notapipe @ 2003-04-24 17:44:00 |
(no title)
Mood: horrified at the plight of the house-elves, or maybe it's indigestion
The secret project revealed! SPEW Online. It's the day of the N_A websites, it seems.
I love the recommended reading. Especially the entry for Hogwarts, A History (one would think she would get over it in 6 years, wouldn't they?):
Hogwarts, A History. Though, of course, this is a book which is not entirely reliable in providing an unbiased account of the house-elf staff at Hogwarts. A Revised History of Hogwarts would be a more accurate title. Or A Highly Biased and Selective History of Hogwarts, Which Glosses Over the Nastier Aspects of the School. Not once, in over a thousand pages, does Hogwarts, A History mention that we are all colluding in the oppression of a hundred slaves!
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 18:02:34 UTC |
. . . She has plans to educate the house elves? I am seeing Dobby in glasses and a business suit, and it is disturbing.
Also, 'elfish welfare' looks a lot like 'elvish warfare'. This is not important, but I felt like saying it anyway.
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:18:11 UTC |
It is SOOO important. It inspired me.
Everyone, feel free to take one of these (but credit).
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 20:10:21 UTC |
Hah, very nice. I like the elvish SPEW much better than the elfish SPEW.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 20:29:27 UTC |
And they can skateboard down stairs mid-battle while shooting arrows without messing up their hair. Dobby's hair would not be messed up either, but this is beside the point. His nose would probably snap off or something.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 18:20:00 UTC |
I thought it was warfare too.
Ron has a lot to answer for. Poor Harry having to be in on this!:-)
sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 19:00:28 UTC |
I'm loving all the fighting on that thread, btw. For a smart girl Hermione's not exactly logical in her arguing on house elves' behalves.
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 19:09:58 UTC |
It's the Gryffindor in her. Harry saves the world, Hermione saves house-elves. She's trying to hard and her heart is in it, but change, if it comes, is very slow.
For what it's worth, I admire her but don't you think that maybe all this energy is being displaced into this project because of............difficulties with certain Weasely son?
sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 19:17:08 UTC |
It's true. Thing is part of what makes this so funny that Hermione's intentions by all standards are good, yet the house elves completely contradict them.
I do think she's needed to find something into which to channel energy better spent elsewhere. Ron, let's get it together, man! (Though Ron himself seems a little miffed at where Harry spent his evening last night...)
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:26:42 UTC |
I love Harry's response to Ron's indignation.
sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 19:28:29 UTC |
And Ron's response to Harry: What
Harry is just doing all the work here. Ron's being pissy and Harry's all, "Do you still want to read Quidditch magazines?"
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:32:49 UTC |
And then Ron is all "Go play with your seeker friend, traitor. No one loves me, I'm going to go throw myself to the squid, then go to Amsterdam by way of a secret passage in the lake."
And Harry really can't respond to that kind of bile.
flyingcarpet @ April 25 2003, 06:35:21 UTC |
*dies* *glomps you*
If knight_to_h3 starts tunnelling out of the school, I will worry, but not before. :D
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 19:28:48 UTC |
Harry still wants to get together. He's so sweet.
sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 19:31:45 UTC |
And Ron's just smacking him down--isn't it funny how when ps says things like this he's being friendly and Ron's being angry? They're so alike, yet so different (ps and Ron, that is).
I wonder if this will drive Harry back to the ps thread.
eponis @ April 24 2003, 19:41:32 UTC |
Hrm . . . and now PS is . . . jealous? Protecting Harry? Taking advantage of the situation to snub Ron? All of the above? But it was only after J_H's long silence in PS's thread that PS joined the Ron/Hermione/Harry thread. . .
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 19:42:47 UTC |
Draco is sticking up for Harry in his own small twisted way. Or he's making fun of Ron because Harry spent his evening with Draco and not Ron.
Either way, Harry needs a hug.
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:47:11 UTC |
Well, if you read PS's post, Harry had been forgetting his appointment with Draco to speak to Ron. I don't think it's right to lord that over Ron.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 20:29:45 UTC |
Actually, it really doesn't sound like he's lording it over Ron. And remember this is ps so if he was lording it over him I think we'd know it. What's odd is that he doesn't mention himself at all. He just says Harry already had an appointment--as opposed to saying HARRY LIKES ME BEST!
And then he brought up the fact that Harry apologized to him. I can imagine Harry's apology totally upsetting ps because that's Harry making an effort to be friends with Ron again. That Draco would bring it up is not only amazing (in that he's acknowledging it) but is exactly the type of thing that could work with Ron if it came from another person. He's saying, "Harry apologized to you when he was the one wronged, you idiot, who are you to not be making this hard on him!"
eponis @ April 24 2003, 19:35:53 UTC |
Hermione, I think, is handling this beautifully maturely . . . she's finding common ground with Ron, so that they can at least be reconciled as friends, and she responds to Ron saying that Harry has "better things to do" with ""Yes, that's true."
I'm really really really glad to see Harry and Ron reconciling (the Chudley! Cannons! icons are still the cutest thing in the world), but I also think it's hopeful (for the H/Ders among us) that Hermione actually seems to be okay with Harry's connection in Draco.
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 20:06:07 UTC |
SPEW is starting to look like the PETA of the wizarding world, only not nearly as extreme. Creepy.
(parent)notapipe @ April 24 2003, 20:09:26 UTC |
Does this mean we'll see lots of funny ads featuring House Elf sex?
What I want to see is Hermoine throwing House Elf blood all over dinner one night. Or not, that's really fucking disturbing. Then again...
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 20:20:29 UTC Re: |
Taken from PETA and altered slightly: House elves are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.
(parent)notapipe @ April 24 2003, 20:26:16 UTC |
Well, I wouldn't exactly call House Elf sex entertaining. It's more like sickening.
Though I'm sure someone would like a House Elf leather belt (not me though, their skin is too wrinkly).
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 20:37:09 UTC Re: |
Crouch seemed to have an interesting relationship with his house elf. I'm sure there's a market for that kind of stuff.
The belt, though, is not a bad idea. It could be used as a whip to punish bad children, and it's wrinkliness would creep them out. Plus, there would be the added bonus of being able to threaten children with the Winky Whip.
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 23:12:34 UTC |
Winky Whip! Mattel should get in on this, it'd be like the Harry Potter plastic lightsaber.
*bows to your genius*
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 21:38:20 UTC |
Lucius "I rule my house-elves with fear" Malfoy is responded to Hermione's S.P.E.W post and although she was very polite, I wonder if this isn't going to cause some trouble with someone. Lucius has quite the gift for trouble.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 09:22:15 UTC |
Is it just me, or does the SPEW ( layout look strangely familiar (
notapipe @ April 25 2003, 10:02:52 UTC |
It's not just you, I thought the same thing briefly, but since I have nothing more than a very passing aquaintance with Sugarquill (I think I've been there two or three times, one of which was April Fools Day), I wasn't going to mention it.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:37:06 UTC |
Nah. I mean, Gryffindor colors and tables and all, none of which can be called unique, but S.P.E.W. is much nicer looking.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:40:28 UTC |
agreed :) most official sites have that style and it is something Hermione would use, kudos to whoever made the site! it's really great :)