bookshop @ 2003-04-16 01:35:00 |
(no title)
Mood: exanimate
i just have to say before i go:
Hahahahaha! Poor, Poor Ron!!!! <3333333333
darklites @ April 15 2003, 23:40:43 UTC |
Heehehe, that was hilarious. Is Ron trying stir something up or was he trying Harry's tactic of "Haha, you refuse because you're scared?" Hmm. And also, am such an idiot, until just now I thought that potterstinks said "Give me your stupid look" and Harry said "Okay." I squeed insanely and thought "Is that flirting or what?!!" And just saw it again, and it says "book". Oops.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 16 2003, 02:59:36 UTC |
*tries to compare Ron's sulking reply with Harry's teasing banter.
Obviously Harry's strategy is much better to coax the Slytherin into playing.
greenapricot @ April 16 2003, 06:01:56 UTC |
Hee, I thought he said look too, and almost choked on my tea. Then I realized it was book.
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 00:48:16 UTC turnabout... didn't work |
Poor Ron, he's tried making his point with Snape and now Millicent. Wouldn't he have better luck with Pansy?
Caught up in the H/D-love, looked at userinfo for potterstinks.
Didn't his bio and interests once mention hating Harry and such? When did that change?
...and just why are the 2 "I am a straight manly man interested in chicks" posts there?
Looked at j_h's page in hopes of seeing something interesting there. It's unsurprisingly uninformative--tho' I am saddened to see "copying hermione's lessons" as an interest. Tsk!
(What is "music" doing there, though?)
(admires beauteous nefeleo art)
altricial @ April 16 2003, 01:16:46 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
*intimidating anonymuos posters since 1997*
altricial @ April 16 2003, 01:29:07 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
It would probably have been more intimidating if I didn't spell anonymous wrong, but.
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 07:53:19 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
It was plenty intimidating. The misspelling just made you seem more dangerous and unhinged (and lazy and a poor speller. You win some, you lose some.).
(parent)altricial @ April 16 2003, 07:57:49 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Are you mocking me, big guy >:0
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 08:03:37 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Who? Me? Do I seem like the kind of person who would do that? I'm all sappy and positive and would never mock ANYONE. EVER.
Actually, now that I look at it, yes I was. Funny thing is, I didn't exactly realize it at the time- OMG! My mocking has become so pervasive it's subconcious, to the level where I can't even tell when I'm being sincere! AAAAH! *runs for the hills; gets winded; walks for the hills*
bookshop @ April 16 2003, 08:07:32 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
hahahahahahahaha. *friends*
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 08:33:39 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Wow. That's some pretty disgusting looking stew... Any idea what's in it or the source url? (and no, I don't think it's disgusting simply because it's in Harry's way.)
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 08:43:15 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Hmmm, doesn't look so bad up close, not bad at all. Certainly better than the fare I'm eating at school (and our food service calls themselves "Bon Appetit" as well).
(parent)altricial @ April 16 2003, 08:45:11 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
(parent)bookshop @ April 16 2003, 08:49:25 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
altricial @ April 16 2003, 09:01:13 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
(parent)bookshop @ April 16 2003, 09:06:48 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
I am no Gryffindor, darling. ;;)
altricial @ April 16 2003, 08:43:24 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
I am so used to being mocked, I can spot a mock from the hills, buddy. *smug*
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 08:48:17 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Okay, then we can work as a team. I'll say things, and you can tell me if I'm being sincere, and then we can put "Inspected by Mock Inspector 7" on all my messages.
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 10:16:41 UTC The Golden Ass, Book 11 |
Because (according to the divine Pythagoras) that number is specially suited for all ritual acts.
You don't want to go against the divine Pythagoras, do you? You'll never be able to find the distance between two points in 2-space ever again if you do, you know.
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 14:49:04 UTC Re: The Golden Ass, Book 11 |
Yet another advantage of a liberal arts education grounded in the classics: You can copy a quote off of the handout from lecture that morning and look like a total classics nerd. Power, fame, money and women/men (circle all that apply) will surely follow hard upon.
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 01:20:35 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
For more discussion on potterstinks's userinfo and memories step in the time machine back HERE and HERE.
Just providing a little archival service. It's amazing how fast and long Nraged has grown...
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 01:29:24 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Lovely! Thank you so much!
(parent)altricial @ April 16 2003, 05:47:34 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Hm good idea. *looks at Aja* I think it'll be good to file entries into memories, no? *throws job at Aja rudely*
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 01:25:37 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Hmmm, Ron and Pansy, it could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
*points at Maya's Flame and Shadow*
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:44:54 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
*LOVED that fic* And I don't usually ship much else than D/H...!
