notapipe @ 2003-04-26 11:37:00 |
(no title)
Music: The Cranberries - Wanted
I couldn't tell that wheresmytoad was still alive. He only shows up when it's over.
wednesday_tea @ April 26 2003, 11:43:02 UTC |
He raised a really scary point- for me, at least:
What will we do when/if this "project" ever ends?. Meep.
wednesday_tea @ April 26 2003, 11:45:51 UTC |
*Scoffs* Work? What work? *Shoves papers into a shredder*
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 11:46:36 UTC |
Okay. But only if there's chocolate involved. I just commited to Death by Chocolate (where did I eat that?) earlier today.
(parent)siren52684 @ April 26 2003, 11:51:29 UTC |
bennigans. "death by chocolate" is a bennigans thing. and a damn tasty thing at that. :)
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 11:56:32 UTC |
Hmmm. But I don't think I've ever BEEN to Bennigans...
(parent)siren52684 @ April 26 2003, 12:02:01 UTC Re: |
hmm. interesting. as i am quite the bennigans connosseur (or however it's spelled). and i am 100% certain that DBC is a bennigans thing. unless you got a cheap rip-off. in which case i am terribly sorry, and must urge you to get the real thing at bennigans asap. :)
(parent)![]() |
ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 11:55:05 UTC |
I can see it all now. A giant, giant vat of chocolate sauce. A sign, "WE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT NOCTURNE_ALLEY!"
Millions falling into the vat, and drowning in the bliss of chocolate and memories of n_a.
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thegirlingreen @ April 26 2003, 12:00:26 UTC except... |
there might be side-effects in that there are so many of us and then we'd consume all the chocolate and rather than dying we'd just have very painful stomach aches. and while i do love n_a, i'm not too fond about stomach aches.
then again, to hell with stomach aches! onward to this vat of chocolate sauce!
mmm... giant vat of chocolate sauce...
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ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 12:03:02 UTC Re: except... |
But we are not consuming the chocolate.
We are simply drowning in its lovely depths.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:06:48 UTC Re: except... |
It's no good without consumption, and I'm not talking about the victorian era sickness either.
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ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 12:24:46 UTC Re: except... |
Alright, a new suggestion.
Chocolate laced with rat posion. Discreet rat posion, so we do not taste its vile flavor overcoming the chocolate!
Yes, no?
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:30:59 UTC Re: except... |
yes. Only let's do arsenic. Because Arsenic and Old Lace was a good movie.
(parent)![]() |
ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 12:43:30 UTC Re: except... |
That works. Our fates have been decided.
*writes name in blood on the pact*
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:12:11 UTC Re: except... |
*Uses red pen, because he doesn't want to cut himself*
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 13:03:17 UTC |
Is that a greek thing, too?
o_o Because if it is, just add a -polous to my name and give me a toga.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:11:29 UTC |
Yes, those Greeks in central america who had all that chocolate. (ATLANTIS!)
IIRC, the toga is post-mycenian (any historian/classicist want to confirm/correct this?)...
imochan @ April 26 2003, 13:17:53 UTC |
i want bedsheet!clothing.
no need to be historically correct if i'm just going to be covered in chocolate, right?
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:19:16 UTC |
Guess not. But may I suggest you use black or brown bedsheets?
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:22:35 UTC |
I may not know what taffeta is, but I do know that chocolate stains are better hidden by black than puce. Though it's certianly not as bad as white.
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 13:29:22 UTC |
Perhaps that's why PS was so put out by his mother's robe selection?
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kearie @ April 26 2003, 14:57:26 UTC |
Have you ever been to Williamsburg Virginia? If you have you may have eaten Death by Chocolate there. One of the more expensive restaurants (The Trellis) has this incredible Death by Chocolate cake that we impoverished college students save up for for extended periods of time because it is just so so so good...
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 15:28:23 UTC |
Not since I was a little kid living in a DC suburb. I'm pretty sure I had it in Minneapolis.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 26 2003, 11:51:42 UTC |
Oh, I do love your icon.
Oh, yes. I will die from a heart attack if this ends. Or something equally horrible.
non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 11:57:27 UTC |
When it is all over I say that we turn nraged into an RPG, as there is already enough drama for it to be one, and
nocturne_alley will become our fan community who will scream over everything we post. Because that would just be freaky.
I'd offer to play the role of the mindless fan with nothing of value to say, but it really wouldn't provide much of a challenge.
