sistermagpie @ 2003-04-17 17:06:00 |
(no title)
Mood: energetic
Just_Harry is a far far better person than I.
The boy is becoming quite Lupin-like in his paternal affection for potterstinks. Perhaps he may be able to help grow the lad a spine one of these days.
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 14:17:18 UTC |
Perhaps he may be able to help grow the lad a spine one of these days.
Here's hoping ... heeh, aww just_harry is so cuuuuuute.
imochan @ April 17 2003, 14:18:29 UTC |
Harry's "Oh, okay". <3333
becoming quite Lupin-like in his paternal affection
In any other situation, I would be potentially squicked by that. But since I agree, I'll forgive the daisychain!draco image that popped unbidden into my head. Chances are I don't think potterstinks would be caught dead or alive in any form of a dress. Probably not for all the bananas in the world. >_> Which is too bad, really.
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 14:23:31 UTC |
Chances are I don't think potterstinks would be caught dead or alive in any form of a dress.
*strikes up highly, highly amusing mental imagery* You just made my day, lmao.
imochan @ April 17 2003, 14:26:31 UTC |
are you seeing the bananas too? Or is that just me?
You just made my day.
;) I try.
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 14:34:20 UTC Re: |
I could fit bananas in there, yes. Heeeh. *skips with you* Why does NA excite me so? Is that healthy? Am I dangerously squee-like?
(parent)imochan @ April 17 2003, 14:47:26 UTC |
I could fit bananas in there, yes.
Oh, good. ^_^ Personally, I see them in the form some dashing hat decoration, accompanied by something red, orange and involving a lot of ruffles. Maybe some alluring dance steps. It's really Too Bad you can't sing "Dra-co Malfoooy" to the Chiquita Banana song. Because I happen to think that would be very appealing.
And to answer your questions: just_harry and
potterstinks snogging drunkenly behind the quidditch stands. Completely. See above speculation on PS's possible costuming and I dare you to say yes. ;)
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 15:03:06 UTC Re: |
*grins proudly* YES.
lmfao you are entirely too funny, I must friend you. *does so* lmfao
imochan @ April 17 2003, 15:15:51 UTC |
:D :D
Well, you're lucky. Today, there's a sale! Two for the price of one! Which means I get to friend you back, completely free!
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 14:54:00 UTC |
*just grins* I love how Just_Harry knows him well enough by now to know when to tease him and when not to. He seems to know just when and how to offer support in a way that isn't patronizing or even overly obvious, by hinting that he was scared as well. *loves*
(parent)notapipe @ April 17 2003, 16:29:46 UTC |
He responds at least four minutes after the fact, for one. Time to calm down and choose what one says, unlike say, Ron or Draco.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 16:52:38 UTC |
Which also explains the high level of calm at nraged.
bookshop @ April 17 2003, 17:24:01 UTC |
Right, that's it. I was going to hold off another day to see if my keen instincts were off, but now I am throwing in the towel to declare myself an official notapipe/
non_inferno shipper.
Because where there's Not a Smoke, there's a Non-Fire.
notapipe @ April 18 2003, 02:28:17 UTC |
esp. in nraged, where the motto is "Where there's no smoke, there's firey hot potterstinks/
just_harry luuuurve." I would complete the motto, but it's full of arguments for the subtext hidden in the cloudless sky and the nitrogen molecules, and we've all heard them before.
notapipe @ April 18 2003, 02:24:38 UTC |
My honest to goodness second response to this (my first was to laugh): "Eww, het." And I LIKE women.
My fourth response was to mis-remember something Ari Fleischer once said: "The trouble with fires that are hidden is you can't see their smoke." (the actual quote was "guns" rather than "fires")
My fifth response was to groan at yet another Ari Fleischer connection to slash. It's evil synchronicity and the world is begging to unleash the gates of hell (sans DT!Draco and Harry).
non_inferno @ April 18 2003, 15:45:20 UTC |
You forgot to write your third response, which, I would assume since it's not included, was somewhere along the lines of 'I'm not worthy!' No need to correct me, really--I see right through your little scheme.
(parent)notapipe @ April 18 2003, 20:25:13 UTC |
Then I won't correct you, esp. because "I'm not worthy!" beats the hell out of not getting 'Where there's Not a Smoke, There's a Non-Fire' for a several whole seconds.
PS. Re: Your Icon. \m/ This was the real reason for the post and the humilition contained within.
notapipe @ April 19 2003, 03:52:15 UTC Re: ;) |
notadrugtrip interests NPR. I think I'm in love.
*doesn't listen to NPR as much as he used to, now that he has no car and basically has to use the internet for NPR, but still*
greenapricot @ April 17 2003, 16:44:05 UTC |
I love just_harry more and more every day. And I love, love his new gentle teasing way with
potterstinks. He just so cute and good and... gah. *snuggles him*
sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 18:04:03 UTC |
So true! I leave ps completely in j_h's hands (in more ways than one). He really seems to have the right idea--ignore every dreadful thing ps says as background noise and focus on the actual fact of the post. Eventually, he turns down the background noise. Basic translation of their exchange:
j_h: I was scared too.
ps: I don't want anyone to know I was scared.
j_h: Everyone was scared.
ps: I won't say it out loud.
j_h: You don't have to.
imochan @ April 17 2003, 18:23:54 UTC |
<33333 *loffs* Best. Translation. Ever.
:DDDDD I find you incredibly amusing. May I friend and/or fangirl you?
imochan @ April 17 2003, 20:35:27 UTC |
Not necessarily in that order or limitation. >:DDDD
zorb @ April 17 2003, 18:16:48 UTC |
j_h has found the secret to p_s's heart silence: "Okay."
shusu @ April 17 2003, 19:44:32 UTC Okay. |
Have we figured out what this means, yet?
Or perhaps we should just make a lot of LJ icons. ^^