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fatalseafood @ 2003-04-19 14:55:00 |
(no title)
Mood: scared, for some reason.
Ron gets the smackdown he deserves.
Uh-oh. For some reason, this makes me feel worse than most things we have yet seen in NA. Poor Ron. Poor, poor, oblivious Ron.
Harry is acting very mature, I think. He has finally mastered the fine art of sarcasm. I wonder who taught him.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:02:46 UTC |
And Ron is being more clueless than ever. One wonders what Harry will have to say to make him finally figure out what he's talking about. Wicked cool, indeed. And Ron suggests he just use a spider. Eeek.
(parent)dayafternext @ April 19 2003, 12:06:31 UTC |
Ohh. *heart breaks* That whole exchange is just so sad.
But good for Harry. I'm proud of him. *hugs Harry*
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:09:28 UTC |
Happy to see that Lupin's at home with the guys he loves though, and Harry gets to be with him. And gets to wrestle Padfoot. Feel better soon, Lupercus! We love you!!
(parent)karabou @ April 19 2003, 12:07:52 UTC |
Oh, what has happened to the trio? I wish they would all just sit down and talk to each other and work out their issues!
Though someone should get it through to Ron about how not-cool Lupin's transformation was.
karabou @ April 19 2003, 12:12:30 UTC |
I think a Charlie should have a nice long older brother talk with Ron about a few things... :)
(parent)non_inferno @ April 19 2003, 12:10:07 UTC |
just_harry is good at this whole sarcasm thing, and he uses it so rarely that it really makes an impact when he does. At least, when the person that he's talking to actually understands what he's saying. Poor Ron. I never liked him that much in canon (or maybe just Book 4), but
knight_to_h3 is hard not to like. I hope things work out.
altricial @ April 19 2003, 12:12:28 UTC |
Why do you like NA!Ron and not canon!Ron?
YOUR ICON, MAN. Is there a matching Harry one? :))
karabou @ April 19 2003, 12:15:06 UTC |
NA!Ron is brilliant. This line...
Helo, it is AUTOGRAPHED not AUTOGAFFED, I read all about it in ENGLISH, A HISTORY
..is too funny.
altricial @ April 19 2003, 12:17:55 UTC |
Ron has very funny lines in canon! Uranus! *stamps BIG RON FAN on forehead*
(parent)karabou @ April 19 2003, 12:19:09 UTC |
He does! I personally love canon!Ron, and always have. :)
(parent)notapipe @ April 19 2003, 17:23:29 UTC |
Sounds like a diss to me, but then again, I hate Ron.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 19 2003, 12:21:56 UTC |
knight_to_h3 really isn't different from canon!Ron, so I don't know why I like him more. I think it has to do with the caps lock and the 'SO DAD' thing he does when he doesn't like the conversation. He's just hard not to like.
There is no matching Harry icon. I should make one.
non_inferno @ April 19 2003, 13:08:52 UTC |
Well, I've at least attempted it. Not sure if I like it as much though.
And I just have to say that your icon really is creepy.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 12:29:39 UTC |
um. harry replied again. i think he made it clear.....
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:38:00 UTC |
Oh my. And Ron's response is very double ouch. Harry's not going to take kindly to that.
(parent)shusu @ April 19 2003, 12:41:05 UTC |
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Lupin's stepped in. Accckk. Harry's famous rages.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:49:21 UTC |
Yeah, Lupin knows what's up. This kind of goes back to the other thread about Ron being insensitive--he understands Harry's anger but also understands Ron's cluelessness. He hates to be the cause of further friction between them. Aw, I love Lupin.
I think too that Lupin understands why Harry feels personally insulted by this--all the things anamirza mentioned. Ron thinks every painful thing that happens to Harry and Harry's family is cool. It's entertainment for the world.
non_inferno @ April 19 2003, 12:52:37 UTC |
And he's using his 'I don't know what to say' icon.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:58:24 UTC |
Ron gets the "give us a hug" icon. See, Lupin does get where Ron is coming from.
