eponis @ 2003-04-26 18:05:00 |
Mood: better than last night
Draco gets a howler.
Definitely the funniest thing I've listened to all day.
(awwww, and Harry's so tired he's sleeping already . . . ::cuddles poor, brave ickle Harry:: )
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 16:08:50 UTC |
WOE BETIDE YOU! *breaks down laughing at that alone*
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 16:10:41 UTC |
is anyone else completely and utterly entertained by the image of ickle drakie in flannel plaid?
non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 16:39:57 UTC |
Only if they have scottish terriers embroidered onto them.
(parent)kat99999 @ April 26 2003, 16:10:33 UTC |
I picked up on the sleeping thing too.. awww, the poor thing. I haven't commented on this Harry situation yet, as missed it all due to stupid sleep! But- aww... poor thiiiing. I hope he is sleeping sound , but.. doubtful.
The Weasleys are ALL my heroes! All of them!!
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 16:22:21 UTC It's official... |
Am an idiot. My speakers (unbeknownst to me) were turned up all the way. -.-
Needless to say, there is now iced tea all over my desk and monitor. -.-
Haha, really though, that was a brilliant Molly Weasley impersonation. To whoever recorded it: *smooches*
Personally, I'm still giggling over the flannel pajamas bit. *idly wonders if their plaid or have little snitches all over*
zorb @ April 26 2003, 16:46:50 UTC Re: It's official... |
And that icon always makes me laugh. I keep imagining Harry hitting the Draco-head golf ball and it screaming in panic as it flies through the air.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 26 2003, 16:54:50 UTC Re: It's official... |
That would probably be therapeutic for him. Especially with the sound effects.
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ex_meiko437 @ April 26 2003, 17:58:09 UTC Re: It's official... |
either way, they're probably very mature pajamas of a very mature nature.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 19:18:55 UTC Re: It's official... |
Oh, but of course... ;)
(Although you really can't tell from the way he's been acting lately. Much <3 to his player for it.)
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chibi_draco @ April 26 2003, 16:46:00 UTC |
My eaars x_x!
Really great though, kudos to whoever did the voice in that.
sarahtales @ April 26 2003, 18:05:52 UTC |
OH GOD, POOR potterstinks
He must feel so miserable and universally hated and alone.
this him being versus the world is breaking my heart for him.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 18:18:33 UTC |
Speaking of heart-breaking....
Are you aware that you made me cry for an entire 30 minutes, Ms.Maya?
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 18:47:39 UTC |
I feel so sad and worried about PS. Everyone (in NA!World) seems so eager in joining the Hate-Draco bandwagon.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 18:49:45 UTC |
I'm not -- I think that ps must be just as hurt and confused as j_h. ps's world, as much as j_h's just completely fell apart.
Wah -- I support them both!
-- a different anon from the post above (sorry for lack of lj)
eponis @ April 26 2003, 18:51:49 UTC |
Either of you want a code? Just leave your e-mail addy or AIM name.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 19:04:41 UTC |
Could I have one? Thank you so much!
e-mail: minjungkim_85@hotmail.com