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nefeleo @ 2003-04-19 18:29:00 |
I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and I am feeling energetic today, so here goes. I hope I don't offend anyone with this. Eh heh. Sorry in advance?
First of all, I want to say that I very much enjoy the anonymity of N_A. I love that I (and maybe quite a few others?) don't know who plays who because it lets me enjoy the illusion of my favorite book characters hanging out on LJ with me. Whenever I see anyone speculating about the players, I close the browser window!
Yes, I'm a real dork, I know. And though I can't say it doesn't give me a little thrill when I think I've figured one of you out, thank you, N_A players, for being so mysterious and for not making it easy. And thank you to everyone else who knows the secrets, but isn't telling. :)
Second, I want to thank potterstinks' player for keeping PS in character as a bratty little spoilt rich coward. I know this may not be a popular viewpoint, but as annoying as it is that PS ran scared from Remus' transformation, it's absolutelycompletelyperfectly in line with PS' character in my opinion. He may be the object of Harry's crush, but he's still Draco! He's still a slippery little brat, and I love him that way.
I realize there is a lot of pressure from the crowd of H/D shippers (me included) to turn PS into a nice boy and get the two of them together, but I tend to think that if we had our way this story wouldn't be nearly so satisfying. Besides, if PS suddenly turned all conscientious and kind on us, the situation would be resolved far too quickly! I don't know what I'd do if the two of them became a happy couple within the hour.
So thank you, whoever you are, for taking so much care with your characterization. And here's to a long, angstfluff-filled relationship (withahappyendingthoughmaybe?).
notapipe @ April 19 2003, 18:48:46 UTC |
My first response if PS suddenly got kind: "What's the bastard up to now?"
Kind of like Snape with J_H doing good school work
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nefeleo @ April 19 2003, 19:38:46 UTC |
Ahaha! I'd love to watch PS fake the nice guy thing and play someone really, really well. I wonder if he could do it, or if his nature would show through?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 09:36:49 UTC |
Suddenly I'm imagining j_h trying to teach him to be nice...that could be interesting. Kind of like that sequence in Grease when Danny tries out for sports and keeps turning everything into a fight?
(parent)dayafternext @ April 19 2003, 18:52:20 UTC |
I agree. As much as I sometimes love fuzzy!happy!Draco, that only works for certain fics and authors. For NA, characterization is key.
<333 for your icon. ^_^
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nefeleo @ April 19 2003, 19:33:54 UTC |
Heh heh. Well, he certainly deserves his cake, after all this. :)
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 18:59:00 UTC |
Hi there.
I am in love with your icon. And your post. (But mostly your icon.) :-D
Thank you.
- Lupin's player
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 19:25:33 UTC |
No offense taken here--and I second your praise of everybody for staying so in character and mysterious.
My question is...well, I do know there are times we want to make PS better than he is when he's being just too pathetic, but I honestly don't think too many people don't really see him as not being cowardly or bratty much of the time.
I mention this because obviously my own reaction to his running from Remus was pretty strong, but I don't think it was because I thought it was out of character to run from danger in general. Usually I'd expect it from me. (Looking back at all my posting after that I feel like a drunk waking up after a bender and moaning, "Dear God, what did I post last night?") In his first post I got the impression that he was one of only a few who left and that surprised me because I think ps's pride is one of the few things that leads him to overcome his fear a little. Better terrified than shamed (although ps is also a master at denying shame so he still has a lot of room to be yellow-bellied).
Then after reading more posts I started to understand that I had misunderstood exactly how things went down. See, my problems with it at first were that given the serious buildup to the transformation in Lupin's post I thought it was jarring to have it turn into a comic moment with ps as Cowardly Custard. PS posted first and since I'm so used to him being cowardly and covering it up with snottiness I thought he was being more disrespectful to Lupin than he was by leaving. I thought his leaving proved that he hadn't "gotten" it because he refused to honestly open himself up to it, but the truth was he did do that--probably against his will!
Really, now that I figure it all out, I really was guilty of thinking ps was braver than he was because reading his first post I thought he was being melodramatic and shallow when he was really being serious underneath. Lupin really did try to chew his leg off, for instance. At first I thought that was Draco's mean-spirited exaggeration. So while I've finally come around to saying that yes, I totally believe that it was correct for ps to high-tail it out of there, I also think that's rather a good thing. Because according to the most objective accounts like j_h's and Hermione, this experience is above all one of watching a person in great agony. I think that does say something about him as a person. It doesn't make him suddenly worthy of admiration or praise, but if he were a more shallow, heartless person I don't think he'd have been as effected as he was. (And no, that's not meant to be a criticism of Ron--he's got a whole different set of issues.)
