taradiane @ 2003-04-17 21:31:00 |
(no title)
Mood: chipper
How happy am I right now? Pretty damned happy.
Gulf. Heh.
karabou @ April 17 2003, 18:36:03 UTC |
Me too! I love the bit at the end "chop, chop"... hehehe.
(parent)dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 18:36:58 UTC |
Chop, chop! XD
But what was up with those biscuits?
And how *sad* the first paragraph was. *sniffles* They just left him there without any warning.
taradiane @ April 17 2003, 18:38:30 UTC |
Yeah, but I have a feeling all this upcoming time with Potter will soothe those wounds ;-)
(parent)dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 18:45:19 UTC Re: |
I bet Harry brings him the book instead of owling it to him. *beams*
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 18:55:54 UTC |
Heeeh! *squees and resists urge to dance also*
Dear Draco,
With each new pose, you give all a new reason to squee, and a new reason to go 'awww', and a new reason to laugh aloud. Also, did I mention to squee? This is why we love you dearly.
Kat xxx
dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 21:40:50 UTC |
karabou @ April 17 2003, 18:47:54 UTC |
But what was up with those biscuits?
I was wondering that, too! Who were they from? Hmmm
They just left him there without any warning.
You know.. it hasn't exactly been a secret that Lucius is doing the disown/silent treatment to Draco for two weeks and forcing Narcissa to do the same. I find it strangely endearing how Draco seems to be in total denial of this.
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luleh @ April 17 2003, 18:50:47 UTC |
Maybe they're the biscuits he requested from Narcissa? Perhaps she found a way to ger them to him?
(parent)kokopoko @ April 17 2003, 19:09:16 UTC |
Draco's very good at denial isn't he? He's denying quite a few things right now....isn't he just_harry?
karabou @ April 17 2003, 19:14:14 UTC Re: |
We can only hope just_harry can help him out with this problem.
imochan @ April 17 2003, 18:39:48 UTC |
"Chop, chop." :DDD
>_> Although, wah! Now I'm paranoid. It's like they're setting us up for something really Big, Bad, and Conflicty.
taradiane @ April 17 2003, 19:05:00 UTC like this?? |
imochan @ April 17 2003, 19:09:00 UTC -_- Exactly like that. |
Now Harry can't play Gulf!
imochan @ April 17 2003, 19:14:44 UTC Re: -_- Exactly like that. |
-.- indeed. I am genuinely upset over the lack of clubs and swinging! >:(((
(parent)imochan @ April 17 2003, 19:27:59 UTC Re: -_- Exactly like that. |
Oh. I see. That was directed at me, wasn't it. ^^;;
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luleh @ April 17 2003, 19:13:57 UTC Re: like this?? |
*is thinking very wrong thoughts about Lupin having a relapse and having to stay in the infirmary till holiday is over*
greenapricot @ April 17 2003, 18:41:09 UTC |
You beat me to it. But more than the fact that Gulf it quite funny, I'm just about jumping-out-of-my-chair excited that PS actually made a direct request or J_H in his journal. He's gone beyond just acknowledging him. *squee*
And another thing: Is J_H going anywhere for the hols? I'm betting not. There's been no mention of him going to the Weasley's and where else would he go. Could it be that J_H and PS will be together over the hols with no other Gryffindors around?
taradiane @ April 17 2003, 18:42:55 UTC |
I think he's staying behind. Or, I bet he'll find an excuse to now ;-)
(parent)imochan @ April 17 2003, 18:49:09 UTC |
I was just about to ask that, too. ^^ I'm with you. I don't remember any mention of him going to the Burrow or anything... so I'm pulling for a nice, interesting Chocolate Frog Hunt with potterstinks. And maybe afterwards, they could play Gulf! ;)
I have a feeling "Gulf/Golf" is quickly going to become the NrAged euphemism for sex. >:D
karabou @ April 17 2003, 18:50:36 UTC |
I have a feeling "Gulf/Golf" is quickly going to become the NrAged euphemism for sex. >:D
samenashi @ April 17 2003, 19:42:07 UTC Re: |
So. Many. Golf. Jokes. To. Be. Made. It's just like the whole Quidditch thing. ie - 'put the quaffle through the hoop!' and all that.
