imochan @ 2003-04-26 17:58:00 |
(no title)
Mood: thankful
Ron: "Harry ate an egg and half a muffin today, said he wasn't hungry but at least he's eating."
I'm with Molly. I love Ron Weasley. I will never, ever, ever forget this, no matter what happens in the future of N_A. Ron has proven himself - despite all his shortcomings, and for all the times we felt like bapping him on the head - to be the kind of friend most of us only dream of, and I think this is exactly what JKR had in mind. Congrats to the player for this. Even though my heart might be broken (blame it on The Angst), you're doing a damn fine job of filling it to overflowing with love.
hermione_like @ April 26 2003, 15:05:31 UTC |
I know! I <3 Ron. And I love Molly's post to him too. :D
(parent)katrionaa @ April 26 2003, 15:07:02 UTC |
For all that Ron is impulsive, occasionally whingey, hot-headed and stubborn, he's always been the one I'd most want to be friends with. I'm so glad he's proving what a wonderful friend he is. <3333
(parent)taradiane @ April 26 2003, 15:10:50 UTC |
::nods:: I couldn't agree more. I've always had a love/hate relationship with knight_to_h3, but this...this was unforgettable.
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ex_delz @ April 26 2003, 15:14:33 UTC |
Aw, I am usually the biggest ron hater there is, but I really do like n_a's Ron. He's just such a great friend! *wibbles and glomps Ron*
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ex_meiko437 @ April 26 2003, 15:19:12 UTC |
I love, love, love Ron in N_A after all of this. Despite being immature and very tempermental (which is adorable anyways with his explodings), this is something that completely warms me and makes me want to be Ron's best friend, too. His loyalty is completely astounding, and his post to Draco is everything and more that he had coming to him (even though Draco is in pain, too..) and I want to hug Ron for it, and play Weasley-literati with him forever
(parent)wehaveseven @ April 26 2003, 15:54:56 UTC |
It worksk now, not quite used to this funny WWW stuff!
Molly Weasley
imochan @ April 26 2003, 15:56:29 UTC |
If you weren't already married, Mrs. Weasley... *eyebrow*
(parent)wehaveseven @ April 26 2003, 20:18:14 UTC |
>:O >:O >:O >:O HANDS OFF; SHE'S TAKEN >:O >:O >:O >:O
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 20:22:35 UTC |
Mr. Weasley, I stress the "If."
*other eyebrow* Although, IF you weren't married either...
PS. Very nice use of the ;-thingy. >:D
wehaveseven @ April 26 2003, 20:39:17 UTC |
; thinger very masterful. SUCCUMB TO POWER OF ; THINGER.
Must go attack wife with love now. bbl.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 15:55:37 UTC |
worked for me.
is it better for you two, now?
something very interesting about flannel pajamas.
sheron @ April 26 2003, 15:55:48 UTC |
It's not broken anymore.
...Could someone post the words she says there? I don't think I can listen.
sheron @ April 26 2003, 16:13:21 UTC Re: |
yeah, thank you.
...I just want the hatred to stop...
imochan @ April 26 2003, 16:16:56 UTC |
*pets you*
Have some tea, watch some CoS, stay away from the Underwater Light... (well, at least That Part).
sheron @ April 26 2003, 16:32:17 UTC Re: |
Oh I've read UL already, it's all sunny and happy until That Part.
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 16:35:47 UTC |
Was she trying to make us all want drown ourselves, I wonder?
Wah! No! Happy thoughts. Like... like... Fighting monsters with bunnies.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2003, 17:13:03 UTC |
Please! I waited to read it until today because I was so down about ps and needed to clear my head and get back into Happy Draco and then...there was that part.
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flyby @ April 26 2003, 18:38:15 UTC |
...and inexplicably being unable to look away.
'Draco may be in love with his mirror' in Parseltongue.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 18:50:47 UTC |
Best. Happy. Ever.
Running from Reporters in the rain after Triwizard II.
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flyby @ April 26 2003, 19:04:46 UTC |
Marmalade and icing sugar and wrestle fights over the pumpkin juice.
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 19:27:07 UTC |
"Astronomy homework".
A.k.a sleeping out together under the stars. :D
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flyby @ April 26 2003, 19:33:51 UTC |
"Don't let me sleep on this cold Potions classroom floor, Potter."
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 19:41:57 UTC |
Well, i think we've come to the conclusion that UL's happy moments outweigh its un-ones. However, I still think we, as faithful readers, deserve some more Happy. The trauma we endured at That Part will stay with us forever. *morbid stare*
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flyby @ April 26 2003, 19:46:21 UTC |
Mm. I suspect that when sarahtales has finished breaking our hearts there will in fact be whole spadefuls of Happy.
There had better be.
cienna @ April 26 2003, 16:50:52 UTC |
Yeah. Having all the Nocturne Alley events as well as UL 12 happen in one day was a little emotionally draining. I have never felt so sorry for a fictional character as I do for Harry at this moment.
(parent)justapresence @ April 26 2003, 17:02:53 UTC |
I know I know I know how you feel. Poor Harry, because. Well. He's Harry Potter and gets all the sucky things. ... Yeah.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 02:31:25 UTC |
yeah!! after yesterday i have been awash with the harry-love! <3333