Harry wisely (he doesn't have to worry about being disinherited) and become feared and powerful due to Pansy's subtlety, Millicent's brains.
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:27:13 UTC Re: thoughts |
Wow! You're very silly! I like you! ^^
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 00:32:18 UTC Re: thoughts |
You are very sweet. I could draw you a picture, if you'd like :)
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 00:34:48 UTC Re: thoughts |
^_^ That's very nice of you! I would love a picture! Thank you very much =)
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 01:33:17 UTC Re: thoughts |
Started it earlier for me, finished it for you. Nocturne_Alley inspired in a roundabout way.
Let me know if you want something more slashy/specific though. :)
Alice (going to bed)
altricial @ April 15 2003, 01:37:41 UTC Re: thoughts |
:O :O :O
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 09:18:58 UTC Re: thoughts |
And Alice--you don't even have to use the journal very much! i mean, you can still control your livejournal presence. it's mostly just that we are selfish and want to friend you and pet you and drool over you.
*makes crinkly pleading eyes at you*
darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 01:39:23 UTC Re: thoughts |
Wai! ^^
I'm not much into het, but I find this oddly an attractive pairing! Could be because I adore M.B., though. She's so wonderful! ^_^
The picture is absolutely lovely! *hugs*
Thank you =)
retired_ego @ April 15 2003, 05:46:50 UTC Re: thoughts |
Against all odds and probibility, Dean will leave Seamus and hook up with me.
hey that fits well with my fantasy that they break and seamus comes to ME buahahaha.
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 07:19:33 UTC Re: thoughts |
(parent)sarahtales @ April 15 2003, 01:31:36 UTC |
I choose to believe that potterstinks wore jeans simply to make me happy.