*restrains self*
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 19:19:42 UTC |
Your icon. *worships* Dan looks very pretty in that picture, too!
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 19:07:18 UTC |
where else would he go
maybe to spend the holidays with his godfather?
taradiane @ April 17 2003, 19:08:35 UTC |
Yeah, I just saw that post by Snape.
Maybe Lupin will take longer to recooperate this time, thereby leaving Harry to his own devices ;-)
taradiane @ April 17 2003, 19:12:06 UTC |
Well, it's not inconceivable. This is the first transformation in a long time without the Wolfsbane potion, right?
*loves, loves, LOVES Lupin*
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 19:26:55 UTC |
*laughs* Perhaps just_harry will insist on staying back at the school to give the lovebirds a nice relaxing holiday together. Out of the goodness of his sweet little heart, of course. No ulterior motives whatsoever ;-) *crosses fingers*
(parent)non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 18:46:56 UTC |
potterstinks has finally said it himself: I'll not be spending my time with girls.
And then he said some other stuff after that, but I doubt that it was of any importance
karabou @ April 17 2003, 18:49:22 UTC |
Muah... afterall, there aren't any left. And none offering to teach him "Gulf". ;)
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 17 2003, 18:57:55 UTC |
*squees* Chop chop, Harry, get moving!
I know he thinks he's some sort of stud, but he appears so utterly idiotic and inexperienced with girls. He was SO meant for Harry. Another point: the very suggestiveness of Quidditch and it's "broomsticks" is something we're all familiar with, and now he's moved on to golf "clubs"? Eep! Definitely trying to tell us something there, methinks. :D
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 19:01:19 UTC |
*looks scandalised* I do hope you're not suggesting that Draco associates with phallic symbols...
*pause* *wild grin* Heeeeeh.
*ships D/H furiously*
kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 19:11:54 UTC Re: |
lmfao @ icon! If that is not the name of the sixth book, I am unsure if I will be able to read it now! *big grin*
(parent)non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 19:05:33 UTC |
There are no phallic symbols in the Harry Potter fandom. None.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 17 2003, 19:12:42 UTC Re: |
As we covered earlier... hence why I was so mortified as to the suggestion of Draco and phallic-ness. *nods unconvincingly*
(parent)karabou @ April 17 2003, 19:28:24 UTC |
About where Harry was going to stay over the Easter hols.. am I the only one who thought he would be with Sirius and Lupin? They are, afterall, his family.
And we shouldn't overlook the fact that Draco was left at the train station. Alone. How sad is that?
sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 20:01:26 UTC |
That's just horrible. Even if he wasn't allowed to come home you'd think he'd be told that. But no, never miss a chance to humiliate him. Standing alone at a train platform with a teacher. Geez. Of course the one thing Lucius *does* approve of is his asking out Sinestra. Um, okay, Dad.
For some reason I keep imagining Harry staying with Remus and Sirius over the hols and inviting PS with him--at least for an afternoon of Gulf. (Either that or we'll get the two of them speaking to each other incessently on their journals while PS is alone at school and j_h is giving his godfathers space.) Can't you just see Sirius having to deal with PS at home? It was just be hysterical. Sirius and PS going at each other while Lupin and Harry help each other remain calm.
I expect a series of Gulf icons presently...
marysiak @ April 18 2003, 06:30:44 UTC |
That was horrible, I mean really. No matter how tough a face you put on that's one of the worst of the not really awful things that can happen to a kid. My heart broke for him.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:28:43 UTC |
Well, Harry may be needed very soon. Has anyone else been following the conversation between Lucius and Narcissa? The Lady seems to have grown a backbone much to the disappointment of her husband. Lucius is too controlling to let behavior like this last for long.
sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 20:35:10 UTC |
And even better, has everybody seen this exchange?
They are just too cute.