chickadilly @ 2003-04-24 18:42:00 |
(no title)
Mood: squee-ful
I found a snake in the grass, so Potter decided to take the opportunity to brush up on his Parseltongue.
Am talking about this with taradiane right now and we're both commening on how the expression snake in the grass is a euphemism for sex ... and Harry is brushing up on his parseltongue. XD
Yep, we think we know what happened ... Heh ...
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 18:55:53 UTC |
i thought it was another way of saying 'a shady person'.
taradiane @ April 24 2003, 19:02:23 UTC |
That's ok. I wouldn't expect everyone to. Me and chickadilly are giggling over the copious amounts of double meanings in the original post and conversation.
What can we say...we're desperate ;-)
chickadilly @ April 24 2003, 19:09:21 UTC |
What can we say...we're desperate ;-)
Bwah! Or pathetic, not sure which one it really is! Heh.
chickadilly @ April 24 2003, 19:02:18 UTC |
Hmm. Not on my school bus.
Hee! Yeah, when I was in school snake in the grass was the way we all expressed it. Heh. Yeah, maybe they finally got things on... bwah!
eponis @ April 24 2003, 18:57:40 UTC |
Heeee. Though outdoors in the grass seems a bit . . .
::shrugs and whistles innocently::
Seriously though, did anyone else compare the timeline between the H/D banter and the snarking between Pansy and Hermione? Pansy starts to comment to Hermione soon after Harry writes to Draco, and her really cutting comment is right after Harry calls Draco an "anklebiter".
Jealousy, anyone?
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:25:11 UTC |
So does this mean M.B. is going to take a club to Hermoine now?
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queerasjohn @ April 24 2003, 18:59:40 UTC |
"If a snake in the grass
is an asp in the grass
why is a grasp in the ass
called a goose?"
non_inferno @ April 24 2003, 19:01:51 UTC |
I think 'snake in the grass' is a Biblical reference. Harry is Eve in the garden being tempted by the snake, and Draco is Adam, the innocent bystander--sort of--who gets pulled in. And then Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge and realize they are naked, and the parallels really stop before that part because there really weren't any parallels in the first place.
Either way, it's all about the sex.
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 19:40:22 UTC |
Don't sell yourself so short. It really is all about the sex. Probably because the biblical allusion really does suck. Hard.
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nefeleo @ April 24 2003, 19:06:01 UTC |
Have a feeling PS asked J_H to speak in parseltongue because he finds it as sexy as the rest of us. :D
(parent)eponis @ April 24 2003, 19:12:29 UTC |
::agrees wholeheartedly and LOVES YOUR ICON TO DEATH::
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 19:14:14 UTC |
So does Harry. He says Draco asked him to talk to the snakes and then got freaked out by it. Can't you just see it? ps is such an idiot. I love him.
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nefeleo @ April 24 2003, 19:21:33 UTC |
Hee! Thanks! karabou made the art, I just stuck it together. :D
imochan @ April 24 2003, 19:57:08 UTC |
*eats your icon up*
Also, doesn't Draco asking Harry to speak Parseltongue occur in Underwater Light as well? Maybe I'm just on a Maya!pimping streak or something, but dudes... i'm seeing parallels. Narcissa and Harry bonding... the "Oh-i'm-dying!" drama queen act (<3), and now this?
Squee, anyone?
imochan @ April 24 2003, 20:15:57 UTC |
Alright, so after being thoroughly desconstructed by Aja, have decided to publicly retract my UL/NA statements and just go off and read the two of them separately. ;)
I believe this spammage is concluded.
bookshop @ April 24 2003, 20:19:17 UTC |
Seeing parallels is fine, but Potterstinks' player hasn't read work-in-progress fics for at least 18 months or so. If you were to ask them about similarities to UL they wouldn't have a clue what you're talking about other than to possibly take offense that you were insinuating they had stolen their plotline.