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ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 11:58:20 UTC |
Dibs on the fangirl that faints whenever she sees any of the characters.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 15:34:26 UTC |
I do the same thing, without the fainting bit. I was positively estatic when I woke up this morning checked my mail and found out potions_master took 50 points from whatever house I am (nraged!Ravenclaw). I felt touched by greatness.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:00:32 UTC |
I call icon-making bastard who verbally/textually abuses everyone because he has no soul!
No wait, I want a challenge.
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ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 12:02:18 UTC |
A challenge?
How about the kittenish slaveboy who wears nothing but taffeta and gushes about the magic that is spandex? Constantly.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:06:11 UTC |
How about a challenge that requires I know less about fabrics? I don't even know what taffeta is.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:10:55 UTC |
Taffeta - a crisp plain-woven lustrous fabric of various fibers used especially in women's clothing.
It has the word 'lustrous' in it. This is clearly the role you should have.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:12:50 UTC |
I dictionary.commed it too, doesn't tell me wtf it is.
I also don't know any advantages to spandex. I also don't know how to apply the adjective kittenish to a person. I can't play this role, I'm not smart enough for it.
non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:17:06 UTC |
It may be the same in effect, but it does not take away from the fact that you lied. How can you expect anyone to ever trust you again?
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:19:00 UTC |
I could just delete my comment and people would think you're a crazy person.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:27:53 UTC |
Well, now it would be predictable. If anything, I'm easily manipulable, so I won't.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:28:52 UTC |
Oh dear, I think that just defeated the purpose of deleting it, didn't I?
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:50:09 UTC |
To whom it may concern-
The deleted comment above reads, or once read:
Alas, I must confess that I do know what taffeta is, as I wear it daily, being the kittenish slave boy that I am. Forgive me for lying, but I thought pretending not to know its meaning would help my image and would be the same in effect.
Because the world has a right to know the truth.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:56:12 UTC |
If anyone in this community gave two tugs of a dead dog's cock about the Truth, they wouldn't listen to you and your lies. We're all so tired of your stupid lies. Aren't we Moltar?
*is so proud of two references flowing so seamlessly*
non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 13:03:10 UTC Re: |
Now I see how you can understand so well when others are in denial. Experience is the best teacher.
And, I must say, it is a shame that your seamlessly connected references are hidden within a collapsed thread. I am not culturally literate enought to understand.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:08:03 UTC |
Fixed THAT little problem!
The references are Transmetropolitan Issue #3 and "Cahill" episode of Space Ghost.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 14:55:15 UTC |
I am no longer in denial. I have exposed my lying nature to the world.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 16:02:39 UTC |
pride goeth before the fall. I dunno the relevance of that, though.
By the way, I'm in good company, some weirdo who writes poetry (I don't like it, but I'm not much of a poetry appreciater anyway, if it ain't about satan, in iambic pentameter or involve hollow men, I don't want to read it) is also interested in pink taffeta. I think she likes to beleive she is eccentric. Actually, there are a scary number of people interested in taffeta. It's a crazy cult thing, I think.
Iguana death threats. Re-reappeared. It is, after all, almost a full moon - the veil between worlds grows thin.
non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 16:17:08 UTC |
That poetry really speaks to my heart. I mean, I hate it when iguana death threats re-reappear. It's almost as bad as drifting past the blunt and orotund chopping blade.
I think that taffeta is worthy of its many followers. The question is, are the followers worthy of taffeta?
That was supposed to be philosophical.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 16:20:09 UTC |
I could tell. Because-- Eskimos in winter and spring, yes; You. Making no sense.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 16:28:22 UTC Re: |
Did you write that yourself? The insight! The angst! The Eskimos! Woe!
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:14:46 UTC Re: |
Well, if you must be the busty American transfer fan, so be it.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:18:22 UTC |
nonono. I need someone else to come up with a GOOD person to play. Because busty americans with Guernica eyes can't quote the illiad.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:24:49 UTC |
You could be a fangirly version of Homer. That would be creepy. Pointless and irrelevant, maybe, but creepy.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:26:57 UTC |
YES! And I have a Homer to work off of, using the HumPlay!Homer (you don't need to know what the Hum Play is). I must away to make armor/nipple icons!
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 12:29:17 UTC Re: |
Armor/nipple icons? I should not have said anything.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:30:20 UTC |
No. Armor OR nipple icons, not the good ship SS Bronze and Busts. Though I might do that too now.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 13:16:32 UTC |
I think I will. I need a replacement for the golf/Harry icon. He is already abused enough as it is, and I know the feeling. Can you believe that there people are rude enough to call me an idiot in my own livejournal?
