abra_dee @ 2003-04-21 20:32:00 |
*goofy smile*
Mood: hopeful
Hey all,
I feel so silly asking this, but I'm all silly and excited at the mere prospect!
Does anyone know if the 'currently not accepting 'new' characters' means new and NOT on the cast list, or 'we're quite happy with the people who are posting now.'?
There's several characters who's journals are literally empty, and one of them is someone I would just love to play.
I sent a couple of e-mails to a couple of the addresses I could find (there's so many!) but haven't recived a response yet. Which is fine, but I don't want to chase something that doesn't even exist. I'd look pretty silly.
Thanks for indulging silly me!
*goes off to chase her tail instead*
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Anonymous @ April 21 2003, 17:51:50 UTC |
It means 'we're quite happy with the people who are posting now.' I was just talking about this last night with one of the owner/mods and there are no characters up for grabs at the moment. If there were, it would say so on the website. The mods are really busy but I'm sure if they've gotten your email they will get back to you ASAP and let you know what I've just stated.
-A player
abra_dee @ April 21 2003, 18:04:50 UTC Re: |
Thank you very kindly anymous informant.
I thought that might be the case as you all work so well together, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Thanks again!
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princess_draco @ April 21 2003, 18:59:38 UTC |
randomly, seeing a player post on here always makes me all giddy :D
(parent)eponis @ April 21 2003, 22:27:50 UTC |
::swoons and begins rambling about how much she loves the Weasley!bickering and how it always cracks her up and how Fred and George are so funny and how she is not worthy, not worthy::
. . . yes. :D
Seriously though, character/player comments are like - like speculating about OOtP and then having J.K. Rowling show up on a chat board and throw out ambiguous comments on your thread. Really warm and fuzzy and jaw-dropping. :D Thank you! And again thank you so very much for all the time you put into making N_A the delicious, voyeuristic addiction that is.
::pulls herself together into a mature adult again, or something vaguely resembling one::
kat99999 @ April 22 2003, 01:16:40 UTC |
Waa, we have to be mature adults? And here I was just about to tell Cho how cool she is. Waa. *whines and just nudges you excitedly about it instead*
(parent)eponis @ April 22 2003, 02:03:20 UTC |
::laughs, nods, gives full permission to be non-mature::
. . . I think it's mostly that . . . hrm . . . Fred and George are funny, and I love watching them interact (with each other and with others), but Cho is so cool and mature and beautiful and real, and she doesn't know who I am, so I don't feel right talking to her.
Out of the N_A women, Cho is definitely my hero.
::wonders what the point is where she's taking this too seriously, shrugs::
kat99999 @ April 22 2003, 08:13:40 UTC Re: |
Mmhmm, Cho is very real and very sweet and her journal is really easy to read and just- yeah. I think she's so sweet to Ginny too, I am totally a C/G shipper at heart!
Fred and George make me laugh, all the Weasleys do and I LOVE Charlie - wish he was on there more!! We want more Charlie! *fan girls*
...it's never taken too seriously. *grin*
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ex_meiko437 @ April 22 2003, 19:15:11 UTC |
oh I adore NA!Cho!! I love the Cho/Ginny that is going on.. they really are perfect for one another. Cho is such a sweet heart, and she fits in so well with the Weasley family!
But by far, I like Millicent. And Draco. Draco never ceases to amuse me. "Well, that's just the rub of the green, Potter".. oh, make me swoon, potterstinks! ::wink::!
Charlie and Arthur.. Arthur is a most WELCOME addition to the NA family.. him and his stapler, and 'that is simply fascinating' ::snicker:: great character.. always makes me laugh.
/endgush. ::cough::
anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 08:02:24 UTC |
Yes, the JKR simile is exactly how it feels. All squeeing and shocking.
Um. Mature adult. MISTER ARTHUR WEASLEY, I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES. Oops, so much for mature. He has too many babies anyway. And I love every one. :D
And I adore your icon too. Makes me cackle.
shusu @ April 22 2003, 12:28:09 UTC |
Yes it is very much like celebrity spotting. You never know when they're watching :D
We should start a thread for out-of-NA spotting. Like... those Star Maps in L.A.! XD
PS was quite helpful to me once, looking for graphics to spread his glorious image throughout the internet. Saved the e-mail ^_^ (Rumors that I've printed it out and kissed it are not true.)
lupercus @ April 22 2003, 10:33:44 UTC |
Arthur, your wife is looking for you.
And may I ask, why is there a daisy sprouting from your forehead?
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ex_meiko437 @ April 22 2003, 19:20:12 UTC |
stape me, baby!! XD I've got a shoe that's itching to be duct taped to your ceiling >:O
elena @ April 21 2003, 20:33:11 UTC |
Here's hoping one day some new kiddies can join in on the fun. I'd be first in line.. or somewhere in the first hundred. x.x
(parent)nabiki @ April 21 2003, 21:06:51 UTC |
i've emailed a couple times and not gotten a response so im guessing they are quite busy :)
(parent)abra_dee @ April 23 2003, 18:14:04 UTC Re: Storytelling |
Can I be a silly person e-mailing you to join?? ;) I'm good at that.
(parent)xnera @ April 21 2003, 22:14:11 UTC Storytelling |
As much as I love Nocturne Alley, I have no desire to be a part of it.
However, I've been toying with the idea of doing a RPG for ages now. Even before I started reading NA. Before I heard about LiveJournal. Heck, even before I knew what RPG was. I'm drawn to the idea of a continuing storyline. Of seeing a story unfold in bits and pieces. I love it, and I really, really want to do it myself. Not fandom. Something original. Thing is, I have no ideas. Heck, I barely write anything these days. But someday, I will have my RPG. Even if I'm the only player in it. *grin* Though I'd much rather have a group of friends to play with, as it would probably keep me honest.