As Maya's beta I feel like I should be saying, 'oh, that's definitely a parallel' or 'no, it's definitely *not* a parallel, what are you on about?' When really I just tend to think of both writers as being brilliant autonomous writers who are creating their stories without regard to what anybody else is doing around them.
imochan @ April 24 2003, 20:32:50 UTC |
possibly take offense that you were insinuating they had stolen their plotline.
eek. -_- None of that. That was not intended. wah!
Er, now I feel as though I came off rather stupidly. I hope that wasn't the case, because I didn't intend to imply anything other than they were both wonderfully engaging and adorable scenes, and that I appreciated both of them. Thanks for clearing up some unknowns for me; i'll try to keep my comments less newbish in the future. :D
catiadoodle @ April 24 2003, 23:43:36 UTC |
I must admit I made the parallel with UL!Draco, too, and like imochan, without any implied reference to potential plagiarism whatsoever.
It's just that I love both Dracos in a similar way because they have a lot in common, and as vanityfair said, what they have in common comes directly from canon itself. What I love so much about PS and UL!Draco, is the ability of the 2 authors (well, player and author) to stick very strictly to canon: to take, as he is, the insufferable and spoilt git who barks a lot but doesn't bite, and without twisting canon, achieve to make him so very lovable and cute.
Congratulation to both for their work.
kat99999 @ April 24 2003, 20:36:09 UTC |
Potterstinks' player hasn't read work-in-progress fics for at least 18 months or so.
Purely out of curiosity - do you if that's because of dedication to creating a pure storyline for NA? Because if so, wow... that's dedication.
bookshop @ April 24 2003, 21:13:08 UTC |
Hahaha, you know, actually, I really don't know. I doubt it's purely because of NA because NA's not quite a year old (?? not sure about the age but i know it's not 18 months old)--but maybe that's a contributing factor.
(parent)bookshop @ April 24 2003, 21:19:41 UTC |
Actually, it's 15 months old (counting the months it was at Deadjournal, which I hadn't been earlier).
My bad. :D
kat99999 @ April 25 2003, 04:12:46 UTC Re: |
Yeah, that's what I thought as well, about it not being quite that old. I think it comes across though, because PS is very cannon Draco and he never ever slips into any other varieties. The characterisation just - rocks, in my opinion, and the player certainly hasn't suffered for not reading fic!
sheron @ April 24 2003, 23:08:16 UTC |
Not to insinuate anything bad, but the parallels are there. There's something about the characterization, and about the public side of N_A's H/D relationship that's very similar to UL.
I'm not insinuating anything bad. In fact, I rather like it.
Great minds think alike, perhaps? :)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 05:03:21 UTC |
I would also like to point out that I have never read nor heard of Maya or this UL that you speak of. We're all just doing what we're doing based on our own inspirations and working off of and with the other players in NA. I'm sure you could see coincidences in nearly anything if you looked hard enough. ;)
~Narcissa's player
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 07:13:00 UTC |
Particularly, of course, since you're talking about the same characters. In two Dracos based on canon no similarities would be cause for concern! Of the two things mentioned, one is directly from canon ("I'm dying!") and the other is a conjecture that I even made myself based on canon, that Draco would be fascinated by parseltongue. It's practically canon, just between the lines.;-)
(parent)choir_invisible @ April 25 2003, 08:01:05 UTC |
I'm sure you could see coincidences in nearly anything if you looked hard enough.
Oh yes... haha. I've been tracking quite a few myself, and having great fun with it. Serendipity is often a more powerful force in RPG than in other mediums, and that goes for across RPG/fic/etc. lines as well.
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 19:39:14 UTC Heh |
"Snake in the grass" was the sexual metaphor of my growing up years. :D Less on the school bus and more on the playground for me, running around on the pavement and giggling behind hands. Perhaps I am pervy-minded, but when Draco said he found a snake in the grass and Harry started parseltonguing it (for lack of a better word), I couldn't help but think, "Harry's such a snake-charmer, the dawg" more ways than one...? :P
Now that I've reverted to pre-adolescent snickering, I will try to return to some semblance of maturity. *ahem*
notapipe @ April 24 2003, 20:04:32 UTC |
Draco will be an honest man for Harry's sake!