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nefeleo @ April 19 2003, 19:33:11 UTC |
I think that does say something about him as a person. It doesn't make him suddenly worthy of admiration or praise, but if he were a more shallow, heartless person I don't think he'd have been as effected as he was.
Ohh, what a great point! Thank you! :D It really does show that there's a heart in there.
And I just realized that I should maybe not have used that running away as an example. It was a huge debate, and a little tense. I used it because it was the last incident that I can remember that involved many of us wishing he was a 'better person'. It's happened so many times though... I probably could have picked a better example. Maybe I should delete or change that bit of my post? I don't want to hurt feelings. Wah. <:(
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 19:39:55 UTC |
Oh no, I think it's a good example and there are many many others. I think I was just hoping for a chance to clarify my own thoughts on it because it was such a big debate with so many good points. I would hope it wouldn't hurt any feelings just as it is!
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 19:43:42 UTC |
Thank you for this lovely, thought-provoking post. Before I became a player I felt the same way about the anonymous nature of the cast. I think that in an RPG such as this one, it makes it that much more enjoyable for those who are audience members to not have someone to associate a part with.
By the way, you shall never figure me out. ;)
~Narcissa's player.
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nefeleo @ April 20 2003, 16:46:32 UTC |
You are an unbearable tease.
Now you've got me even more curious.
vinagrette @ April 19 2003, 19:53:30 UTC |
Okay, better now. As much as I am desperate to figure out, I fear that if I did know, it wouldn't be as good. Alas.
darkflame173 @ April 19 2003, 20:28:28 UTC |
I realize there is a lot of pressure from the crowd of H/D shippers (me included) to turn PS into a nice boy and get the two of them together
I think even if they did get together *hopeshopeshopes* they'd still snark at each other till the sun comes up ^^ After all, it wouldn't be them if they didn't! <3
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Anonymous @ April 19 2003, 20:44:10 UTC |
Awww, thanks! We have a lot of fun in NA (the group chats are hysterical) and we're a pretty close-knit group. It's strange, playing someone who's so hated, and it's kind of weird when Moony and I start going at each other, because we really like each other IRL. Everyone gets into their parts and we all plan things out, and it's just great fun. It's always a boost to hear that others are enjoying it too--that's why we do it.
--Lucius' player
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 20:51:50 UTC |
Okay, now I'm imagining all that coming out of Lucius' mouth and it's really. really. weird. That's some good character work, there.
You rock, Lucius' player! And your lovely wife's player as well!
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 03:17:51 UTC |
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 14:10:43 UTC |
I'm a she. A few in the fandom know who I am, because I'm not very secretive about my role in NA.
--Lucius' player
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 14:16:55 UTC Re: |
Ooh okay, will refer to you as she from now on then :-) I wont' ask who you are, because I kind of like the secretive part of NA.
Watch me crack in about ten minutes, lmao. *g*
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 14:09:27 UTC |
Thank you! Lucius is, for some reason, very easy to play. I don't know if that should worry me or not. Anyway, yes, it's fun being the bad boy but it is a bit odd being hated by everyone.
Ah well. For the good of NA, I shall soldier on. I honor my commitments.
--Lucius' player
cirakaite @ April 19 2003, 20:55:43 UTC |
This is why I'm so glad that I *don't* know who you are =D I'm having a great deal of trouble, because my mind keeps telling me that Lucius said that . . .
Great work playing him though. It must be difficult to keep Lucius in character, IMO, especially with the Sirius interaction . . .
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 14:14:40 UTC |
I don't know. Lucius is easy to slip into. I've even said snarky things ala Lucius when out and about IRL (comments on how people dress, uncontrolled yard apes, etc.).
It's funny. We snark back and forth (Sirius, Remus, Narcissa, Arthur, even Ginny) on NA while we're YMing each other and just rolling. We're all good friends.
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 01:29:39 UTC |
THANK YOU!!! You all rule. <333333333!
- Millicent's player.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 09:38:17 UTC |
::Gets tongue-tied at the idea of Millicent's player in her midst...::
notapipe @ April 20 2003, 11:55:58 UTC |
Wow, that's even harder to gel than Lucius's player...
*is somewhat suspicious his leg is being pulled, it's so perfecty un-M.B.*
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 14:17:03 UTC |
Most of us are completely opposite our characters. For instance, Terry's player is really quite funny and, at times, bubbly. As is Millicent's.
We live to confuse.
--Lucius' player
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Anonymous @ April 21 2003, 01:08:42 UTC |
- Millie's player