bassoonist @ 2003-04-16 17:02:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
PS: Who hit the golf ball into my cereal this morning!? >:0!!!!
Yes, who was it? Draco only had the clubs last I checked.
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 15:08:36 UTC |
I thought of Draco as soon as I read that!
...also, am trying to think of interesting/insightful/fun question to ask community for sake of having something to do and squee over! If anybody wants to help - please do! :-D :-D
non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 16:59:12 UTC |
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 17:29:02 UTC |
What do you mean, African or Chilean?
Shortly after he achieves immortality and thus the possibility for undying love.
More questions, please.
non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 17:42:37 UTC |
What is the average yearly rainfall in the Amazon Basin?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
What is the eighty-seventh digit in pi?
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 17:52:30 UTC |
About 2300 mm/yr
A woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood.
4, or 3 if you call 3 the first digit, rather than start counting after the decimal.
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 17:59:52 UTC The Twins join up |
Here's a question:
Why have the Twins joined Remus and Narcissa's little game and could the answer to the statement be "Black?"
non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 18:05:15 UTC Re: The Twins join up |
And why is Remus wearing black nail polish in his icon?
(parent)notapipe @ April 16 2003, 18:22:39 UTC Re: The Twins join up |
It's magical "Werewolf Rememberance Day", which is honored by painting one's body black, in part or in total. Or maybe he wants in on the Bad!Fashion fest.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 17 2003, 03:47:30 UTC Re: The Twins join up |
I read that werewolves get glassy fingernails shortly before the transformation.
Cover-up, maybe?
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 18:18:00 UTC Re: The Twins join up |
They're just saying that Remus insulting their robes is the pot calling the kettle black, no secret anagram message there (or if it is, it's a really good anagram)
(parent)milenalupin @ April 17 2003, 03:46:44 UTC Re: The Twins join up |
But "Black" has a deeper meaning for Remus.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 18:02:38 UTC |
What sparked the Beanie Baby phenomenon in the late 90's, and what ultimately led to its downfall?
Why are parachute pants a thing of the past?
Is Garth Brooks' most recent album truly his last?
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 18:16:35 UTC |
Stupidity and the Fake!Economy. Bloating, and those shitty tye-dye beanie babies, god those sucked.
It's been postulated that there is a benevolent god, but I know the truth. It's all a consparicy by the denim industry to reinforce jeans. The other important part of why parachute pants are a thing of the past is that we experience the passage of time, and have defined those experiences which we have had and are not having now and do not forsee happenening at a "later" point in time, as of the past.
Probably not.
non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 18:30:03 UTC |
What gas makes up most of Jupiter's atmosphere?
What would you get if you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?
Is Tolkien's Eye of Sauron a metaphor or an actual physical presence?
notapipe @ April 16 2003, 18:45:43 UTC |
The Draught of Living Death
Yes. It's a metaphor for something or other, since you can always read these things as metaphors, though this does not exclude the other possibility. Either way, the disjunction evaluates to true.
kat99999 @ April 16 2003, 17:50:38 UTC Re: |
1. Fast?
2. Many?
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princess_draco @ April 16 2003, 15:35:22 UTC |
Of course! He thinks Harry still likes Cho. maybe he wanted the golf ball to hit HER instead ;)
(parent)non_inferno @ April 16 2003, 15:52:33 UTC |
Ooh, eliminating the competition. A very Draco thing to do.
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princess_draco @ April 16 2003, 17:03:00 UTC |
Maybe he should take her on a date. Who cares if she's not a sixth year? But then again, I'd think ps would be smart enough to realise that it'd probably be pointless if j_h was interested in Cho, 'cause there's the whole Ginny/lesbian thing going on...
But, hey, by all means, show your love and jealousy, potterstinks! :D
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 16:45:37 UTC a bit off-topic, but... |
I noticed that Cho seems to have adopted the Weasley entry style--multiple exclamation marks, emoticons, use of capitals for emphasis etc. theirloveissocute! <333
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princess_draco @ April 16 2003, 17:04:27 UTC Re: a bit off-topic, but... |
do you need an lj code? or do you already have one? :D I have plenty if you need one.
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 21:41:40 UTC Re: a bit off-topic, but... |
An lj code would be much appreciated :D -- my email is
Thanks so much!
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princess_draco @ April 16 2003, 22:34:14 UTC Re: a bit off-topic, but... |
delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a
account (
is it at hotmail?
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 22:35:52 UTC Re: a bit off-topic, but... |
oops-- sorry, I just switched from yahoo--it's