taradiane @ 2003-04-23 21:15:00 |
(no title)
Mood: giggly
Isn't tonight the night that Harry is supposed to meet up with Malfoy to get the missing pages back?
Oh, Ron is not going to be happy if he hears about this...Harry ditching their make-up session to meet with Draco...
zedmeister @ April 23 2003, 18:25:52 UTC |
You're right about Ron probably feeling upset if he finds out, but I think he must have come to terms with j_h and ps's friendship, or he would have made the reconciliation conditional in some way. The fact that he didn't mention Draco at all indicates that he's going to let them be, IMHO.
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fourscore @ April 23 2003, 18:31:11 UTC |
I don't know. I still think that Harry was pretty cold. Ron was making an effort and Harry just blew him off. I think that Ron will be right to be upset when he finds out.
(parent)zedmeister @ April 23 2003, 18:39:55 UTC |
Hmm. I got a different impression, that Ron and Harry were working equally hard at making up until Harry got distracted by Draco coming into the room (or contacting him in some way). I don't think he blew Ron off, really, he just tried for a compromise between seeing Ron and seeing Draco.
Although this is one of those times when I have to wonder why they would be posting in their journals instead of talking in person. It's much better to see the action unfolding this way than to read about it later, though, so I'm not going to complain.
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fourscore @ April 23 2003, 18:48:33 UTC |
I agree with karabou. Ron is his actual friend, even though he sometimes says the wrong thing. Harry was trying... but he didn't follow through. I'd probably do the same thing but I still hoped for better from him.
(parent)sheron @ April 23 2003, 18:51:17 UTC |
Although this is one of those times when I have to wonder why they would be posting in their journals instead of talking in person.
Yes, I wondered that too!
I can only asume that they are in different parts of the castle which may explain why j_h was absent for a bit then suddenly remembered about the agreement with ps...
As for blowing off Ron...well, considering blowing off Draco would probably have had even worse consequences I can sort of see why he did that. *g*
non_inferno @ April 23 2003, 18:43:26 UTC |
But Harry at least tried to start the re-friending process, and it seems to be going pretty well. He just kind of forgot about his other plans. I think Ron will be mad if Harry really is going to meet Malfoy and he finds out, but I don't think he really has the right to be upset.
Wait, that's a lie. He has a good enough reason to be upset, I just don't agree with it. I tend to be that way about anything that interferes with H/D.
I think I may have just contradicted myself several times, but I'm not sure.
taradiane @ April 23 2003, 18:34:48 UTC |
Hmm. Not sure on that yet, I mean, it's so soon. I don't think Ron could "come to terms" with it that quickly. But, I don't doubt that he'll bite his tongue until it bleeds if he does find out about it. My guess is right now he's just placating Harry for friendship sake. I don't think this is the last eruption we'll see from Ron where Harry and Draco are concerned.
notapipe @ April 23 2003, 20:34:55 UTC |
Does this mean that we're not going to see Ron coming on to Snape any more?
(parent)karabou @ April 23 2003, 18:38:40 UTC |
I hope Harry's backing out of their talk for tonight doesn't make Ron upset, because I, for one, want to see Harry and Ron make up. Y'know... Ron.. his actual friend. >:/
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Anonymous @ April 23 2003, 18:50:09 UTC |
a-fucking-men, man. some things are more important than the one-bloody-true-pairing. like a best friend. i'm not real happy with harry. seems i'm the only one, though.
karabou @ April 23 2003, 18:57:55 UTC |
some things are more important than the one-bloody-true-pairing. like a best friend.
I agree.. and family. I just think that a lot of H/D fans get a bit too absorbed in H/D and forget that there are other people in Harry's life that are important to him. (no offense intended to anyone.. just my opinion from observation)
And yeah, not cool of Harry to ditch Ron... just when they were getting it together again, too. :(
katrionaa @ April 23 2003, 19:46:45 UTC |
I agree too, about friends and family being important and about people other than Draco being important.
Harry was doing really well making an effort to mend their friendship but then he blew it. Ron's last icon was so sad. :(
karabou @ April 23 2003, 19:51:14 UTC |
Ron's last icon was so sad. :(
I know! That forced/disappointed/oh well smile.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2003, 20:19:21 UTC |
Harry's not ditching Ron at all, though. He made an appointment to do something tonight and he's keeping it (an appointment that was his idea too, remember). Not going to talk to Ron would be as bad as leaving Ron just because Draco walked in.
I think Harry's been excellent in this whole thread, although I understand that Ron is probably still a little sad that they couldn't get together right away. I mean, think about it: Ron starts ignoring Harry for Hermione. Then he gets angry at Harry for no reason. He's totally clueless whenever Harry wants to talk to him about something important (this last one isn't his fault). Then when Harry really does get mad at him Ron just lashes out right back--unlike Harry who, when Ron got angry at him, did try to talk to him about what his problem was. All this started happening long before there was anything going on with ps. It's all about H&D.
Now Harry is the one to extend the olive branch as well. I think not being able to get together with Ron right that second is nothing bad, especially since Harry made sure to tell him he did want to get together as soon as he was finished what he had to do. Also, this is generally important in the overall scheme of their friendship. Not because Ron has to be friendly with potterstinks but because Harry has to make it clear that he should be able to be friends with anyone he wants without judgement by Ron. He understands why Ron doesn't like ps and he's made that clear. But if Ron's going to get angry at Harry like Harry has no right to associate with ps, or threaten to withdraw his own friendship for it, that's unacceptable.
