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cacklebang @ 2003-04-27 01:15:00 |
(no title)
Oh dear.
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luleh @ April 26 2003, 22:16:06 UTC |
Is it torture the fans week?
Not that I don't <33333333333 NA for it!
*refreshes like crazy*
cirakaite @ April 26 2003, 22:23:59 UTC |
They decided that we took the PS situation well enough that they can load on the angst now.
Either that, or this is some twisted way of rewarding us . . .
flyingcarpet @ April 26 2003, 22:16:25 UTC |
Something tells me this has something to do with what George saw
What could it be??
cirakaite @ April 26 2003, 22:19:38 UTC |
Either with what George saw, or what Fred was doing . . .
*hides head* I can't watch! The puppies!
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:19:44 UTC |
My guess: Remus and Fred... maybe alcohol was involved?
I don't know I don't care just make it stooop...
I agree, we must've done something wrong. The torture keeps coming. CANNOT. COPE.
flyingcarpet @ April 26 2003, 22:21:35 UTC |
I agree, I'm afraid that's what was going on.
But-- after Remus dated Charlie?? Personally, I have explained to my boyfriend that that is just not on. He's never allowed to date my sister, even if I've been dead for 20 years.
It doesn't matter. You can just go back to what you were doing.
oooooohhhh noooooooo...
zorb @ April 26 2003, 22:26:14 UTC |
I've got a theory. *g*
The Weasley thing, not to mention that according to canon, Fred and George look the most like Charlie, possibly combined with alcohol, led Remus and Fred to get, er, friendly. George may have mistaken Fred for Charlie - that's why he's all excited. Fred ran away, maybe because Remus slipped and said Charlie? And somehow Sirius heard that...or just saw it...
Excellent parallelism in the two posts, too. *thumbs up to Fred/George, Remus, and Sirius*
imochan @ April 26 2003, 22:29:10 UTC |
"had a lot to drink, and it wasn't"
Yup. We got it pinned down, I think.
chickadilly @ April 26 2003, 22:33:57 UTC |
Good theory. I was thinking along the same lines myself.
Why do they do this to us when I really need to go get some sleep?
*hits refresh again*
anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 22:24:56 UTC |
MY HEART IS BREAKING. Wah. What on earth was Remus doing? And how did Sirius see, if he was at the other party? *wibbles*
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 22:37:37 UTC |
Once I caught myself going, "Huh. Snape and Remus, Sirius and Lucius, it sorta works." And then I banged my head with a dictionary and told my wandering mind, "NO. Remus/Sirius all the way, baby." And it was so loffly to have them be so happy, with the engagement and cake server and frequent liasons and flirting and tattoos and- now. Now. Ouch.
The angst is absolutely overwhelming. I just got back from a business trip to find the ps/j_h troubles, and that just about ripped me apart. And now all this: Fred and George, the inseparable inseparables, not coming clean with each other? And Remus and Sirius too, accusations and malice flying? Why does it all have to hurt so bloody much?
Obviously, there's no way I'm going to bed now.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 23:17:57 UTC 3some |
You are forgetting the obvious threesome choice of Remus/Sirius/Snape.
*envisions children's book entitled Harry has 3 Daddies*
samenashi @ April 26 2003, 22:30:21 UTC |
'I told you. I had a lot to drink, and it wasn't-'
So. Much. Angst. *REFRESHES!!!!!*
ishuca @ April 26 2003, 22:30:50 UTC |
i really don't think i can take anymore of this.
:wanders off and wibbles:
forevertwilight @ April 26 2003, 22:35:25 UTC |
is everything going to fall apart this weekend?
NA is getting almost painful, but I must enjoy self-torture because I just can't stop watching it! The angst gives it a better flavour or something.
...I did enjoy the happy huggy feelings when everyone was happy though. T.T;
forevertwilight @ April 26 2003, 22:48:28 UTC |
And yet I can't stop watching!
I want a happy ending, somehow. sniff.
moonlitpages @ April 26 2003, 22:52:52 UTC |
It's like a car crash...I just can't look away. So much for turning in early tonight...
(parent)forevertwilight @ April 26 2003, 23:00:06 UTC |
We had a DUI accident re-enactment at my school yesterday and for some reason NA is reminding me of that. I couldn't peel my eyes away from that either. I must enjoy torturing myself ><;.
