nightflight @ 2003-04-27 03:41:00 |
(no title)
Mood: worried
Oh no, Harry.
I do hope he stays safe. >
zorb @ April 27 2003, 00:44:04 UTC |
Wah, j_h! Such a brave little toaster almost-step-godson. Or something.
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 00:45:11 UTC |
Brave Little Toaster! ;_;;;;
::childhood memories come in a rush to try and dislogde the worry::
::childhood memories are not strong enough::
imochan @ April 27 2003, 08:35:37 UTC |
that movie would not dislodge any worry of any kind.
Brave Little Toaster is like Doom and Nightmare wrapped up in talking-appliance packaging. EVEN THE DAMN LAMP SCARED ME! >:O!!!!
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 00:44:53 UTC |
:clings and wibbles:
but if this doesn't bring him out of his funk i don't know what will.
:continues wibbling:
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 00:46:09 UTC |
::clings to ish::
Damn you, woman. It's almost 4 am here and I still blame this entire addiction on you! ;_;;;;
I do so love your icon though. GRYFFINDOR LIONS ROAAAAARR.
::wibbles with you::
hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 00:47:42 UTC |
I'm in the same time zone as you. Addicted, moi?
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 00:52:23 UTC |
:clings to liss:
god, it's almost 5pm over here i don't know how you can stand it! :huggles:
:meeps and hides: but just think of how much you love NA! it has to be worth it! :waggles eyebrows:
i got the icon from chamberoficons; thought i needed to display some good house pride. ;)
:continues wibbling:
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 00:55:11 UTC |
::cliiiings tight::
And yes, I do love NA. So much it stings. So much it hurts. SO MUCH IT MAKES ME WIBBLE AT EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING OH HARRY OH REMUS PLEASE BE SAFE. ;___;;;;
^_^ I'm all about the House Pride. And thank you for the link!
;_;;; Waaaah. ::wibbles in unison::
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 01:01:36 UTC |
yes! it is painful sometimes how much i adore NA! i mean, i have fallen desperately in love with M.B. so staying up until odd hours of the morning worrying about characters makes equal sense! (says my logic)
if lucius touches one hair on harry's head he's dead. this is my prediction. and i am just hoping lupin can take care of himself. i really think he can, though lucius is sure to cheat. ><
yay, house pride! and you're welcome. :D
:wibbles and offers donuts:
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 01:07:58 UTC |
Why, yes! And even if your logic did not make sense, this is NA, and NA goes beyond trivial things such as logic.
::prays that you're wrong about harry:: ;_;;;; ::prays that remus shows lucius a thing or two:: >< ::prays he turns out okay:: T-T
^_^ I've been looking for some good house pride icons lately, actually. Hee!
::takes donuts and devours them:: ;_;; ::continues wibbling::
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 01:18:17 UTC |
you know, you are completely and utterly correct.
otherwise i would have actually gone into nagoya as planned yesterday and done some doujinshi shopping. instead i stayed at home and clicked F5 until my fingers almost fell off. and then woke up today and continued. ^^;;;;;
i swear, if lucius makes one wrong move he's going to find himself on the wrong end of a head-hunting party. and it will be gloriously not-pretty. :joins in the praying:
i have coca cola too, if you need it. :offers:
(caffeine is perhaps not the best manner of combatting wibbling!tension, but it is my chosen method)
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 01:24:54 UTC |
You know, they should understand the sacrifices we're all making. I'm not sleeping and you chose this over doujinshi shopping. There were days when I was in Japan that I chose dj shopping (well, what I could manage in the area I lived, at least) over food, coming home on time, and not getting grounded by my host parents. Your loyalty is inspiring. ;_;
::wibbles:: I am so worried! NA fans! Ourloveissoulcerinducing!
You just said Coca Cola. I love you forever.
(We so need a NA party when you get back. XD With donuts and soda and TISSUES LOTS OF TISSUES ;_;;;;;)
And caffeine, dear? ::points at her user name::
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 01:32:25 UTC |
yes, they really need to, don't they? i mean, i was going to make a day of it in nagoya and look what happened! and you understand! :madly loves:
:still wibbling: i think i am on the verge of giving myself a heart attack... dead at 24 from overstimulation... -weep-.
:laughs: i almost said cola because that's what i'm used to over here, but then realized that didn't work for most other people. and then almost said coke but was suddenly not pleased with its other meaning though it has never bothered bothered me before (what living in japan does to a person), so settled on the classic. ^^;
(we do, we really really DO. with donuts and cola and SO MANY tissues we almost die in the resulting avalanche)
:grins: i thought you might like that. :pours more cola:
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 01:40:38 UTC |
::madly loves on you back:: And I bet even if you DID go DJ hunting, you'd be looking at the DxH and thinking of PS and JH and WAH. ;_;;;; Especially now.
NA has so completely gotten me back into my HP love. I have reread all the books in the last week and have devoured the movies AGAIN and am so overflowing with Harry love that I just do not know what to do with myself!
I know how you feel. I believe one of the reasons I started drinking Diet Coke (other than growing up in a Diet soda household and the fact that I really need to watch the intake >.>) is because, as far as I know, there is no low-fat version of cocaine. So I could say I was having a Diet Coke and everybody would know what I meant automatically. And I so understand the cola thing. It took me months to regain my proper English when I returned from Japan. And as I lived in Osaka, my Japanese is still tainted with "ya"s and "naa"s and abuse of the word "meccha". Sigh.
(YES. And many trash cans large enough to fit all of our tissues in and beanbag chairs just because I SAY SO. And purple jelly beans. Of course.)