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:20:50 UTC |
If you were anyone else, I would say no and look shocked. But, all things considered, I'm sure they had a very very good reason, and you should be very thankful for their insight.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 13:31:14 UTC |
You're right. It was overwhelmingly insightful, and I'm sure it was all for my own good.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:04:30 UTC |
Okay, how about this: I play the stunningly beautiful and busty american transfer fan (that is, fan who is transfered, not transgender fan) whom everyone falls in love with, including all the straight fangirls. Also, my hair is purple gold, and my eyes are miniature versions of Picasso's Guernica. Though I DO have voluminous eyebrows, they look VERY GOOD.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:14:11 UTC |
Update. I am now a busty fangirl Homer. Not everyone has to love me anymore, and my hair will be black and curly, a la the greeks or the 80s. My eyes will still minature Guernicas, though
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 19:50:19 UTC |
Am absolutely riveted. But, of utter importance: DO YOUR EYEBROWS REMAIN VOLUMINOUS? If not, I am sorry, but I must go into the west and be one of those who do not love you any more. Nothing personal.
(parent)xnera @ April 26 2003, 12:29:44 UTC |
And I call the role of the girl who continually posts to nraged because she has no social life, is lonely, and is craving attention.
Hey, at least I'm honest about my faults.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:32:23 UTC |
It's supposed to be a roleplay. Hence my character, BustyFanGirlHomer. Armor <3 SQUEE!
(parent)xnera @ April 26 2003, 12:34:12 UTC |
See, that's the problem. I am incapable of roleplaying. Everytime I try to write fiction, it just ends up being a loosely veiled commentary on my own life.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 13:34:32 UTC |
That's okay. You are honest in a world filled with dishonest people.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:42:10 UTC |
Better the one who is honorable and open about his lies than she who is not.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 13:45:06 UTC Re: |
She? This seems almost like an accusation, but that couldn't be.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 14:26:28 UTC |
Of course it wasn't an accusation. If I had meant to accuse I would have said, "Better the one who is honorable and open about his lies than she who is not." As it is, it only looks like that since I make the effort to use the feminine pronoun when no specific pronoun is called for, and many are not used to that.
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 13:07:02 UTC |
dibs on the fangirl who shows support by slaughtering sacrifical hamsters.
I'm thinking a fifth business sort of a deal, personally.
zedmeister @ April 26 2003, 11:44:16 UTC |
Heh. I thought that was Boot at first, because of the icon and because the obliviousness would be completely in character.
(parent)zorb @ April 26 2003, 12:07:03 UTC |
You know who else we haven't heard from? wehaveseven! WHERE ARE THE WEASLEYS? >:O >:O >:O
zorb @ April 26 2003, 18:40:42 UTC |
Just one. It's something my friends wrote for my birthday last year. ^^
wednesday_tea @ April 26 2003, 12:10:48 UTC |
Twice. What if she DOESN'T make him keep it? Oh nononono. That can't be.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:11:18 UTC |
I'm confused, who was going to talk to McGonagall? Harry or Hermoine?
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:20:54 UTC |
Yay! It's been fixed to say Harry. Am no longer confused.
(parent)cineophilia @ April 26 2003, 12:20:58 UTC |
over? it's over?!? I just found it this weekend!!!!
*endless stream of obsenities*
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:21:45 UTC |
*laughs at your expense, directs you to read Harry's comment*
(parent)cineophilia @ April 26 2003, 12:22:57 UTC Re: |
which comment? in all of them he says he's not going to keep the journal.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 12:25:17 UTC |
The one that says "The journal thing is still going on". Besides, even if j_h were to quit, it would still go on (only we would see lots more of missgranger's icon). Also, an earlier NrAged thread mentions that the j_h thing is planned.
(parent)cineophilia @ April 26 2003, 12:26:39 UTC Re: |
ah... newby's mistake then. phew. was panicked at thought of losing this new form of procrastination.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 13:05:45 UTC |
Forgive this rather masturbatory post, but it needed to be said for the world to see. Pretend it's Ron talking to Draco, only Ron is smart and literature to american culture, if it helps.
If anyone in this community gave two tugs of a dead dog's cock about the Truth, they wouldn't listen to you and your lies. We're all so tired of your stupid lies. Aren't we Moltar?
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 15:55:24 UTC Re: completely unrelated |
Let me second that, modifying it with a "THE FUCK" in between "SHUT" and "UP"