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 04:50:37 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Me too. I'm a hardcore slasher who has a real problem with het, but that was GOOOD. (so was DM:ABR. Actually, now that I think about it, half of the het fics I've read and liked were by Maya... (I count DT as one fic and cross my fingers for slash there))
(parent)kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 05:05:49 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Aww, I'm still a big w00bly UL fan myself - I know it's D/H but if we're talking about Maya fic you can't sidestep Underwater Light because... muahhh. I never got round to reading Amazing Bouncing Rat, it's on my list of to do's, along with about a kajillion other fics. Not to mention writing my own and getting it beta-ed and waaa. The world of fanfic, eh? It's justsoaddictive.
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 06:17:32 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
Well, UL goes without saying, so I left it unsaid.
*is addicted, knows this, figures 1/12 of the way ain't bad*
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 06:22:39 UTC Re: turnabout... didn't work |
*wonders when this stopped being about knight_to_h3 and became a "We Love
sarahtales" thread. Realizes it's his fault, then moves on to more pressing matters, like pining for UL12 :P*
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 04:46:46 UTC |
lmfao, Ron is so cute. The first thing I thought when I saw that thread was that he is totally trying to mirror Harry's actions to seem like he's not jealous/lonely/annoyed by all the Draco conversation, heeeh. Aww, especially the whole very random "Do you want me to teach you how to place chess?" thing - could he be any cuter?
*schnoogles him to death*
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 09:30:47 UTC Re: |
Will take that as good thing! *hearts Ron eternally*
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 06:16:16 UTC |
He could offer Snape advice on spells to clean grease out of his hair...
"Eluito and Priori Incantatum."
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 09:33:56 UTC Re: |
lmfao! He could become the helpful assistant to all the other Slytherins - think of the things Pansy would make him do... lmao
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 07:48:39 UTC |
Yes! Ohmygod he's so funny. So Ron. And j_h's just going to keep on doing what he's doing.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 07:51:56 UTC |
Oh yeah, and I'm am totally wondering what he's spending that money he asked for on!
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 08:52:52 UTC |
*places hand flat above and in front of his head, moves back to above and behind his head, making a *woosh* sound*
Isn't Crabbe a little heavy to swing at old ladies though?
bookshop @ April 16 2003, 09:03:41 UTC *gasp!* |
*lunges off-topic*
:o :o :o
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 09:50:03 UTC Re: *gasp!* |
Aja, I have just ordered my first Tea Party CD and it is all our fault. Just thought you should know.
(parent)thessamunga @ April 16 2003, 12:14:08 UTC Re: *gasp!* |
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 15:08:40 UTC Re: *gasp!* |
Woah, this reminds me of reading LUW and finding The Tea Party quoted.
Speaking of LUW: The Space Team Electra is really your fault for quoting it there. I would have gone fine all my life without even thinking about "Electra", "Space" and "Team" in the same context otherwise. (I figured "Well, her musical tastes probably don't totally suck, she likes the Tea Party. It might be good, might as well check it out...")
bookshop @ April 17 2003, 08:09:23 UTC Re: *gasp!* |
Oh! *flattered* Thank you for reading it!
I am a music major so I have kind of eclectic musical tastes--I don't know if they suck but I have a definite mix/max bag. the Tea Party and STE, though, those are like my two little-known-rock staples. (Oh, and re STE--I went to their website,, and left them a little note there. In thanks they *sent me their newest cd*. For free. Is there anything cooler?!)
And Sondheim, as I hope I make everyone aware ad nauseum, is God. :)
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 09:38:05 UTC Re: |
Aww, I think the thing I love about Ron is that he's so persistant in this way that he doesn't want anyone to _know_ that he's being persistant. Like I just think he's going to continue vying and vying for Harry's attention without actually saying anything directly to him - I get the feeling he just wants to make him mad and be all "Stop mocking me!" so that Ron can give off this whole rant about Harry being a bad friend and Harry will dutifully apologise.. but, awww.
I think Ron is one of those people who gets much more hurt than they let on and they try and counter act it all by doing silly things like offering to teach M.B. to play chess... but we love him sooooo.
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 10:34:31 UTC Re: |
*squees excitedly* lmao, can I become the official spouter of Ron Theory? *laughs*
(parent)kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 11:14:49 UTC Re: |
Yay! Tyyyy! Today has been a good NA day for me, lmfao. *giggles happily*
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 11:03:09 UTC |
It looks like Ron cares only for Harry and Ginny. He doesn't seem to be interested in Hermione romantically anymore.