*refreshing and wincing alternately*
moonlitpages @ April 26 2003, 23:24:44 UTC |
Yep, this is most definitely one of those moments where you cover your face to keep from watching, but end up peering through your fingers. *winces* Things do not look good for the puppies tonight...
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 08:52:24 UTC |
This is becoming like some major gothic novel or something with everything coming together on one fateful night. If they end up at the Manor a whole number of storylines might collide and Truths May Be Revealed!
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 27 2003, 11:26:01 UTC |
*laughs* you know, this particular plotline does strike me as being very 'mystery theater'- where everyone ends up in the Manor by the end and they reveal that it was the butler all along! *gasp* ;-) I love it so, though. I can't wait to find out what happened.
(parent)samenashi @ April 26 2003, 22:39:46 UTC |
Wah. His current one looks really.. pained? Bad mood/upset-ish?
(parent)samenashi @ April 26 2003, 22:47:19 UTC Re: |
HAHA YES. D'you have YM? I'm uber bored and I need someone to ANGST ABOUT NA WITH.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 22:43:54 UTC |
Well, it's his default one. So maybe- Remus isn't worth a special icon anymore? Okay, that sounds ridiculous, i know. But Remus, on the other hand, is fairly obvious with his anxiety. He alternates between "anxiously," "sitting and thinking," and "i don't know what to say." Poor Padfoot and Moony.
(parent)samenashi @ April 26 2003, 22:46:15 UTC Re: |
Yes, yes! And Sirius with all of his cryptic comments; "At least it's obvious you're inexperienced at this."
The two of them are like The Perfect Relationship, too. Everythings falling apart. :o!
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 22:39:25 UTC |
What? Is this "Dash all hopes of Happiness Week?"
Next thing you know, Dean and Seamus will have a fall-out.
The hearts of people can only take so much.
This there ANY chance of happiness for anyone?
blue_lightning @ April 26 2003, 22:41:49 UTC grrrrr |
Suddenly I am enraged at Sirius. It wasn't enough that he be so goddamn pushy in his relationship with remus (honestly, "cheering" Remus up with activities that *Sirius* enjoys? PLEASE) but that he also get angry at him for - at most - kissing Fred while intoxicated, is JUST TOO MUCH.
HELLO... WHO was the one flirting with Lucius, out in the open, after talking in his journal about how he was the "luckiest man in the world" to have Remus??? Sirius is in no position to judge Remus, who's probably just responding the way he often does to other people's emotions: by yielding to them. My guess is that Remus really didn't want to hurt Fred's feelings by embarrassing him openly. Especially after the recent harry affair. He probably wanted to sort things out after the party, when they were both sober. It's just a shame that Sirius, who doesn't even have the decency to flirt in private with Lucius, but does it WHILE REMUS COULD WATCH THEM BOTH, has to be so goddamn protective and wrathful.
Oh, I am SO MAD AT HIM right now. I could tear him into pieces. But that would make Remus cry even more. *sigh* Poor Remus yields too often. I think he's rather afraid of losing Sirius. I mean, on a daily basis, he's afraid of it. I think he thinks he's just lucky to have him at all. And yes, they're really lucky to have each other. But Remus... Remus is especially taken with the belief that since Sirius helped him learn to live, he owes everything to him. That's why Remus tolerates what he does from Sirius. Because he's full of nothing but pure unadulterated love/compassion. Which is something that our jaded_sirius direly needs.
But whether he deserves it or not... will be decided in his upcoming actions, I suppose.
*growls at Sirius*
(and poor poor fred... *pats head* you were brave to do what you did)
sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 08:58:32 UTC Re: grrrrr |
I think part of Sirius' anger has to do with himself, though. Not surprisingly, he thinks Lupin is "getting even." This is of course something Lupin would never do but Sirius may be projecting his own guilt on to Lupin. In a weird way Sirius may prefer Lupin to be a lesser person in this case. I mean, note that he's not attacking Lupin by calling him a whore etc., he's assuming this is a sign that Lupin wanted to hurt him. That may be because he feels like he would feel that way if he were Lupin.
Don't ask me why I decided to call one of them by their first name and the other by their last name in that post. I have no clue.
rsiobhan @ April 26 2003, 22:49:43 UTC |
I am saddened.
Perhaps, though, the fans are not taken into very much consideration in things like this, and even though they know this will make us cry, it's key plot development and as such, they won't change it just for us?
Still, though, crying is commencing. Theirlovewassopurehappy!
tropes @ April 26 2003, 23:05:59 UTC |
Oh god.
Much with the weeping.
