milenalupin @ 2003-04-16 08:22:00 |
They say Ravenclaws are cleverer, don't they?
Mood: amused
Coming from a girl like Padma
"I rather think that either he has very little experience with girls, or those hands are stronger than they look. [...]
For being so charming, he certainly lacks grace with the fairer sex." a bad an evaluation as potterstinks could ever get.
Sounds promising for just_harry. Let's all hope he's better with boys.
zorb @ April 15 2003, 23:36:12 UTC |
More examples of p_s's denial! *smacks him for treating Padma like that*
*pushes him towards j_h instead* Go play "golf," I say!
Am so distraught that I missed the fun earlier. Darn school.
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Anonymous @ April 15 2003, 23:52:43 UTC |
If the Little Dragon Prince is hurt in anyway by her comment, it will be only a blow to the ego and I doubt it would last long. I'm sure Draco will write about it in his journal, Harry will say something, and he will feel better.
In the plus column, this date wasn't as bad as some. The girl didn't offend him visually and he left will all his bones intact.
But poor Padma; I do feel for her. The itchy dress and the bad moves by her date ensure that there will be no second date for these two. In the long run, I'm sure it's for the best.
I wonder, if one were to make an itching power what subject would it be taught in? If the prankster can't make it, I'm sure the twins sell it in their shop. Maybe someone will bring mention something in passing.
milenalupin @ April 16 2003, 02:33:45 UTC |
I wonder, if one were to make an itching power what subject would it be taught in?
Itching potion. Am quite sure about that. Potions are so much fun to dabble with. A sixth year should be able to find the necessary ingredients and recipe.
The little dragon prince is rather resisting against blows to ego, especially coming from persons he doesn't really care about. Now, if, say, J_H uttered a comment like that, I think that would hurt.
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 07:44:48 UTC |
It's kind of funny that I find this a rather "successful" date in that Padma only had to deal with the standard bad date. She didn't end up in the infimary and she got to come out of it looking quite good so far.
PS is starting to remind me just a little of Harold in "Harold and Maude." His mother forces him to date all these girls and he frightens off every single one on purpose. Not that I wouldn't put it past PS to just be that bad naturally, of course, being that he is madly in love with j_h. Obviously.:-)
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 01:07:30 UTC |
Apparently Harry was right about learning new games...
Or then again, perhaps there's nothing to it, perhaps Ravenclaws simply developed standards that Slytherins do not. Though how that sitution arose, I have no idea.
milenalupin @ April 16 2003, 02:44:44 UTC |
Is that a manip or a snapshot in your icon? --- *dies*
I don't think it's a Ravenclaw/Slytherin difference. (Not as long as it wasn't the previous date with M.B. (of the more kinky kind) that totally ruined PS's ability to cope with females.)
I'd rather say boys in general are less delicate than Padma might be, so PS better changed his sparring partner.
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 04:34:04 UTC |
It's a manip, but as I said before: I'm really just bringing out the essence of the deleted Knockturn Alley scene. I'm flattered though. :)
(parent)bookshop @ April 16 2003, 09:22:30 UTC |
You'll notice that Draco uses that deleted scene still as one of *his* avatars. Every time he uses it, I can't help thinking, "Awww look, Draco's stroking Harry!"
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 08:55:44 UTC |
Draco used to date Pansy for a while, how does he have very little experience with girls? Poor dear, his dating record is horrible. Hopefully, his (upcoming) official date with Harry will be okay.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 16 2003, 13:42:21 UTC |
Still, this Draco/Pansy thing never looked very... passionate to me. More like - well, of course, if our parents wants us to go out, why would we refuse... Maybe there was wishing for more on Pansy's side, but Draco held her at arms length.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 16 2003, 10:01:51 UTC |
Heh, poisoned dress, did we call it or what? Ravenclaw Patil really should know better ;-).
