dayafternext @ 2003-04-16 18:31:00 |
(no title)
Mood: sniffly
Apologies if someone posts about this before *this* entry gets posted.
Thank you to lupercus, for this post. It was beautifully written, and painful, and I want to give Remus a bigbigbig hug.
*sniffle* Take good care of him, Sirius.
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flyby @ April 16 2003, 18:37:47 UTC |
Then I went Below. I won't bore you with the details about that... I lived twelve years that way, until I got a letter (via rat, since owls can't go Below) from Dumbledore inviting me to teach.
Neverwhere reference? Am inclined to think so.
delfeus @ April 17 2003, 02:35:44 UTC |
Yay indeed. And the whole post was so... *sigh* I don't have words for it. But I love lupercus.
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 18:42:08 UTC |
Ah, you beat me to it. (Happy to know I wasn't the only one thinking Neverwhere!)
What to say about this character? He's a masterpiece and I love him. I can just imagine him sitting out in the garden with his family right before...well, before. And is he really immortal? This character gets more tragic--and yet funny and wonderful--every time he posts.
delirieuse @ April 17 2003, 07:21:59 UTC |
Muh, beat me too! Mmm...Neverwhere.
I agree. Much!love for Lupin. He's definitely one of my favourite characters.
darklites @ April 16 2003, 18:43:41 UTC |
This is wonderfully heartbreaking. I love how it works around canon and gives color to a story we've only seen in shades. It's so much more vivid and true and sad and my heart just goes out to Lupin. It sort of makes the petty arguments you see between everyone kind of futile. NA is usually all about the comedy, but here, this is really touching.
I am so glad that he's got Sirius now, even if Sirius is a bit of a dunce sometimes in their relationship (though am glad this is so, for it is most entertaining), haha. Aww. Can't wait 'til their wedding. *waves Lupin flag*
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 18:53:16 UTC |
I didn't want to say this because I didn't want it to seem like a Squee, but this thought has nothing to do with H/D or j_h/ps. Reading this entry really made me hope that lupercus may be able to knock some sense into the head of this chap one day.
moonlitpages @ April 16 2003, 19:03:38 UTC |
So I'm not the only one who thought that sentiments like this seemed to be almost directly tailored towards characters like potterstinks? :
You will encounter people in your life that you will not like, for whatever reasons, but I want you to be certain of those reasons - are they based on something they can control, or something beyond it? Are they someone else's reasons or your own?
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 19:42:15 UTC |
Absolutely. I hope he starts to listen. The events of the past month will hopefully start to make him a little more open. Knowing Lupin he wants that for ps as much as for himself. God, I love that man!
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 16 2003, 19:55:07 UTC |
*sighs* I know eh? What a man....
Well, so much for open minded- PS has officially fled in terror. Kept his cool and left, indeed ;-)
sistermagpie @ April 16 2003, 20:01:59 UTC |
j_h ought to go and drag him back by the ear. Honestly. Did he even read the entry, I wonder? Harry, have a talk with him soon, please. If you can shame him into learning to play golf surely you can shame him into facing a few fears.
(parent)darklites @ April 16 2003, 23:47:38 UTC |
Yes, that's true. I actually thought of it more as him speaking to the Hogwarts population in general, of course, but Draco would be one of the particular people he'd be speaking to. There's been a bit of focus on discrimination, too, with Dean's parents reacting badly to his homosexuality and such. NA is a very shiny, sparkly universe, but something like this makes you realize that just because it's that, does not mean there aren't big issues embedded in it too.
(deleted first post which is almost the same as this because made wrote 'are' instead of 'aren't', eek.)
anjaliesque @ April 16 2003, 18:46:51 UTC |
*is about to burst into tears*
Sirius better better deserve what he's getting. And a cake server is the very LEAST Remus should get! *cries*
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cacklebang @ April 16 2003, 18:47:43 UTC |
Good god. The entire RP just deserves awards for how well thought out it is in general.