Okay, so I know that's not exactly what he's saying. But I don't care.
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Anonymous @ April 24 2003, 20:31:49 UTC |
hehehe.. I've never thought PS could be this sweet. They are so very cute together. ^0^
(parent)catiadoodle @ April 24 2003, 23:24:42 UTC |
Indeed, PS is starting to show all the sweetness his heart is probably capable of, but never had any chance to demonstrate until now. Well, not that he will really demonstrate anything too obviously of course.
That's why we love him so much!
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 07:14:47 UTC |
Yes, look at how fiercely loyal he is to, say, Lucius whether he deserves it or not. He's still insulting and insufferable, but I think once you're in his "inner circle" he goes above and beyond most people in caring about you.
(parent)notapipe @ April 25 2003, 08:37:39 UTC |
Which explains what he's put Millicent through recently, how?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 10:11:52 UTC |
No, I didn't forget Millicent there. Caring about someone doesn't mean not hurting them. Just as Ron!
At the moment I can't really answer the thing about Millicent because I don't understand what is going on. One thing I am fairly sure of is that ps has a conflict of interests here. I think it's very possible that his parents are taking an interest in the whole girlfriend thing and Pansy is really the only reasonable choice for Draco in that. (Calming anxiety over his own sexuality would also be a pressing need.) He needs Pansy and I think that trumps any misgivings he has about encroaching on M.B.'s territory. PS may be sweet in his own way but he's not the kind of person who's going to stand up to his parents to avoid putting Millicent through trouble, imo. It's not that there's all sweetness and light in his heart, but there is some.
What makes it harder to get is that Pansy is so obviously behind this. She's the one posting about how great her boyfriend is, etc. She originally posted that she and Draco had a "long talk" and that he is "so easy to talk to." Knowing Pansy, I think this means that Pansy did the talking and came up with the whole damn plan.
The other thing about ps is that while I think he does sometimes have a genuine desire to make people he cares about feel good he also has serious trouble understanding what other people feel because he's so self-centered. This thread with Harry happens to be something he understands. In fact, I think J_H is at an advantage because he's able to be pretty clear with Draco in setting the rules. ps has obviously learned (probably from that first painful experience) that demanding Potter be friends with him and not Ron, or trying to turn Potter against Ron is not to be done. I think he's clueless with M.B. He knows he's displeased her but honestly doesn't seem to think he's done anything wrong. Both Pansy and Draco seem to have a very different pov on whatever is going on than she does. He may, in fact, think he's totally justified and be angry at M.B. in return for whatever he thinks she's doing that's unreasonable. It's impossible to say, not knowing what's really going on. I do think that M.B. is the one wronged here, somehow, but I can't say exactly what's happening.
I don't mean this to make Draco's behavior with M.B. seem like it's better than it is or excuse it. I'm just trying to figure out his code of behavior. Because I really do think he's viciously loyal and protective of people who are the most important: Lucius and Narcissa, obviously. But not everybody gets the same treatment, imo. It's maybe a bit like Ron again. Ron is more loyal and protective of his family than most as well, but this doesn't stop him from hurting Ginny or Percy.
notapipe @ April 25 2003, 10:20:47 UTC |
I liked your comment better without Ron. (though it's still very very impressive I can't really add respond in a meaningful way, I exist to snipe and build short ideas, not nice long ones) Maybe it's because Ron and Draco are fundamentally different in the things that hurt, Ron is a fucking tidal wave, Draco is a cold bastard, and the analogy doesn't help me understand Draco at all. Or maybe it's just because I don't like Ron (I hate NA!Ron like I hate NA!Lavender and NA!Lucius, they're brilliantly evil). :P
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 11:30:20 UTC |
LOL! Adding the Ron factor always carries that risk.:-)