I wonder, too, if Harry didn't come to some general conclusions during his months of being on the backburner with Ron. I know when I experienced something like that as a friend I didn't get angry or yell at her, but I accepted that this was a person I shouldn't depend on totally. Not that she was untrustworthy in general. Just that I had to know I had other friends besides her, a life of my own. That's important for Harry to have, totally independent of anything specifically H/D. If Harry had made a date with Seamus or Padma I'd think it was just as important that he kept it.
moonlitpages @ April 23 2003, 22:06:21 UTC |
I second that as well! Harry's error was just one of bad timing- I think he was just so eager to make up with Ron that he forgot he had a prior commitment. He also had given his word to Narcissa to give Draco that package, so it was rather a double commitment, really. And because they were made first, they have priority. If Harry had made plans with Ron first and then the opportunity to see Draco came up that he took, that would be ditching Ron more so than just backing out of a brief suggestion, imho. I also like that Harry is holding his ground and making it clear that while he does clearly desperately want Ron's friendship back, he's not going to change who he is or the other things that are important to him to do it. I don't think he's giving the message that his friendship with Ron comes second to his interest in Draco by doing this; I think he's just holding his ground on a primary issue of fairness.
And you're right, I've had that experience in the past as well when I was their age, of realising that depending on one or two friends exclusively for emotional support is not always the wisest thing to do in volatile years such as those when fights, misunderstandings, and friends drifting away with significant others are inevitable, and if you rely solely on one friend you will be left without a leg to stand on when things go awry. Not that such close friendships aren't important, but branching out is also important. Hopefully Harry has/will realise that if he is going to make something work with PS (a big IF at this point), he's going to need his other support systems firmly in place and Ron is certainly a vital part of that if he can ever get past his blinding (and certainly not unfounded) hatred of Draco.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2003, 22:58:18 UTC |
a-fucking-men, man. some things are more important than the one-bloody-true-pairing. like a best friend. i'm not real happy with harry. seems i'm the only one, though.
No, you're not.
zedmeister @ April 23 2003, 18:49:36 UTC |
You know, I keep on reading that as "Harry ditching their make-out session to meet with Draco..." *facepalm*
(parent)notapipe @ April 23 2003, 20:45:57 UTC |
So let me get this real/imaginary snogging/screwing trail down:
And then there's Lucius's Ginny/people with money and Weasley/Weasley, which introduces that whole family (though I think Perky isn't on it, so Penelope wouldn't have to be included.).
delfeus @ April 23 2003, 23:55:06 UTC |
I just kept wondering whan the hell did they decide on a make up session... you know, playing with lipsticks and such. Took me a while to realize what's going on... I really should sleep more. :D
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ex_meiko437 @ April 23 2003, 19:02:40 UTC |
I'm mad at harry for ditching ron!! couldn't he have delayed hunting It for at least an hour? their friendship is barely there now, and he's going off with Draco.. he seems like he really dissapointed Ron
Ron is going to be steaming mad when he finds out Harry went off with Draco, as much as I can't wait to see them hunt It.
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cacklebang @ April 23 2003, 19:56:27 UTC |
Baaah. He's not "ditching" Ron.
While they're going to make up, and that's great, Harry did make that commitment beforehand. He's just being responsible.
(I know this because I've had to pass up friends in favor of appointments that I made earlier. It's a fact of life.)
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Anonymous @ April 23 2003, 20:48:37 UTC Err... |
I really don't see it as Harry ditching Ron. He had the balls to make the first move, and then apologize first; he initiated contact and put his pride aside, unlike Ron who waited around sulking (not that I don't love Ron...*schnugs*). I think there was a bit of a wait after Ron's invite because Harry panicked, realizing that he already had something going with Draco. He didn't want to cancel on Draco when he was the one who instigated the Wed. meet, so he apologized to Ron and told him tonight wouldn't be a good time, but some other time would be great. I don't see what the big deal is. J_H and PS had agreed to meet days ago; Ron had invited him at the last minute. No fault of Ron's, just bad circumstances.
I don't know how Ron will react. He may not be pleased, but I don't blame Harry one bit.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2003, 22:24:40 UTC |
I'm rather pleased with the progress made tonight. A situation such as this is best taken in small steps. Tonight's step was the "We still want to be friends" step. Tomorrow, they can take another small step and be civil/comfortable in the other's presence. The two have allot to get over, things like this aren't best when rushed.
I think Harry did do the right thing. He made promises before Ron and so he must keep them. I don't think he would let himself do anything less.
slinkhard @ April 24 2003, 02:27:48 UTC |
I'd be livid if he ditched Draco to see Ron.
It'd be a message of 'Oh you're ok when I'm fighting with Ron, but now my real friend is back, I don't need you anymore.'
Especially when Draco's parents are splitting up, and he could use some support.
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 03:30:52 UTC |
I agree that J_H was doing the right thing in keeping to his earlier arrangement with PS. But even if the situation had been less clear-cut, I would still understand why Harry would prefer to be with Draco right now. I mean, we're all pretty sure he's got a thing for Draco, right? And that's exactly what teenagers do when they fancy someone - run after them, and blow off their old friends. Spending time with your new crush object just seems loads more exciting than hanging out with people you've known for ages. J_H was pretty depressed up until about a week ago - there was about a month when no one seemed to have any time for him. So I totally sympathise with him going for the fun option of a Golf Book Hunt with Draco (and possibly something more...) instead of sitting around rehashing old Quidditch stories with Ron.
greenapricot @ April 24 2003, 09:06:06 UTC Half squee and half wah. |
It's so good to see Harry and Ron talking again and they're both so nervous and cute. *loves them* I'm afraid that Ron is going to just fly off the handle again when he finds out that Harry is going off with Draco, though. Which, I think, is the right thing for him to do since he made those plans days ago, but I really don't see Ron being understanding about that. As much as I love to watch all the drama it's just so heartbreaking. Here's hoping Ron doesn't over react.