The portrayal of Lupin makes you both laugh and cry. And it's wonderful that way.
katrionaa @ April 16 2003, 18:54:20 UTC |
When I saw that Remus was going to transform in front of the class I thought how brave and open that was of him. And then I read his post and *sniff sniff* he's just even more open and honest and he deserves better than he's gotten in life. He's just so amazing.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 16 2003, 19:01:44 UTC |
*seconds all the above sentiments* God I adore lupercus. His characterization is just so well thought out, and heartrending. Kudos to his player; all those lesson entries Lupin has been putting up lately just boggle my mind at the thought that must have been put into them. And it pays off, really.
kokopoko @ April 16 2003, 19:07:47 UTC |
What a poignant post. What an incredible statement about any sort of hatred, prejudice, bigotry, whatever name that evil takes. Take away the references to werewolves and replace with African American, American Indian, immigrants, homosexual and you have a story about what has happened to many children growing up in America. The absolute blinding hatred one human can have for another is mind boggling. The ability to forget that we are all human, all the same, from the same ancestors, is the most stupefying action.
Remus, you are an incredible teacher. In your quiet way you are changing the world.
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 19:14:54 UTC *Loves* |
Lupin has always been my favorite adult character (in canon, I mean), and lupercus does him such great justice. He's funny and wise without being didactic, and I just want to hang out with him. He breaks my heart too. Wah.
I <3 you Lupin!!!1
hermione_like @ April 16 2003, 19:21:30 UTC |
Aww, I know. Lupin is such a great character. He deserves being happy with Sirius. :)
(parent)chapstickmess @ April 16 2003, 19:23:34 UTC Posts Like This... |
When I read lupercus's post, it did drive me to tears, before I began to laugh. Not because I thought it was funny, but because it brought such joy to me. There is a man who has gone through so much, yet can still make thousands of paper cranes to put in
potions_master's office. He has a beautiful love with
jadedsirius and an astounding relationship with
just_harry. He is not only a success story, but an incredibly intricate painting of a fully formed human being. It is a post like this that makes me marvel all the more at the humor, depth and subtlety (sometimes a lack therof) of the characters.
Thank you, Remus Lupin.
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kearie @ April 16 2003, 20:06:43 UTC Re: Posts Like This... |
I couldn't have said it better myself. I, too, was moved to tears and felt uplifted etc etc. And all this from the life story of a charachter who isn't even real... Just more proof of how wonderful NA is and how much the players really put into this. And I agree with whomever was saying that lupercus has been especially on top of things with his recent lessons etc. I'm feeling the NA love, as well as the "We are the world!" type of love that Remus is teaching <3<3<3<3
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Anonymous @ April 16 2003, 19:46:22 UTC |
There are no words.
This story could have had such a tragic ending, but somehow through it all (being bitten, Peter's betrayal leading to the death of James and Lily and Sirius's unjust imprisonment) he has retained the thing that people think he lost all those years ago: his humanity. He uses his curse to drive away the fears of the public that labeled him a monster and branded him like so much common cattle.
I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for him to poor his soul out to students every year when he covers werewolves. But somehow he does it. If it were possible, I would hug him.
Someone should give him an award for Special Services to the School, for his students will be better people thanks to him and Sirius Black had better spoil him rotten because no one deserves it more.
karabou @ April 16 2003, 20:26:06 UTC |
I finally had a chance to catch up with NA today, and gosh was his post good. Everyone has already said this, and much better than I can at this time of night... but I love lupercus, and I think he is beautifully played.
lore @ April 16 2003, 23:37:58 UTC |
One thing I've noticed throughout the lecture series is that Lupin never blames anyone for the plight of the werewolves. He never says anything about the number tattoos being a bad thing or equates them directly to Nazi Germany (It is obvious to us, but I'm not so sure many of his students would know about that part of Muggle history).
Sure, he says St. Mungo's was hell, but he doesn't say that werewolves don't go there anymore or that the procedure he went through is not used anymore. He mentions the restrictions on him without saying they should be lifted. Etc.
I realize he probably does not want to step out of line and get himself and Dumbledore in trouble, especially after Dumbledore was so kind to him. But I still think his restraint is amazing and noble, to be able to discuss all this in such neutral tones. He could have used these lessons to get people on his "side," but he did not. He remained a teacher in hopes that the facts would speak for themselves.
*mwah* Lupercus.
love, lore