kat99999 @ 2003-04-16 02:53:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hyper
In dedication of vanityfair, who surely would have loved to witness this, I am starting new thread for:
untiemybinds @ April 15 2003, 18:58:56 UTC |
Yes, it is all very lovely.
They're talking. No, they're ARGUING! The thing our friction lovin' boys do best.
Oh, the angst, the drama. They are very sarcastic and snarky today aren't they?
Is it wrong that I'm nearly crying out of joy and despair over this?
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:02:15 UTC Re: |
Not wrong at all!! Ahh, I just turned off my caps lock. You should see the squee fit I am having, lmfao. *g*
(parent)untiemybinds @ April 15 2003, 19:14:41 UTC |
Oh trust me, I'm having a squee fit of my own!
It's all I can do to keep from jumping up and down and scaring my family.
I'm not crazy, and I'm certainly not obsessed, honestly. ;)
toopizza @ April 15 2003, 19:00:08 UTC |
Draco's watching Harry! Squeeeee!
And Harry's trying to be sarcastic!!
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:02:33 UTC I've got a theory |
We started from here.
And amen to the squee.
Ok, I am calming down a little from my fretting. Redundantly: Padma's positive response to PS gave him more confidence that Whatever Happened (blanket term) was not romantic so he doesn't have to ignore Harry anymore.
Needless to say I wish it weren't so... but watch the icons, and the times, and I think that's what's happened.
On the other hand... Harry is VERY persistent and Draco is VERY obvious that he's been really observant of him. It's like the dam has broken and he can finally get back to the old rut of Insulting Harry Potter. Something in his life is stable. Yet... it's not so much half-hearted insults, as after Colin's sting as something equal. Is it me, or is he responding to Harry as he might Pansy or Millicent?
Thus, I am not fretting as much that ps would be overly vicious to j_h in the depths of his denial. :D
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:05:38 UTC Re: I've got a theory |
Omigosh, ps just used his 'brutally attractive' icon on the j_h thread.
Does this mean something also?!
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:11:37 UTC Re: I've got a theory |
What if... what if... 'have Padma and eat Harry too'?
....lol. I'm sick.
But still! It's -contact- with j_h we'll see what kind :DDDDD
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:14:00 UTC Re: I've got a theory |
*siiiiigh* Contact it is. PS wants the book now too, the golf book. This will lead to even more contact!
(parent)shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:15:11 UTC I've got another theory XD XD XD |
HmmMMmm... if PS has a suitable 'cover' in Padma, he might please his father and then pursue... whatever with Harry?
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percy_lavender @ April 15 2003, 19:08:55 UTC |
(hermione_like on a different account. *g*)
I know! *refreshes*
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:11:10 UTC Re: |
Heeeeeh. I've just about died now. Seriously. *heart stop* It's three a.m. and look at me. I will NEVER sleep tonight.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 19:16:57 UTC |
Three a.m.? This should shock me more than it actually does. It is nice to know that time zones work in my favor.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:20:22 UTC |
Yeah, I'm in the good old UK. *laughs* 3am is not tooooo bad for me, at least. Could be worse, and it is all for a good cause!
(parent)non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 19:30:49 UTC |
Everything usually slows down by three a.m. East Coast time. Staying up all night isn't a huge problem anyway. It's just the forgetting to wake up in the morning that causes difficulty.
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percy_lavender @ April 15 2003, 19:21:57 UTC |
We don't need a better excuse than NA to stay up. ;)
And yeah, it's only about 10:20 here so I've got some time. ;D
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 19:37:27 UTC |
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percy_lavender @ April 15 2003, 19:39:48 UTC |
But Mr. IRS Man, I *couldn't* do my taxes because Harry and Draco were talking to each other! An actual conversation! OTP! Don't you understand??
(parent)luthienlupin @ April 15 2003, 19:06:31 UTC |
Well, there's always room for more things for me to win at.
AND he uses the 'I'm brutally attractive' icon. <333
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:09:17 UTC I was going to say this, and then LJ ate it. |
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:11:23 UTC Re: I was going to say this, and then LJ ate it. |
(parent)katrionaa @ April 15 2003, 19:12:05 UTC |
Gah! Krrbrzlklemsprbl!!
Go Harry! Notice how ps can't stop taunting - and Harry can't stop coming back - heehee!! :DD
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 19:12:58 UTC SQUEEE |
they are talking again. And PS has be watching J_H a lot it seemes. Oh my day just keepes getting better.