Maybe he doesn't quite get it with Harry and just thinks he's being overprotective? I dunno. I think there's more than one reason that this is the thing that's gotten Harry to get angry with Ron when he's been so relatively calm with him over the past month.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 13:06:58 UTC |
So glad Lupin stepped in. For all that Ron is being insensitive, he means no harm and wants to be buddies again and cannot grasp why Harry has gotten so mad at him and forgives *Malfoy* all his ickiness but not his best mate?
elena @ April 19 2003, 15:09:39 UTC |
That's what bugs me.
But love addles the brain, if thats the situation.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 17:45:06 UTC |
Bugs me too. Harry is a lovely boy, but not all-perfect.
That spot is currently being filled by Lupin.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 12:37:44 UTC |
or maybe not clear enough.. "what are you on about harry?"
*hits ron over head*
shusu @ April 19 2003, 12:31:04 UTC 2 observations |
1. Harry says he hit his head a few days ago. Nasty bruise. Are these the golf clubs, or is Draco's head bump related? (Seamus did knock Draco and Terry together the day before.)
2. Ron's tiny "Hello?" about half an hour later uses his Cannons icon... which looks like a duncecap.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:36:31 UTC Re: 2 observations |
Yeah, although Harry's last post is actually in reply to that one. I wonder if the Chudley one is sort of his way of not being too aggressive. Didn't Harry use it once when he was trying to get Ron to talk to him?
I'm totally wondering about the head bumps now. If Draco had hit him playing Gulf it seems like Harry wouldn't have said he hit his head (as opposed to "I got hit in the head" or "Somebody hit me in the head")? Ah, who knows. But very intriguing nonetheless.
Btw, I love canon Ron too. Especially in GoF when he's at his "worst."
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 12:38:37 UTC Re: 2 observations |
Harry has a matching one!
Maybe they drew them together to make icons! I hope they make up soon...
karabou @ April 19 2003, 12:43:01 UTC Re: 2 observations |
Aww, I always think of them as their buddy icons. I mean.. it's adorable, Harry's icon is labeled Chudley! and Ron's is labeled Cannons! I think when Ron used his Cannons icon with the "Hello?" he was probably trying to be friendly... *sniffle*
(parent)anamirza @ April 19 2003, 12:49:30 UTC Re: 2 observations |
Btw, I love canon Ron too. Especially in GoF when he's at his "worst."
You have way more patience than I do. I spent about half that book wanting to buy the poor kid a clue or something. Aaargh! I was totally, totally with Hermione on that issue...so frustrating to deal with the two of them sometimes!
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 12:50:23 UTC Re: ;_; |
w0rd! and ron's subtle dig at malfoy in his latest post :((
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 12:52:53 UTC |
I doubt Harry will respond to Ron's final words about treating Lupin like a freak and running out of class. Oh my.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 12:55:07 UTC |
I know. I think Ron was trying to get across the fact that Draco ran out but Harry's talking to *him* - oh 'tis all such a *mess*. Wah!
(parent)anamirza @ April 19 2003, 13:46:56 UTC |
Poor Ron just seems so hurt by the j_h's friendliness toward ps - and he just continually Fails To Get It. No matter what "It" is, apparently. It's good that lupercus seems to understand this, and seems to understand where he's coming from, and tries to keep them from saying really irreparable things to each other. Though Ron really, really crosses the line sometimes ("give him some credit instead of trying to save everyone all the time" - ouch.)
Summary: Wah!
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ex_delz @ April 19 2003, 13:08:59 UTC |
Wibble. This exchange makes me very sad.
Well, at least Lupin put a stop to it.
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fatalseafood @ April 19 2003, 14:15:06 UTC |
I have never loved lupin more than i love him now.
katrionaa @ April 19 2003, 15:08:20 UTC |
Wah! I want Ron and Harry and Hermione to make up and be friends again. Not going to happen soon at this rate. :(
His cluelessness is part of what makes Ron so loveable (in canon and NA).
notapipe @ April 19 2003, 17:36:58 UTC |
My thoughts exactly. I know they meant to be funny (note the HHG icon, for example), but... damn.
(parent)notapipe @ April 19 2003, 18:35:25 UTC |
"Poor" Ron? He's a bastard, is what he is. Performing Cruciatus on spiders? Thinking it's cool how Lupin turns into a werewolf? He's like a junior Tom Riddle without the charm. Then again, given Ron's greatest desires back in book one, maybe that wouldn't be hard to imagine...