lunadeath02 @ 2003-04-26 00:56:00 |
Mood: morose
Harry deleted his journal?? O_O omg no!
anyone else: try clicking on just_harry!
ishuca @ April 25 2003, 23:06:27 UTC |
oh, god.
but... he'll have to eventually reinstate it, simply because he has to. even so.
:cuddles J_H:
lunadeath02 @ April 25 2003, 23:38:58 UTC |
He just has to. This is Harry we're talking about!
Of course, we don't really know what Harry would do In Canon. I'm thinking that even HE would be hurt by this- even though Draco didn't think first before he posted.
Is he even allowed to deleted his journal? Isn't this a school assignment?
imochan @ April 25 2003, 23:22:47 UTC |
Alright troops. Fire it up. "Harry, we love you, please come back?"
Just something along those lines? Props to eponis for starting this wonderful idea. ^^
nightflight @ April 25 2003, 23:26:19 UTC |
WE NEED J_H SUPPORT ICONS. ;_;;;;;;;;;;;
nightflight @ April 25 2003, 23:31:28 UTC |
You think so? Good. x.x ::whew:: Was somewhat scared I'd be chased off.
But... ;_;;;; He needs all the support he can get nee.
::was supposed to be asleep hours ago::
lunadeath02 @ April 25 2003, 23:34:06 UTC |
I muchly agree!
and i was supposed to be in bed two hours ago. *sighs*
sheron @ April 25 2003, 23:37:01 UTC |
I'm thinking of writing to ps, since that's the person who did all the work today. (well, the majority of it anyway). tomorrow maybe.
(parent)xnera @ April 25 2003, 23:40:54 UTC |
Already wrote to him. *grin* Really hoping I'll get a reply, but that's fine if I don't. I had fun writing the letter.
*shows off her new Draco icon*
xnera @ April 25 2003, 23:50:46 UTC |
*laughs* That's funny; I said to him that he'd "probably hex me or tell me to sod off". Guess we know him too well.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ April 26 2003, 09:23:30 UTC |
i think it's during the time that harry and ron are polyjuiced as crabbe and goyle, and 'harry' just said that HE was worse than dumbledore- to cover his mistake. and draco's like "good one, goyle! saint Potter!"
(parent)lunadeath02 @ April 25 2003, 23:59:25 UTC |
He has to! He has to!
It's a school assignment! O_o
katrionaa @ April 26 2003, 00:09:49 UTC |
And, more importantly, we all loooooooooovvvvvvvvvvve him!!!!!1!11
(parent)![]() |
eltie @ April 26 2003, 02:30:07 UTC |
It's now Remus' turn, and Sirius *and* Sevvie are bickering
(parent)hunin_munin @ April 26 2003, 02:01:29 UTC |
Oh, dear me. The things that happen when one looks away for a moment. What is going through Draco's mind right now, I wonder? Why did he feel the need to post all that? Funny what fear can do to a person. Though, yes, I would have to say his behaviour does not surprise me in the least, and this is a fine reaction for the player to make. I can't even be mad at Draco for that. Oh, but still...
HARRY-DEAR, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, WE ALL LOVE YOU. Please come out of the S.P.E.W. room; all that wholesomeness cannot be good for you. And don't eat any of those beans, they do weird things to the head. *worry worry worry*
lunadeath02 @ April 26 2003, 09:26:17 UTC |
would harry be eating the purple beans to ease his sorrow? and what does Hermione think of all of this? i hope that she and harry have a nice talk together and such.
(parent)conversant @ April 26 2003, 09:29:12 UTC I love J_H's player! |
Deleting the journal is such a perfect LJ thing to do. I love this role-play and the way they are using the medium to advance the story.
(parent)trigaria @ April 26 2003, 09:34:04 UTC o.O |
I can't believe this... I mean it's perfect, it really is using the medium to advance the game in so many ways, but... I mean wow. This is so intense, I'm really with bated breath here. I have to go to a six hour rehearsal now and will be killing myself wondering what's going to happen between now and 7pm...
I definitely want j_h support icons. :)