kat99999 @ 2003-04-15 23:59:00 |
(no title)
Mood: ecstatic
*runs around squeeing*
*clears throat* Excuse me.
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 16:03:07 UTC yes! |
*just grins madly* Well, that has just made my day. Clearly, golf is the way to potterstinks 's heart. I love how it wasn't even snarky or anything- very neutral in tone, but acknowledgement nonetheless!
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 16:06:15 UTC Re: yes! |
You know where I stand on this! HE HE HE HE. I believe your direct quote says it best-
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 16:10:13 UTC Re: yes! |
Quiet you. Squeeing in the private of a message box is sacred!
I'm eagerly awaiting Harry to respond to Potterstinks' comment with an enthusiastic transcription of that entire book now *laughs*. Snape would love that, I'm sure.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 16:12:59 UTC Re: yes! |
:-D Apologies, m'dear. No more message box quotes, I promise. But yes, I can just see Harry giving whole chunks of description, like what a 4 Wood is or whatever. I don't know golf, but you get the picture. Hehe.
darlulu @ April 15 2003, 16:11:52 UTC |
So he replies to Millicent's message an HOUR before he did Harry - Anyone up for betting that that lapse of time was spent carefully crafting his reply out, so as to project the necessary casualness in tone..? :)
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 16:15:07 UTC |
I bet he wanted to convey both subtle humour and casualness all at once... aww. Obviously the reply to Harry's comment was much more important than that of M.Bs. *nods thoroughly*
(parent)untiemybinds @ April 15 2003, 16:17:48 UTC |
Of course it was this is THE one and only lovable, gorgeous, sexy -*ahem*
This is Harry Potter we're talking about. :)
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 16:19:34 UTC |
I can just see him sitting there:A book on how to play golf? No, why don't you show me.I thinkI don't thinkWould you meet meI really really hope
I don't suppose it involves clubbing people called Golf. Yes! That's it!
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 16:47:01 UTC |
I now have 'The Rain in Spain' stuck in my head and the mental image of Draco singing and dancing in the Great Hall. With golf clubs, no less.
(parent)darlulu @ April 15 2003, 16:34:15 UTC |
Yeah, one wonders just how many not-so-savory witticisms he bandied about before finally settling on his rather cautious, briefer than brief response: I don't suppose it involves clubbing people called Golf.
Honestly, I think he could have done better than that, though I'm just ecstatic he actually acknowledged Harry again after such a long, torturous period of giving him the cold shoulder! :)
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 16:44:42 UTC |
Yes, I think the fact that his comment is there at all says a whole lot more than anything he could have written.
(parent)darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 20:11:36 UTC |
...scraps of parchment lying everywhere, trying to convince himself that he's not writing a love letter, he's not! he's not! he's not! ^^
neviachiel @ April 15 2003, 16:16:24 UTC |
J_H said something like "it's the same really" and I'm curious as to what golf is the same as? What was PS doing with the golf clubs? And I mean that in a totally non-preverted way.
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kearie @ April 15 2003, 16:16:38 UTC |
If you go to ps's profile page and look at all of his pictures you'll see that the icon he's using to reply is titled "I suspect something is awry. Hmmmm." Maybe j_h's friendliness is still unexpected and suspicious to him? ::ducks flying objects thrown at head::
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 16:20:58 UTC |
I noticed that also, actually. I figure it makes sense for potterstinks to remain wary of any sort of friendship with just_harry, partially because it's Harry Potter, his long lived enemy and all and perhaps tiny hint of squee that he would want to be more than friends. If anything ever did happen at that housewarming party, certainly ps would want to think very carefully about just_harry posting him a comment and as to how he'd respond. That's sort of how I see it, anyway.
Random note - I love ps's icon explanations, they all make me laugh, particularly the 'something is awry' one. *g*
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 16:28:14 UTC |
I suspect it's more that it's just his suspicious/questioning/curious icon. Which fits the tone of the post. In fact, this would seem more promising than any other icon (except maybe "I am brutally attractive."), he wants Harry to respond or show him the book perhaps.
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 16:40:58 UTC |
Hmmmmmm, Padma just posted saying:
"I received the most exquisite dress this afternoon. Lilac and whispy, with a rather low-cut neckline..."
"The date is tonight..."
What do fellow NA junkies think? I have mixed feelings. Is he being a gentleman or is he emotionally yanking Harry along?
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 16:45:50 UTC Detention v. Date |
But Draco does have detention tonight with Dean and Terry picking up the computer lab (with no magic) under the evil eyes of Filch and Mrs Norris.
Can he make his date and serve detention?
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 16:55:55 UTC Re: Detention v. Date |
I think he should serve detention like the devoted noble student he is.
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flyby @ April 15 2003, 17:41:41 UTC |
Hmm. My initial reaction to that was actually to wonder whether Harry sent it, as previously he has demonstrated a certain amount of solicitude towards Draco's dates - although not in quite the same way that Pansy has, I will admit. lol. Mostly my reasoning was just that if he and Draco weren't an item, then he would be wanting Draco (and Padma too) to have a good time - you know he would, he is a Gryffindor. However, with the two of them actually having a conversation now, I am inclined towards thinking it must be someone else who sent the dress.
(parent)bookshop @ April 15 2003, 17:01:08 UTC |
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 17:06:32 UTC |
HEEEH! theirloveissogoodnatured!
They are building up a REPETOIRE! *hops excitedly*
ishuca @ April 15 2003, 18:03:37 UTC |
ack! just got online and saw this</i>!
it is, it' a conversation, a repertoire! FINALLY!