Hmm, my interpretation of the 'date' is that Draco tried to get fresh with Padma in bit of a desperate move to prove his het-ness to himself after his lovely little round of flirting with Harry. "I am man. I grope women. See man grope woman." Heh. Hopefully the boy will come around to the idea that those strong hands of his can be put to much better, and much more appreciated, use elsewhere. Playing golf, for instance ;-)
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 15:47:46 UTC |
Immediately, Harry reached into his robes and grabbed for his wand.
Hey, JK herself called on it, it must be true.
non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 16:08:50 UTC |
I always have to read that twice to realize what it's actually about. Or at least, that's been my problem ever since finding the HP fandom, where everything is a phallic symbol. Alas, my innocence has been ripped to shreds.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 17 2003, 04:03:20 UTC |
What's innocent about Oliver Wood's infamous introduction of bludgers to Harry? ^_~
"You might want to watch out for these - nasty little buggers, they are..."
Yeah, watch out lest you don't miss the opportunity. :P
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 07:49:53 UTC Re: |
Seriously, you can generally read most sentences in the books in a 'sex' voice and make them sound completely suspect, lmao. There was a great one in GoF that I read aloud to my friend... I wonder if I can find it, lmao. *hunts*
Here we go:
Harry felt something white hot graze the side of his face - he plunged his hand into his robes for his wand, but before he'd even touch it, he heard a second loud BANG, and a roar which echoed through the Entrance Hall.
*laughs helplessly* I am going to Hell, no? lmao
non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 15:41:00 UTC |
Ooh, sick. This whole world is going to hell, I just know it.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 15:49:35 UTC Re: |
lmao, aint it just? And you know, I never used to look at HP in a sex way before friends of mine introduced the ideas into my head.. oh for the days when I was innocent minded and just thought of them as school boys/girls...
(parent)non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 16:02:38 UTC |
Now it's wands, brooms, snitches--anything round or pointed, which, really, is just about everything. It's like Instant Innuendo.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 16:14:51 UTC Re: |
Innuendo For Dummies! Heh.
Let's not forget dragon riding and whomping willows...
non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 16:24:07 UTC |
And the whole game of quidditch too, what with all of the balls and hoops. Even the stands are practically sex shrines. Must they be so pointy? And the Mirror of Erised--so kinky. Children read these books.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 16:27:22 UTC Re: |
This is surely the reason why more and more children will eventually grow up into shiny, perverted innuendo finders! It is the secret messages in books such as the Harry Potter series... how on Earth I fell into the perverted innuendo trap, I do not know.
It must just be that I have a slash gene hidden away in my brain somewhere. *pets it*
non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 16:34:16 UTC |
It's the internet that has corrupted me. It's a sick, sick place. I'm so glad I found it. Without it, I would have no idea what these books are really about.
I don't think I have any such slash gene--have no idea where I would have gotten it. It's just that Harry and Draco are so slashable.
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 16:42:17 UTC Re: |
It's just that Harry and Draco are so slashable.
It is hard to blame us when the majority of times Harry reaches for his wand in his robe occur when Draco is around him.
And we come back full circle...
non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 16:49:45 UTC |
Good, full circle. I was beginning to feel guilty about the depths of sick thinking-ness that my mind can go to. Would not want to stretch it too much for fear that it will snap and I will lose all hope of regaining innocence. Not that there is any hope now.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 16:57:30 UTC Re: |
Pssht, innocence is so highly overrated nowadays as it is. We don't want to encourage it.
milenalupin @ April 17 2003, 23:29:29 UTC |
I remember there was a whole thread about "How to read the Potter books with a perverted mind" over on fictionalley park about a year ago. So much fun. :D
(The most disturbing lines were Hagrid/Hermione, by the way. *shudder*)
kat99999 @ April 18 2003, 04:50:57 UTC Re: |
Heeh, I don't think I would need much help on that thread... Hagrid/Hermione though? Do I even want to know what people came up with?