*sits back and looks for more PS/J_H*
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 19:13:44 UTC |
Harry is feisty. FEISTY! Someone needs to tie that boy down! Someone brutally attractive, perhaps?
(parent)bookshop @ April 15 2003, 19:57:03 UTC |
Dude, I'm thinking Harry's hormones have got him bouncing off the walls right about now.
And Melpomone is right, he has to be wearing the biggest grin ever.
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 20:15:08 UTC |
Oh, come on, they said something about an old woman. Where there is an old woman there must be a yippy dog. I may be a plebe but I can put two and two together.
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:13:56 UTC |
What book what book what book what book what book ???????
(parent)katrionaa @ April 15 2003, 19:14:48 UTC |
The book on how to play golf. (It's just an excuse!!!)
(parent)shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:15:56 UTC |
Oh ok! Sorry, I thought it was the potions book. Severe whiplash.
(parent)katrionaa @ April 15 2003, 19:17:47 UTC |
No, no. I love how ps comes back to Harry's original offer to loan him the book - maybe he realizes he's gone to far and pissed Harry off. And he doesn't want to do that! :D
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 19:14:56 UTC |
What I love the most is how Harry seems to have his confidence back. He's no longer reduced to pitiful attempts for attention- now that he has it, he is rising to the occasion and teasing Draco right back. But there really doesn't seem to be much animosity behind it as it always was before, with Draco insulting Harry and Harry sometimes stonewalling him and telling him to back off...now it's banter. Joy.
(parent)anamirza @ April 15 2003, 19:24:44 UTC |
Yeah, the return of confidence is just great. You can imagine Harry grinning madly as he types the "Ohhh, so it's just that golf is too hard" comment.
The whole exchange is just entirely too cute.
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 19:29:59 UTC |
I love how he just has Draco wrapped around his finger. He manages to get Draco to come around to exactly what he wanted him to in the first place, not so much in a manipulative way as it is just knowing Draco very well, I think. So cute, those two.
(parent)anamirza @ April 15 2003, 20:00:23 UTC |
just knowing Draco very well, I think
That's what it seems like - he's just says exactly what he ought to get Malfoy to respond. Whatever funk just_harry was in, he seems to be well out of it now.
Hope it lasts...
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 20:05:58 UTC |
I think Harry's newfound confidence probably has a lot to do with their little "outing" yesterday. They spent the entire day in each other's company, no matter what spin PS would like to put on it *grin*. Whatever transpired, it was enough to shake PS out of ignoring him, even though he still seems bent on convincing himself that he is Mr. Hogwarts with that little date of his. Here's to hoping it will go the way of the last ones, though I do feel a bit sorry for Padma- she is a sweet girl, and she doesn't deserve to go the way of the others. *frets*
(parent)anamirza @ April 15 2003, 20:56:59 UTC |
Well, I think j-h has been a bit more confident in general the last week or so - intervening with Colin and then smoothing things over there too; no longer posting forlornly to ps' journal; just, seeming more together, really. But you're right - his confidence with respect to ps probably resulted from the previous day's outing. Anyway, it's great to see.
I mean, *I* could imagine a more entertaining day than carting ps' golf clubs around London and trying to keep him out of trouble, but apparently j_h is really into that. Or maybe, that's not exactly how things went.
Re: Padma - yes, I'm worried for her. Surely she must be worried too, considering the fates of her predecessors. At first I thought this was going to be a bit different - maybe ps would go to detention and forget about the date and she would be irate, but no, apparently not. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 19:30:38 UTC |
I KNOW! I KNOW! OH, SQUEAL. OH, LOVE. OH, OH.vanityfair: fuck the government.
vanityfair: WHAT HAPPENED?
legomymalfoy: O_O!!!!!!!
vanityfair: is there a post?
vanityfair: you are 0_0!!!!!
legomymalfoy: just following their replies
vanityfair: hahahahahaha, we are all insane
legomymalfoy: yes
vanityfair: how did kat know i was not around?
vanityfair: because i was not squeeing every two seconds? hahahaha
vanityfair: well, i am back now. *smug*
legomymalfoy: I'm running around squeeeing. yes...
legomymalfoy: and now draco wants the book
legomymalfoy: the "You're impossible"
vanityfair: oh my god, they have posted three times in the last three minutes *faints*
legomymalfoy: and wait... aren't they in the lab together?!
legomymalfoy: He has detention soon.
legomymalfoy: *swoon*
legomymalfoy: Harry : Ok (he's like HOT DAMN!)
vanityfair: HE SAID OK! !
legomymalfoy: He DID
vanityfair: i cannot hit refresh fast enough, hahahaha, i will never get my taxes done.
legomymalfoy: Hahahahahaha of all days!
vanityfair: I KNOW
vanityfair: thank god i already had part of it done
legomymalfoy: Yes. More squeeage time.
vanityfair: yay! see, mom, i'm not only watching a roleplay, i'm improving my time management skills!
legomymalfoy: of course :D
vanityfair: eeeeeee. theirloveissoperfect.
