eponis @ 2003-04-19 23:23:00 |
Awwww . . .
Mood: amused
So now J_H is PS's caddy. ::snickers:: "Caddy." Right.
And they spent Thursday evening walking around Hogwarts together.
And Malfoy will likely be invited to join His Mother.
And he read J_H's book in detail.
::is feeling very squeeful::
wednesday_tea @ April 19 2003, 21:37:20 UTC |
*Grins* Oh, the innuendo. I love it.
*Refresh refresh refresh*
Please, let Draco be invited to Lupin's. :D
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 21:52:47 UTC |
I spent the entirety of Thursday evening attempting to hunt for a rabid book-thief, along with Potter and two golf clubs.
Which means that he spent the entirety of Thursday evening...with Harry. *grins madly*
The part about the book thief confused me, though. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I'm guessing this might have something to do with Filch's cryptic entry? Or perhaps not *shrug*.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 22:12:38 UTC |
That's what I thought--someone with a high pitched voice? Was it the golf book that was stolen and they had to get it back together? I'm confused! I'm confused yet I know that the fat part of the club is called the flange. So I got that going for me.
I love how obviously happy ps is about all this. He even gets to get a dig into Ron--but I noticed that he stopped short of, say, speaking for Harry. I don't think ps feels at all secure enough in their relationship to really consider himself to have replaced Ron or anything like that. He's still staying out of that fight, except to tell Ron to piss of for himself. That he claims he's going to need years of therapy over Narcissa seeing Harry first says, well, it says that he's okay with it, imo.:-) But she better not go near Harry on Easter. He's so insecure. He probably has visions of Narcissa preferring Harry like everyone else.
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 22:43:18 UTC |
That's what I thought--someone with a high pitched voice? Was it the golf book that was stolen and they had to get it back together? I'm confused! I'm confused yet I know that the fat part of the club is called the flange. So I got that going for me.
*laughs* Well I didn't even know that, so I'm impossibly doomed to ignorance for this entire golf thread ;-). I probably know less about golf than potterstinks at this point, which is quite sad. And yes- I was also confused about the book stealing itself. If Harry was bringing the book over to PS Thursday evening, how could it get stolen? Did Harry drop it on the way over, or get mugged? *laughs* Ah, I don't know.
I love the dig at Ron, and I couldn't help but notice that "I do feel sorry for the riff-raff who've completely alienated themselves from the entire school and now have to resort to being jealous of people they were likely rightly jealous of well before that" from PS's entry could very aptly describe PS himself at some point, especially when he was hiding away from everyone. I think PS is reveling in the reversal of himself and Ron in Harry's good graces.
He probably has visions of Narcissa preferring Harry like everyone else.
Either that or her telling Harry more embarrassing childhood stories ;-)
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 01:02:48 UTC |
Either that or her telling Harry more embarrassing childhood stories
That was my guess too! Poor PS, his pride is in so much danger ^o^
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 07:24:28 UTC |
Everything I needed to know about golf I learned from potterstinks. Somehow I don't think it will come in that handy. I've never loved golf so much as when the two of them are flirting over it. Crushed his golf dreams indeed. No pom pom hat for him. Go Harry.
Yes, I think ps is literally dancing with joy and golfclubs over Harry fighting with Ron while playing with him. But he doesn't want to jinx it. He probably has nightmares of Harry hating him again.
shusu @ April 19 2003, 23:40:39 UTC |
....I'm still stuck on Draco and Harry and two golf clubs.
Why do I get the feeling Harry has been trailing him like a babysitter of a petulant toddler? Or is that just the almost-2am visualizing?
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 09:26:27 UTC |
I have a feeling anybody who becomes friends with ps gets this treatment at first. He seems to push everybody to test the limits first and formost. If you can still hang around, imo, he probably calms down and stops hitting you with golf clubs. Excuse me. Not hitting. Fighting over them and letting go so you smack yourself in the head with it.
(parent)notapipe @ April 20 2003, 03:07:54 UTC |
Just as an experiment, I tried to read this conversation with an element of animosity, and it failed miserably. So definetly philos or eros, it isn't even funny...