luleh @ 2003-03-29 20:56:00 |
Oh, just_harry is killing me. The poor boy. I can't take much more of this!
*tears out hair*
Look! He's still trying!
zhonnika @ March 29 2003, 17:52:14 UTC wah! |
Poor just_harry he's just doing everything he can, isn't he? Awwww... he's such a sweetie.
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luleh @ March 29 2003, 18:00:51 UTC Re: wah! |
He really is such a sweetie. I want to hug him!
luthienlupin @ March 29 2003, 18:05:55 UTC Re: wah! |
Oh, he's such a darling! And he's trying so hard. Come on potterstinks talk to him!
And does this have double meaning?:
He's not gay and it's not funny.
trigaria @ March 29 2003, 18:39:58 UTC Re: wah! |
heh heh heh... there's so much one could read into it...
And I agree. potterstinks should give in.
samenashi @ March 29 2003, 19:21:56 UTC Re: wah! |
anamirza @ March 29 2003, 20:30:29 UTC and even worse |
Did you see Ron's response? How perfectly nasty!
samenashi @ March 29 2003, 20:32:06 UTC Re: and even worse |
Oh, I know it. Poor snarky Ron. *loves*
(parent)zhonnika @ March 29 2003, 18:31:31 UTC |
He is! (and, btw, I used to use that icon so much that when I see you post with it, I think it's me! LOL)
(parent)samenashi @ March 29 2003, 19:21:42 UTC |
He is so sweet. And, man, this killed me.
He is obviously depressed because Malfoy is ignoring him! :((
'And Harry mopes around and won't say two words to anybody except Ginny--not even when I tried to talk to him about his Quidditch post yesterday! --I told him I'd owled my cousin in Montrose to find out about the Magpies quidditch tryouts, just for him!--and I don't even think he heard me, and then he ran into a desk and bumped his knee! I offered to get a bandaid but he just hobbled away'
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luleh @ March 29 2003, 19:52:11 UTC |
Oh! This is too much! Stop torturing just_harry,
potterstinks! Talk to the poor boy! He gave you laundry tips for goodness sake!
samenashi @ March 29 2003, 20:01:44 UTC Re: |
He is acting so aloof, trying to reaffirm his straightness -- it is just too much! Makes an interesting change from the times when potterstinks would be stalking
just_harry instead. Lord,
just_harry and his molasses comments are killing me!
sistermagpie @ March 29 2003, 19:56:54 UTC |
Oh god, that killed me too. "Don't speak to me of magpies! They only remind me of the love that I have lost (and don't really want anyone to know about)! Ouch! No, I'm fine, Colin, really..."
Don't worry just_harry, this magpie loves you in a totally non-political way and wishes for happiness for you,
potterstinks with lots of molasses!
samenashi @ March 29 2003, 20:01:51 UTC Re: |
And he is so alone now! What, with Ron and him having their little fight.. it would be the perfect time for potterstinks to strike. Er, tell his true feelings, I mean. :D
Man, I know what you mean. It's impossible not to adore just_harry. He's just so hopelessly adorable.
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Anonymous @ March 29 2003, 19:40:41 UTC |
To quote Draco (though taken out of it's sarcastic Ron bashing (not that Ron doesn't deserve bashing for hurting just_harry as well) context):
"Yes, it brings a tear to my eye to see someone so notoriously neglected." (
katrionaa @ March 29 2003, 20:38:26 UTC |
Poor Harry! But why didn't he use his icon this post? It was the perfect time to remind Draco that those Slytherin females aren't what he really wants.
(parent)anamirza @ March 29 2003, 21:48:49 UTC |
Oh, I just can't take it!
Poor Harry! Someone please take him to Hogsmeade or something! Wah!
luthienlupin @ March 30 2003, 03:49:58 UTC |
I agree. And I just need to say that your userpic is perfect for just_harry right about now.
*hugs just_harry *
greenapricot @ March 30 2003, 09:44:05 UTC |
Could he be any sweeter? The poor dear. *hugs him*
I am glad to see he's still trying. Draco's just got to get it eventually.