Thank you, katt, I am so flattered! *returns to hitting refresh*
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:35:50 UTC |
lmfao, you are totally welcome. You are like - the queen of H/D squee from what I've read in your journal and on here, so I figured it was totally fitting that you knew!
It's not a H/D party otherwise! *hops and squees*
imochan @ April 15 2003, 20:49:19 UTC |
What I love the most is how Harry seems to have his confidence back. He's no longer reduced to pitiful attempts for attention- now that he has it, he is rising to the occasion and teasing Draco right back.
Exactly! Argh, argh, argh... something obviously Happened on that field trip and my god i'd probably sell something extremely Fancy and Expensive to know what it was.
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 22:04:20 UTC |
My heart is still set on minigolf. Perhaps PS knocked a ball onto the head of some woman, and they had to flee.
Also, perhaps that woman's name was Golf. Who are you to say? That would mean I've won, I assume.
Hee. *indulges in wild speculation, just because she can*
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:54:40 UTC Re: |
Oh, you know you're right. There is no wild speculation there! *hops*
(parent)kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:55:27 UTC Re: |
Oh, you know you're completely right. There is no wild speculation there! *hops*
(parent)notapipe @ April 15 2003, 20:58:42 UTC |
Totally, sarcasm is much more attractive than algae stains; and more fun.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 15 2003, 21:37:32 UTC |
Okay, I totally missed all the excitement because I was working! But man, it is GREAT to come home and see all those posts. Especially since of course I scrolled verrrrrry slowly down from j_h's first post to peek and see if anyone replied...and then who replied...who's that in the picture...SQUEEEEEEE!
What I love about the end of this whole thing...well. First there's ps's virtual orgasm of a post where he lets Harry know how he's been watching him. How many times did his pale little fingers itch to type things about all that but he held himself back! Who says this kid can't control himself? These past few weeks must have killed him!
The ending is so fabulous. Because not only does Harry know ps enough to get him to respond but he did it in such a Gryffindor way. "Oh, you just can't do it." "Give me your book." Oh, I so look forward to Harry daring him to do so many many more things in future and Draco trying to prove he is up to the challenge. ::siiiiiigh::
moonlitpages @ April 15 2003, 22:08:37 UTC |
First there's ps's virtual orgasm of a post where he lets Harry know how he's been watching him. How many times did his pale little fingers itch to type things about all that but he held himself back! Who says this kid can't control himself? These past few weeks must have killed him!
Oh I know- I can just see PS mentally storing all these witty insults in his head every time Harry did something clumsy. It must have just about killed him to hold it in when Harry finally got a new icon, no wonder he was walking around singing the Volga boat song all the time! ;-)
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 23:51:16 UTC |
Okay, I totally missed all the excitement because I was working! But man, it is GREAT to come home and see all those posts. Especially since of course I scrolled verrrrrry slowly down from j_h's first post to peek and see if anyone replied...and then who replied...who's that in the picture...SQUEEEEEEE!
Tell me about it! I hate the time difference, every thread is already finished when I get to see it. OTOH, my fingers don't get sore from too much refreshing (but keeping one on the mouse wheel and scrol ever so slowly to keep the suspense is kind of tiring too ^o^).
I love them so much!
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:53:49 UTC Re: |
First there's ps's virtual orgasm of a post where he lets Harry know how he's been watching him.
Virtual orgasm!! lmfao, you are my new hero!
darklites @ April 15 2003, 22:11:16 UTC |
HELL YES. fiesty!Harry, baby, as someone said. :D
I can't believe I missed the refresh fest. Damn timezones.
shusu @ April 15 2003, 19:26:12 UTC Okay. |
I am beginning to think "Okay." is incredibly romantic and angsty and it's time for me to rest my NA'd eyes.
Perhaps it's all a metaphor for Draco's being in too many games and relearning new rules for the same old... clubs. And Harry being patient. And fiesty.
