notapipe @ 2003-04-15 11:57:00 |
(no title)
Music: XTC - Standing In For Joe
Now comes the real test.
How will Potterstinks respond to just_harry's latest nice, helpful comment?
Am I being paranoid thinking he might ignore Harry? [Edit: Yes.]
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 12:08:19 UTC |
I hope he doesn't ignore him! I have fear. Serious, serious fear.
~ Les
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 12:09:12 UTC |
I wonder if Harry will start flooding PS's journal with golfing tips from that book if he doesn't resond...*snickers*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 15 2003, 12:12:01 UTC |
Is it me or does it sound like the two of them played golf together (their own version) during the trip? This is starting to sound like Ferris Beuler's Day Off!
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 12:16:03 UTC |
*laughs!* You know, it does.
I found a book on how you really play golf, if you want to know, and it's almost exactly the same, really,
It almost sounds as if they had a go at playing it. *happily envisions Harry standing behind Draco showing him how to 'hold his club'* ;-)
milenalupin @ April 15 2003, 14:02:38 UTC | ín front of them, both slightly bent, Draco's back touching Harry's front, Harry's hands slowly sliding over Draco's, correcting the position...
Whoops. I just remembered that NA was supposed to stay PG13. Never mind, read next post...
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 15:10:11 UTC |
Hee! *sighs happily at that visual* Hey, I see nothing R rated about two boys playing golf. *coughs innocently* ;-)
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 12:16:37 UTC |
You're right. It definitely sounds like something happened to make him say it's 'almost exactly the same' .... almost exactly the same as what, pray tell?
~ Les
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 12:19:00 UTC |
*lightbulb* Maybe they played minigolf! *falls over laughing* do they have that around London? *is ignorant*
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 12:26:24 UTC |
Ok, I absolutely have to squee at the possible adorableness of them playing mini golf. Mini golf, dinner, presents (the clubs). Sounds like a date to me.
~ Les
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 12:39:20 UTC |
*also squees* All on Harry's dime. He certainly knows how to treat a date. I've been informed that they do indeed have minigolf in London *savours this mental image*
Oh, and do you need a livejournal code? I have plenty-
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 13:03:52 UTC |
::Rejoices in mini golf confirmation::
I would love an lj code. Thank you so very much. ::Grovels in appreciation::
~ Les
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nefeleo @ April 15 2003, 12:11:21 UTC |
*on tenterhooks, as usual*
Just the fact that he mentioned Harry so many times in his recounting is really encouraging!
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nefeleo @ April 15 2003, 12:14:00 UTC |
Oh! And! notapipe, I love the FLCL iconage. Any reason why it's always Amarao?
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 16:22:58 UTC |
Because I was inspired to it by the N_A eyebrow references, specifically Hermoine's reference to Krum's "voluminous" eyebrows, and I couldn't find any good pictures of Naota with voluminous eyebrows. Plus, I really really like that one. Of course, now I'm going to have to go make one with Canti or something, and it's all your fault. After I sleep.
(parent)greenapricot @ April 15 2003, 12:31:12 UTC |
They had lunch together and walked around London together and played Fake!Golf together. They so went on a date. And, somehow this post seems less pleading and desperate than the algae posts. Maybe because PS, even if it is in a weird off hand way, does admit ot having lunch with J_H.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 15 2003, 12:49:14 UTC |
There's definitely something different in the tone of this post. j_h (possibly taking a cue from ps) is openly referring to time they spent together and his first sentence, "Did you see..." is very familiar. He's not just offering him help or golf tips, he's starting out be establishing that they are already on familiar terms. Compared to his last few posts to ps this one's incredibly bold.
Does anyone else find it scary that my analysis is like 2 lines longer than j_h's actual post? It could be a sign of my obsession, but I prefer to see it as proof of how well-crafted it (j_h's post) was!
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 13:05:56 UTC |
There's definitely something different in the tone of this post.
You're not alone, I thought this too. I thought it seemed more confident and casual, like he was finding it easier to think of things to say to Draco presumabely because they'd spent that whole afternoon/day together having to talk. So now they have a common ground, which may just be -- golf. *smirk* I think Harry might blossom even more if Draco replies, which I hope he doessss. I mean, I think he might this time - I'm far more hopeful than usual.
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flyby @ April 15 2003, 13:16:07 UTC |
I am hoping too - but I have to admit that the first thing I thought after reading this was 'here is another post for ps to ignore.' It really reminded me of all the algae stuff, maybe just because bless him, he is trying to be helpful. I am really, really wishing to be proved wrong here, but it would fit the current pattern.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 13:30:48 UTC Re: |
I think it would fit, yes, but the only difference here is that the subject Harry is approaching is one that both he and Draco sort of- experienced together, if you can really put such commitment on golf and getting lost in London heh. Whereas before, Harry was just this outsider trying to help in this weird desperate sort of way. So this is sort of the start of a new pattern, where hopefully ps will replyyyy.
I think that made sense.. heh.
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 14:51:04 UTC |
"Announcement: potions_master in nocturne_alley
Dean Thomas, Terry Boot and Draco Malfoy will report for detention to the remains of the computer laboratory immediately following their final lesson of the day.
You three will rebuild the room and repair the damage you caused - without magic.
Mr Filch will be supervising. You will hand over your wands to him before you begin.
Professor Snape"
I fear that this announcement of detention for Mr Malfoy, Mr Boot, and Mr Thomas by Professor Snape this afternoon may.........hinder any response that Draco might have planned. For now we will be hearing about how awful it was and how he shouldn't have to do something that is a house-elf's job.
Evil, Evil, Evil Professor Snape
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 14:21:58 UTC |
*leaves analysis to Sister M and continues to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
MINI GOLF!!! HAHAHAHAHA, OH MY GOD BUT I HOPE IT IS SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 15:09:08 UTC |
And you sum it all up for everyone in one post :-D :-D :-D
*happily informs all that minigolf doth exist in London* Heeeeeh.
shusu @ April 15 2003, 17:36:03 UTC yup I'm late |
Didn't Draco mention that passersby were a bit... scared of the clubs? XD
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 17:45:25 UTC Re: yup I'm late |
*big grin!* Why is my mind so filthy? *goes off to The Bad Place*
(parent)black_dog @ April 15 2003, 13:48:57 UTC |
They had lunch together at a restaurant that was "right by" the place where Ron was found. This was a lesbian bar in Soho, right? I don't know anything about London's neighborhoods, but any significance to where Harry and Draco were wandering?
(parent)milenalupin @ April 15 2003, 14:07:28 UTC |
Soho is not only having bars. There are lots of restaurants and theatres, clubs, cinemas and whatever around, too. (And no, I'm talking not about that sort of cinema. Not only, that is.)
Does not necessarily mean that J_H and PS were hanging around in a bar as well.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 15:15:46 UTC |
Well, as far as I know, parts of Soho are definately orientated towards the homosexual audience, but I could be wrong about how accurate that is. When I went through it briefly, it seemed that way but maybe I am just projecting and getting all wishful think-y... still though, *giggle* Harry and Draco had lunch in Soho! Good enough for me!
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 15:20:13 UTC Oh no |
I don't think he's going to respond. He replied to Millicent's comment at two forty something and it's already 3:15. Don't you think that if he was going to reply to Harry he would've done it after Millicent? You know, reply to all his comments while he's at it. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, I mean he *still could* reply....
Come on ps!!