tropes @ 2003-04-27 00:11:00 |
(no title)
Mood: anxious
portkey @ April 26 2003, 21:17:08 UTC |
Exactly what I was wondering.
If one of the twins is excited by something, it's usually not a good sign..
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cacklebang @ April 26 2003, 21:18:39 UTC |
It has now been determined that the purpose of Nocturne Alley is to make the heads of its fans explode in bewilderment at sudden cryptic posts.
hermione_like @ April 26 2003, 21:34:28 UTC |
Actually, I believe that's in their mission statement.
We, at Nocturne Alley, shall always post such entries as cryptic as possible in order to watch as our fans explode from joy and/or confusion. The more fans that explode and die, the better we have served our purpose. Not to mention that it's funny when their brains go splat.
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cacklebang @ April 26 2003, 21:35:52 UTC |
Indeed! The nraged motto should just be "Beware of Exploding Fans".
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cacklebang @ April 26 2003, 21:52:53 UTC |
Perhaps specialized ones?
- if potterstinks is being an arse and crushing your H/D hopes, take Shield One
- if characters are being cryptic, take Shield Two
- if you cannot tell whether or not the banter is a guise for sexual innuendo, take Shield Three
and so on.
portkey @ April 26 2003, 21:58:34 UTC |
What're the odds that someone will make icons?
I've got 20 galleons on it.
cirakaite @ April 26 2003, 22:00:49 UTC |
I want icons! We need a choice for all the types of shields =D *wanders off to see if I can figure out some good ones . . . *
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cacklebang @ April 26 2003, 22:05:16 UTC |
If someone made icons I'd squee. I'd make them myself, but my computer hates me right now.
(parent)zorb @ April 26 2003, 21:24:23 UTC |
Gah! It's going to drive me (even more) insane! *tears hair*
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:02:42 UTC |
I should probably be thwacked for posting so much... but...
Am I completely delusional in thinking that Fred has a crush on Remus?
There was all that... you know... before... with the thanking...
My god I'm incoherent. I'm going to bed. Tell me if you think I'm cracked out by suggesting this.
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:05:43 UTC |
I was just thinking that, myself.
But, I mean, who can blame him?
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:09:51 UTC |
Remus was the kid who always got the most valentines at school.
Werewolf or not. <33333333
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:11:15 UTC |
Hee, you're probably right. I can just picture it, too, all the owls coming to the Gryffindor table at breakfast.
<33333, indeed.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:13:19 UTC |
Squee! And that poor, wide-eyed little boy, wondering why the hell he's getting all these red and pink lacy declarations of undying passion, devotion and lurve.
!! <3
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:22:43 UTC |
The mental images. Gaaaaaah.
Now I really, really want to see this drawn. But as I'm a horrible artist..
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:26:25 UTC |
If this whole fucking whackadoodle with Sirius/Remus dies down relatively soon, I will personally find time to do this for Nraged.
Only if.
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:28:04 UTC |
Oh please, oh please let Remus and Sirius talk things out. And not just for the picture. :/
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:49:31 UTC |
<3! I think another sacrifice to the N_A gods is in order.
We're out of hamsters... anybody got a spare gerbil?
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:51:33 UTC |
No gerbils, but what about a very fat rabbit?
It'd serve the duel purpose of making Lavender upset!
*smiles innocently*
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:57:08 UTC |
*hands over the bunny*
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to sacrificial offerings, so it's up to you. :p
imochan @ April 26 2003, 23:03:52 UTC |
Well, notapipe had this Greek thing going that was workin pretty well...
But we may have to make do without.
I'll get the Body Shop candles, you chant.
portkey @ April 26 2003, 23:07:38 UTC |
Er, all right.
*chants random things such as "NA", "Remus and Sirius", "theirloveissoangstybutperfect", and "<3333", which makes quite an odd sound when vocalized*
imochan @ April 26 2003, 23:10:32 UTC |
which makes quite an odd sound when vocalized
>>:DDD *loffs*
Sort of like an "Rrrrrrr"?
portkey @ April 26 2003, 23:13:25 UTC |
It's somewhere bewteen "eeeeee", "pfft", and a buzzing sound. And, frankly, difficult to describe if you can't hear it in person.
I so need sleep. *passes out in the general vicinity of his bed*
flyingcarpet @ April 26 2003, 22:05:59 UTC |
No. Not cracked out. That's what I was thinking here. Where is the other thread you referred to, with the thanking? I don't remember that.
Aaaah.... what is going on?
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:09:01 UTC |
I believe she was referring to this.
And I hadn't even thought of that comment when the Fred/George thing made me think he might fancy Remus. Only serves to make it more sensible..
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:11:35 UTC |
That's it. Thanks, love. Didn't know if I had the mental strength to start digging for that. ;D
(parent)flyingcarpet @ April 26 2003, 22:11:52 UTC |
Wow. Can't believe I didn't remember that. Thanks for the link. :)
Now I *am* going to explode. WHAT DID HE SEE??
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:15:24 UTC |
Because I'm too lazy to make two replies: You're both welcome.
And, while I don't think I'll combust any time soon, I also want to know what he saw..
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cacklebang @ April 26 2003, 22:08:40 UTC |
I think it would be possible.
If for nothing beyond the fact that it's Remus and who in their right mind wouldn't love him to bits?
tropes @ April 26 2003, 22:13:25 UTC |
Oh. Fuck.
This looks really bad.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:15:16 UTC |
OH NO!!!
sirius why are you angry please no don't you're better than that
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:19:42 UTC |
Okay. Based on Remus's post, here's what I've deducted, in my tired state of mind:
1) Remus did something with someone. Who or what remains to be seen, but it's obviously something that hurt Sirius.
2) Obviously, George saw it. But I think Fred might have, as well, and run away because of his possible feelings for Remus.
3) Well, there's not really a third deduction, as much as me wondering what, exactly, happened, and with whom.
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:21:36 UTC |
My vote's on Fred.
Then again, I'm wibbling like a madhouse here, so i'm probably wildly off.
hermione_like @ April 26 2003, 22:22:38 UTC |
Re: 2) Or possibly it was Fred that was with Lupin? George may have just seen Lupin with someone else, and not recognized Fred--maybe it was in the shadows or whatever. And George did say he couldn't find Fred.
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:24:25 UTC |
Actually, I had thought of Fred, but I don't see how George would have mistaken his own twin, even had it been under shadow.
Not to mention that I don't see Remus as doing something like to this to someone so young, considering recent accusations. Perhaps.
hermione_like @ April 26 2003, 22:26:40 UTC |
Or maybe Fred was the one who accidentally let it slip?
(parent)portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:39:26 UTC |
Hrm. Actually, from Remus's latest comments, saying that he'd had 'a lot to drink', I'm beginning to think more and more that it could have been Fred. But I'm not sure.
And, on a side note, where is Fred, anyway? Obviously, it's somewhere he can access a computer, but..
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:41:15 UTC |
Oh god. It just gets worse and worse.
And I'm sorry for my spamming..
portkey @ April 26 2003, 22:53:21 UTC |
I hate replying to myself, but guh.
Yep, it was definately Fred. He doesn't want 'anyone else' to find him, but he clearly means Sirius. And Remus, as well, perhaps?
hunin_munin @ April 26 2003, 22:50:08 UTC |
O.O (i seem to be making this face a lot of late) ToT Gyaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! Nuuuuuuu!!!!! Not my favorite couple! This just Cannot Be. (rampages, then runs off to make Remus tea)
Everyone seems to be in a state of serious PMS lately on NA, though, it is making for some interesting story and has me hooked again. Still, the mediocrity of happiness is rather nice.