Or perhaps it's just the minigolf visual.
Or something. Later!
bookshop @ April 15 2003, 19:34:52 UTC Re: Okay. |
I'm thinking the Okay is short for, "Okay, but I'm going to have to make a "special trip" up to my bedroom first, because--damn, Malfoy."
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:38:06 UTC Re: Okay. |
"Okay" = "Okay, but seriously I do love you and I will never let that go, especially after our t00by banter!"
*nod* I like my interpretation.
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 19:37:27 UTC Re: Okay. |
And it took him nine minutes just to say 'Okay'.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:39:57 UTC Re: Okay. |
He was trying to word it correctly, awwwww. Does anyone else got mentals of him considering -
-Yeah, why not?
-Okay. **** WINNER *****
Much like before, but better!
non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 19:44:13 UTC Re: Okay. |
And even after deciding on the word, he had to decide how exactly to write it. Ok, o.k., okie dokie, okay. I think he made the right choice.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:46:31 UTC Re: Okay. |
Awwww, he did. It was very very Harry of him. Draco should be flattered to say the least. Of course, perhaps using his 'brutally gorgeous' icon was his way of showing appreciation.... Muahhaha!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 19:59:19 UTC Re: Okay. |
When I get hyper, I get silly. I will look at this tomorrow and laugh at myself. Right now, it's 4am and I dont care. lmao
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kearie @ April 15 2003, 20:55:13 UTC Re: Okay. |
I was really hoping he'd say "as you wish" instead, because as all those who have seen The Princess Bride know, that really means "I love you." <3<3<3 This RPG turns me into such a plebe! <3<3<3 some more....
(parent)non_inferno @ April 15 2003, 22:20:37 UTC Re: Okay. |
He's probably saving up his Princess Bride references for his last stand against Voldemort, when he can say 'Hello. My name is Harry Potter. You killed my father. Prepare to die.'
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percy_lavender @ April 15 2003, 19:38:13 UTC Re: Okay. |
Perhaps it's all a metaphor
Golf is a metaphor for Harry. Golf is a Muggle sport. Harry grew up in the Muggle world, knows Muggle things, etc. Draco expressing interest in golf is his subtle way of saying, "I am interested in you, Harry." ;)
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 21:00:48 UTC Re: Okay. |
And it's ONLY Harry, because Harry is probably the only one at the school who both comes from the Muggle world and doesn't get a "Disqualified, Mudblood."
(parent)darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 20:04:41 UTC |
*looks at your icon...*
What, no Gryffindick?
*runs off cackling!*
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bassoonist @ April 15 2003, 20:20:09 UTC |
I was thinking Gryffinwhore myself, but I saw someone with a similar icon. Didn't want to copy or whatever, so I took it out.
(parent)darkflame173 @ April 15 2003, 20:23:04 UTC Re: |
LOL! Well, considering either way is ah, not quite what JKR had in mind when she named her houses, you shoulda kept it in =) *g*
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fatalseafood @ April 15 2003, 19:55:16 UTC banter? |
they're flirting! call it bantering, but i call it flirting. and since i go to a school full of 16-year-old hormonal teenagers, i think i know what i'm talking about.
i love it how ps has been watching jh, and i LOVE the challenge in Well, there's always room for more things for me to win at. they aren't back on common ground though: before ps began giving jh the cold shoulder his insults were often genuinely insulting. now, the boys are teasing, they are bantering, they are criticizing each-other's fashion sense and sport skills and...
and the innuendos in that thread are incredible, but maybe that is just me.
kat99999 @ April 15 2003, 20:01:23 UTC Re: banter? |
Oh you are not alone in the innuendos... I mean, come on. This one in particular stood out to me -
Learning more than one game is kind of difficult for you, isn't it?
All I can think is that Harry is talking about Draco dating more than one sex... lmfao is that just me?
notapipe @ April 15 2003, 21:03:30 UTC Re: banter? |
But which one is he having difficulty learning? I can't tell.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 16 2003, 02:37:53 UTC Re: banter? |
Wrong sparring partners.
For training purposes, PS should stick to Just_One_Partner. As in - Just_Harry.
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:52:39 UTC Re: banter? |
I hadn't thought of that-- judging from the state of Padma's date, perhaps he's finding the m/f situation a little more complicated. And if that's the case and Harry is picking up on this, does that mean Harry knows more about the state of Draco's dating history/love life than he's letting on?