:speechless with excitement:
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 17:07:41 UTC |
There's an easy solution to that problem, just re-name some House Elves "Golf". Then all you have to do is avoid Hermoine for a couple weeks.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 17:02:47 UTC |
Are you busy now?--And just_harry asks
potterstinks on yet another date. So now Draco can choose between Parvati, Harry, and detention. I wish all my choices were that easy.
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 17:04:54 UTC |
Has to chose between Parvati, Harry and not catching full blown Snape-wrath. It's an easy choice, but too bad for Harry.
(parent)notapipe @ April 15 2003, 17:10:54 UTC |
Oh, right. Thanks. (It's still an easy choice, though)
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 17:08:30 UTC |
*skips about*
I think I am beyond extensive vocabulary now. Aww.. they so have to go on a date. Imagine it - out by the lake, keeping each other warm with their thick school robes, Draco holding a golf club and trying to find people named Golf..
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luleh @ April 15 2003, 17:04:13 UTC |
SQUEE to infinity! They are talking again!!!!!
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flyby @ April 15 2003, 17:33:18 UTC |
They are having a civilised conversation! Which was a rarity even when they were talking before. ::squees and dances::
(parent)bookshop @ April 15 2003, 18:59:17 UTC |
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:01:19 UTC Re: |
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 19:05:30 UTC |
Oh my god. They are flirting. We have banter, people! Nobody breathe! Squee!
(parent)notapipe @ April 15 2003, 17:01:03 UTC |
Too bad he probably IS busy. As someone said earlier, damn that Snape.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 17:09:57 UTC |
*makes ickle sad face* They will just have to reschedule, is what they will have to do. That, or Harry joins him in detention somehow. Oh, the hijinxes those two could get into. *giggle*
(parent)notapipe @ April 15 2003, 17:30:36 UTC |
In front of Dean and Terry? That's sure to go over well.
"Thomas. You're a muggle. You and Boot can fix the copy machine. Harry and I will be over here making out behind his golf book."
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flyby @ April 15 2003, 17:35:23 UTC |
::runs around and around and falls down::
OhhhhhIlovethem, they are so perfect!
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nefeleo @ April 15 2003, 18:22:16 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
Ahhhh!! He's been watching Harry this whole time, goddamn that's cute.
(parent)hermione_like @ April 15 2003, 18:29:45 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
He *has* been watching him! Squee! :D
(parent)non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 18:33:53 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
He really knows how to make up for lost time. And he really notices everything.
And, wait--what has he won? I am lost.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:40:24 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
He's talking about golf again, heh. Presumabley Draco whacked some lady with the golf clubs and is now trying to say that he won a game of sorts... silly boy!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:40:36 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
He's talking about golf again, heh. Presumabley Draco whacked some lady with the golf clubs and is now trying to say that he won a game of sorts.... hesosillly. *gibbers*
(parent)shusu @ April 15 2003, 18:28:13 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
Yes but but but but but but but but... this appeared right after his last comment to Padma... after his date was assured... he's he's ... *wibble* I can't say it!
*rereads to make sure*
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 18:37:13 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
Hee. I think that this is Potterstinks trying to be abrasive and get Harry to back off with his usual insults, but all he has succeeding in doing is prove that he has been watching Harry like a hawk the entire time he was 'ignoring' him. He's noticed every little thing Harry's been doing, down to the style of his shoes. Theirloveissoobservant.
And, *grins* clearly Harry wasn't put off by that at all. He's going to go find him! Hee.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:27:08 UTC Re: RELOAD!!!!! |
Omigoodness... lmfao *laughs aloud* That's- lmao, potterstinks is certainly making up for lost time, isn't he? *gigggles*
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:36:07 UTC RELOAD AGAIN! |
luthienlupin @ April 15 2003, 18:38:22 UTC Re: RELOAD AGAIN! |
I'll find you later, okay?
Awwwwww. *melts*
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:41:40 UTC Re: RELOAD AGAIN! |
Refresh is my new favourite button. Click it and see, Draco replied AGAIN.
(parent)luthienlupin @ April 15 2003, 18:46:54 UTC Re: RELOAD AGAIN! |
Haha. I saw! And look j_h also replied.
Oh! I forgot! Learning more than one game is kind of difficult for you, isn't it?
Oh! Burnnnnn. Go j_h!!
shusu @ April 15 2003, 18:39:58 UTC securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
Ok, am answering myself for easier threading...
2003-04-15 17:52 (link)
Well, I'm sure they'd be much too large for you, what with them having been on her swollen ankles and all.
2003-04-15 18:17 (link)
You know, Potter, since you're here and all, there are a few things I've been meaning to point out.
... in reply to just_harry's comment at 16:44. Both are using the "smugly satisfied" icon. That's how I watched it happen. I read Padma's first, then went back to friendslist, and he'd written that.
There is casaulity here. And I am afraid it is swinging back into denial.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 18:43:17 UTC Re: securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
And I am afraid it is swinging back into denial.
*employs Harry to help him resolve said denial* Eee. I need to calm down. lmao
shusu @ April 15 2003, 18:47:57 UTC Re: securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
*frets* I have a bad feeling about this!
(parent)bookshop @ April 15 2003, 19:10:09 UTC Re: securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
why? maybe he just didn't want to back out of a date he'd already agreed to.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:12:15 UTC Re: securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
Aww, he is being ... well ,something.
My brain isn't workinnnnng, too much SQUEE.
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:39:52 UTC Re: securing Padma... THEN replying to Harry. |
Well... alarm bells went off for the timing because he spent time flirting with Padma and *then* the dam broke.
I was fretting because I thought PS would get vicious. But he didn't... instead slid deeper into denial.... where j_h was waiting for him. So we're back to the squeeing.
Ack. It would make sense if I were squeeing less ^^;; More on the other thread.