*crashes into furniture in a dance of fitful peevish agony*
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princess_draco @ April 26 2003, 23:12:10 UTC |
Poor Lupin :( *weeps* Is NA trying to kill me!?
anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 23:25:05 UTC |
I wouldn't be able to COPE if it was Dean and Seamus next. HELL, I'm barely coping NOW. Seamus is all Dean has LEFT. *WEEPS*
Right, I have to go to bed. It is nearly 3 in the morning and my heartstrings have been jerked apart completely and I CANNOT TAKE THIS. Good night all, and here's hoping that somet things manage to be resolved, and we wake up to a few pleasurable surprises. *mopes anyway*
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 05:02:52 UTC Re: angsty angst angst |
Pansy, broken hearted over Draco's sulking and M.B.'s refusal to take her back, will seduce Mr. Weasley.
(parent)nimbus211 @ April 28 2003, 15:47:45 UTC Re: angsty angst angst |
Hermione, in breaking up Cho and Ginny, agonizes over which of them she wants to be with. Percy purchases a blow-up doll to impersonate his "girlfriend"--he calls her "Penelope II". Pansy decides to go after Ron to piss Draco off.
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princess_draco @ April 26 2003, 23:17:33 UTC |
It wasn't Fred!!
Uh oh, how is Draco going to handle this? How are Lupin and Sirius going to handle this? *goes off into spasms*
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princess_draco @ April 26 2003, 23:22:42 UTC |
Damnit. I always misunderstand N_A! *counts spaces in the messages and scrolls up, sighs*
(parent)zorb @ April 26 2003, 23:20:45 UTC |
So Fred must have seen it, too, and that's why he's off hiding. Poor heartbroken w00blet. *sobs*
zorb @ April 26 2003, 23:22:15 UTC |
*reads above reply* Or not. But George said he *saw*...
The angst has muddled my brain.
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:24:13 UTC |
George saw Sirius and Lucius, while Fred was with Lupin. Sirius saw. I think....
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 26 2003, 23:28:11 UTC |
This is so sad. Giving "cheat" the broadest definition: Sirius cheats on Remus with Lucius, and George sees. Remus cheats on Sirius with Fred, and Sirius sees and proceeds to go all offended and hypocritical about it. And he'd even promised not to invite Lucius! I don't believe the nerve. >_
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:20:59 UTC |
It was fred, but sirius was with lucius. BAD TIMES abound.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 23:21:59 UTC O_o |
*joins you in spasms*
On the other hand, Draco will probably be having the biggest *oh shit* moment of his life and second now...
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princess_draco @ April 26 2003, 23:24:24 UTC Re: O_o |
Would this be effectively ruining any of Draco's hope that his parents will get back together? Or will Lucius simply pass it off as a drunken mistake and continue to pursue Narcissa? hmmm
Do you need an LJ code?
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 05:04:25 UTC Re: O_o |
I think Lucius has been getting cock on the side throughout their marriage anyway, if you go back. I only think the real implications will be Sirius/Remus
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2003, 09:01:53 UTC Re: O_o |
Yeah, I don't think this will be a problem on that score. Although now that Narcissa is living with Remus and Sirius she may need to acknowledge Lucius' affair where she hadn't before.
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:35:05 UTC |
Oh lord Sirius!!!
*hits f5 to refresh*
samenashi @ April 26 2003, 23:37:13 UTC |
*has no words* He has deleted his default icon, too. :0
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:38:47 UTC |
argh argh! And the post was deleted before it showed back up again. ARGH!
*beats head on wall chanting 'f5 f5 f5 f5'...*
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:39:49 UTC |
MORE TRUTH!! http://www.livejournal.com/community/no
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:44:23 UTC |
BUT! Remus seemed upset about Fred leading Remus off. Maybe he was going to tell him something he didn't want to hear? or the Sirius thing? ARRRGH.
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:48:15 UTC |
Dammit sirius!! ANSWER! Don't make me come over there!!
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:50:51 UTC OH BLOODY FACKING HELL |
samenashi @ April 26 2003, 23:39:53 UTC Re: |
YES. God, my computer is going to blow up or something in a minute. IT IS SO NERVE WRACKING.
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:51:44 UTC |
*cries* This will not end pretty, like I want it to, will it? *curls up in a ball and cries some more*
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neveth @ April 26 2003, 23:53:43 UTC |
And now Mr. Weasly is offering to second. Oh this won't be pretty. Oh gods....