(parent)shusu @ April 16 2003, 11:55:38 UTC Re: banter? |
I think it might be the kind of thing PS would boast to J_H in private. This strikes me more and more as the full extent of their relationship... there's been an Awkward Moment in the past but Fiesty!Harry seems used to this mode of questioning PS until they get somewhere.
If anything PS is *more* comfortable with the m/f dating... well enough to put the moves on Padma! Even if it's to put her off in order to spend more time with J_H, he doesn't seem to be the one leading the way in the H/D. Very wary, very suspicious still.
I did mention this elsewhere -- I can't find it. But if anything the "new game" Draco's learning is the m/m, not the m/f.
And he seems to be sabotaging (deliberately?) the m/f to read the book on the new game...
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 14:13:17 UTC Re: banter? |
Fiesty!Harry seems used to this mode of questioning PS until they get somewhere.
Good point. Perhaps Harry has found out that this new found persistance works wonders.. actually, it would be interesting to see if anyone else has used persistance to get something out of Draco, although I don't think that's the case. It seems Harry would be perceptive enough to pick up how exactly to work Draco round anyway, after he got over the initial intimidation of *gasp* talking to Draco, heh.
I would be willing to bet PS does boast to J_H though - even if they were in some sort of 'relationship', I'd imagine Draco doing something like that anyway in an attempt to wind him up, but also keep him interested at the same time.
imochan @ April 15 2003, 20:52:11 UTC |
Wah. Am going to overload with love.
<3s Massive for j_h, and ps, and all of you and you!
Will repeat plea for NA!fanfic.
Will repeat until am satisfied or killed by annoyed nragers.
But will die happy.
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:48:40 UTC Re: |
lmfao! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before somebody starts writing it...
(parent)shusu @ April 16 2003, 11:47:02 UTC |
But.. there already IS NA fanfic. Written by players. Alas that SnitchFic is down again, I'd find it for you. There is at least one, Pansy-centric.
Personally I wouldn't dare write fanfic for an RPG I wasn't involved in.
imochan @ April 16 2003, 14:36:19 UTC |
O_O!! must... have...
Oh, I wouldn't try it either (not that I write HP anyway, lol), but now that I know it's not a completely stupid idea... maybe I can plug for more Player!Fic along with dean_thomas's illustrations. XD
[and one OT question: you are Shusu - "Better Guide to Hugging" Shusu? If so, I'm afraid I may have to fangirl. Just a bit. I'm giving advance warning. Sometimes i get a little violent.]
shusu @ April 16 2003, 14:49:00 UTC |
*grins* I knew your name sounded familiar.
Yes, one and the same. Alas, my Gundam Wing fans outnumber my interest. I am slowwwwly trying to re-code the stories after the Great Laptop Burnout. In fact, I better do one of those.
LOL, violent fans are better than none!
imochan @ April 16 2003, 15:45:14 UTC |
wahaha. *fangirls!violently*
er... *cough* or, if you prefer: >:DD!!!!! LIEK OMIGOD!!!!111 U RAWK!!!11
*grins* I knew your name sounded familiar.
Ack! ¬_¬ I always get nervousfluttery when people say that. >:D
Alas, my Gundam Wing fans outnumber my interest.
;_; Which is too bad, really - you're one of my favourite GW writers. I understand though. "Better Guide" continues to be one the few 1x2x1 fanfic I keep in a stronghold of squeeness as the glory that once was the GWfandom seems to be fading. >_< Not that I still don't love it, because I do. It just seems like HP (which is the only other one I love enough to follow this fanatically) and Harry/Draco offer something fresh and innovative that 1x2 seems to be lacking at the moment. Plus, despite the obligatory ff.net crowd, it seems like the writers in HPfandom are incredibly intelligent. :DDD Even when they write smut, it's SMUT. You know what I mean.
^_~ I'm pretty sure I'm done spamming now. But I thought I'd let you know that I still cherish "Better Guide" as one of the best 1x2 fics out there. And I'd love to see it back up on your site whenever you could get around it. n_n;;
LOL, violent fans are better than none
:D oh yes. you might think that now. *cackles*
shusu @ April 17 2003, 02:45:22 UTC |
Not all the links will work; easiest from the index page. *scuttles off*
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:49:39 UTC Re: |
*agrees on so many levels* It's about time he showed off his true potential!
(parent)greenapricot @ April 16 2003, 04:53:42 UTC wooo hooo!!!! |
I couldn't possibly think of a better thing to wake up to than this. <3333333333
I'm going to be grinning madly all day.
*girns madly and bounces*