::squee:: ::glomp:: XD
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 01:57:14 UTC |
do you know that i have not been able to find one bona fide H/D dj while over here?! i have H/R (er), but NO H/D! it's insane! i mean, i even have twincest, but no H/D! so there would be -no- release. *__*
NA keeps the potter love going, especially on weeks when i don't want to see -anything- HP. just NA. <3333 NA
YES! i mean, i detest diet coke but i can see that as a good reason for drinking it! and i knew you'd get the cola thing. no one over here says 'coke'. you know it's not done. but everwhere else people would give you a funny look for 'cola'. :sighs:
and god, don't i understand about the warping of nihongo. you can ask mitchan about what i speak like now. country hick, in one. i say 'oru' instead of 'iru' and do gifu-ben almost like i was born here. got me really funny looks when i visited mitchan in tokyo. :weeps:
however, kansai-ben is fun! if you have to have an accent, i think kansai-ben is the way to go. =^-^=
(yes! and NEVER FORGET the purple beans. we'll give non-NA-initiates the other beans)
:squees and schnoogles:
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 02:05:25 UTC |
That IS insane! But then again, with my experience in fandoms, most popular pairings in the west are almost unheard of in Japan. However, シリルー appears to be strong on both ends. There was a time where I was deeply into the Japanese fandom online, so I can go on FOREVER if spurred.
I also <3333 NA. <3333333333 even!
Then there are places where 'soda' is not a safe word either -- actually, I believe there are more places that it true than not -- but in the places where soda is the accepted word, using 'pop' gets you terribly strange looks. There is no justice in the carbonated caffeine beverage linguistics world.
I had to get around certain stations and Narita airport all by myself at the end of my stay, and NOBODY there could understand me because my kansai-ben was so strong, I didn't even realize half of it. My accent has unfortunately faded in the last year or so, but I will get it back someday, I swear! ::starry eyes::
(Yes! Well, I'd like to keep the orange ones, but I'm just weird like that. >.>)
::squeeees and schnuggles:: Okay. I think I am going to bed. It's five here. ^_^ ::squish:: おやすみ~!!☆
ishuca @ April 27 2003, 02:14:50 UTC |
so very very true. and there is quite a bit of sirius/remus/snapeish stuff over here. just not H/D! i usually tend to stick with the websites of djikas whose work i own and like (more for personal safety than anything else), but yes. ^^;
:laughs: there is no end to NA love.
There is no justice in the carbonated caffeine beverage linguistics world.
too true. it is a sad, sad thing.
wow. well, i usually only get double takes, and that's when i'm forgettig to control myself. but i'm aure you can do it! one day that glorious accent will be back!
(then they are all yours)
:giggles and schnoogles again: じゃー、おやすみなさい! =^-^=
hunin_munin @ April 27 2003, 00:45:49 UTC |
Just what is he going to do with that cloak of his!? If he does anything stupid...
(parent)dayafternext @ April 27 2003, 00:46:02 UTC |
*falls over*
bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 00:46:33 UTC |
*steps out from behind a palm* *clings to a door frame*
I am now addicted to watching this. *clings to it*
samenashi @ April 27 2003, 00:51:01 UTC |
Knowing Harry, he'll go rushing straight into it. >.< *worries*
(parent)luesar @ April 27 2003, 00:51:38 UTC |
I do believe that this is causing me to lose the ability to think coherentlorb!
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 00:52:17 UTC |
Padma you tattle-tale!
Man, the professors check the journals, as we have seen, and I think this is after curfew.
*roots on Harry*
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 00:52:37 UTC |
Cho will tell Ginny. Ginny will tell Ron. HALF OF BLOODY HOGWARTS WILL END UP AT THIS DUEL.
(parent)![]() |
neveth @ April 27 2003, 01:10:05 UTC |
Remus, what in blazes do you think you're doing?
Don't you dare go off and do anything stupid. Stay there, I am coming up there.
Do NOT leave, or you will wish Malfoy had hexed you into oblivion.
If he has not already.
vellum @ April 27 2003, 01:10:40 UTC |
at the bottom
i still see it, but that was probably a bad link.
Remus, what in blazes do you think you're doing?
Don't you dare go off and do anything stupid. Stay there, I am coming up there.
Do NOT leave, or you will wish Malfoy had hexed you into oblivion.
If he has not already.
nightflight @ April 27 2003, 01:11:38 UTC |
Thank you both. ;_; I should have checked before posting but I am so beset with the wibbles that I cannot function anymore! ;_;;
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 01:09:17 UTC |
You know, I ACTUALLY LIKE NA Snape? I usually can't stand him. But NA Snape is intelligent and witty. I like that.
(parent)vellum @ April 27 2003, 01:11:32 UTC |
yes. n_a's snape is humpable. but not intelligent enough to know they're at dogear.
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 01:18:20 UTC |
They were. Now Lupin's whereever Malfoy's at (I'm betting where the bachlor party was being held) and everybody else is trying to find them.
(parent)luesar @ April 27 2003, 00:54:21 UTC |
Hey.... Should we start taking bets? I've got $10 on Arthur over Lupin's office...
(parent)hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 01:00:15 UTC |
Oh dear, I forgot about her. Hopefully she's got enough sense to stay inside. ;)
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:13:11 UTC |
$10 when he wakes up it's all going to be over and he's going to go after Lucius with the computer and half of the room stuck to his face.
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 01:14:52 UTC |
$10 says he'll have managed to glue his tongue to his nose and passed out from the fumes.