samenashi @ 2003-04-27 18:06:00 |
Mood: excited
Snape's shown up! :D!
samenashi @ April 27 2003, 01:17:21 UTC Re: |
Oh god. I wonder if he still has the mouse stuck to his chin!?
(parent)hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 01:20:19 UTC |
$10 says he'll think Snape had something to do with it and go after him. ;)
(parent)![]() |
neveth @ April 27 2003, 01:21:25 UTC |
10 says Arthur somehow manages to glue himself to someone else.
(parent)hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 01:24:30 UTC |
$10 says that Arthur manages to get Snape covered with feathers as well.
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:26:01 UTC |
$10 says that feathered!Snape tries to peck/hex Arthur Weasley
(parent)hermione_like @ April 27 2003, 01:27:34 UTC |
$10 says Arthur nearly knocks Snape out from all that excess machinery glued to him.
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 01:28:00 UTC |
$10 says Arthur glues his tongue to Snape's crotch.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 01:31:55 UTC O_O |
10 bucks says arthur's player stares at this comment and freaks out before gouging eyes out!
- guess who. HAHA
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:33:14 UTC Re: O_O |
I'm sure Snape would hex Arthur to oblivion for it, if it makes you feel any better.
![]() |
Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 01:38:02 UTC O_O!!!! |
... nope, still not feeling very well, HAHA
(parent)![]() |
neveth @ April 27 2003, 01:44:21 UTC Re: O_O!!!! |
*sends over some glue solvent and some memory charms*
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 01:36:11 UTC Re: O_O |
$10 says I laugh my ass off over this comment.
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:41:15 UTC |
You could have $10 for the hilarity of that situation.
(parent)samenashi @ April 27 2003, 01:18:14 UTC Re: |
I love him to bits!
Aw, man. Everything is so GFDHGFGHgf!!!11 XD
imochan @ April 27 2003, 08:17:30 UTC |
i'll see your GFDHGFGHgf!!!11 XD and raise you a SJKHAKJTTJJ???~!!!~ wah.
hunin_munin @ April 27 2003, 01:14:52 UTC |
Oh, lords. XD Arthur, on the floor! Simply beautiful.
And the plot thickens.
samenashi @ April 27 2003, 01:17:14 UTC Re: |
I can just see everybody getting involved. -.- And Arthur -- I just have to grin.
(parent)vellum @ April 27 2003, 01:15:24 UTC |
he's at the wrong place! ARGH!
my computer has crashed. twice. since this started.
samenashi @ April 27 2003, 01:20:19 UTC Re: |
My inbox has gone mad with LJ comments. Haha, man. And my finger is sore from refreshing. :0!!
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:22:49 UTC |
At least you'll have a strong finger after this is all over.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 01:18:28 UTC |
Said it before, I'll say it again: Sirius/Remus/Snape
(parent)hunin_munin @ April 27 2003, 01:20:38 UTC |
Nice imagery that brings. (is off i la-la land)
(lands back to earth harshly)
... (refresh refresh!)
myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:26:43 UTC |
If so then would Snape really just leave Arthur prone on the floor? ^_^;;
(parent)![]() |
luleh @ April 27 2003, 01:41:07 UTC |
It's obvious!
*raises eyebrow*
Plus, he's wearing a grey coat in that icon, and some wolves have grey coats! It's a sekrit color coded message!
Connect the dots..........theirlovesisopure!
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:24:12 UTC |
I'd say YAY, except Sirius/Remus/Snape will be permenantly associated with Grim/Werewolf/Big Bird in my mind.
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:26:42 UTC |
I'm not sure, really. I think you've already got the worst of it as it is.
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:29:02 UTC |
Big Bird? I'm afraid to ask, but does that have anything to do with the owl fic at the Snape Fuh-Q Fest? o.O
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:30:01 UTC |
Nope, just a misinterpretation of the Boot war-party where Big Bird!Snape tries to peck Remus to death. But now I want a link.
(parent)vellum @ April 27 2003, 01:30:45 UTC |
ah, yes, but the biggest logistical problem is... would it all fit?
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 01:31:37 UTC |
Well, the Werewolf/Grim dynamic is pretty obvious (yes), but I'm not sure how the fuck Big Bird works (or what size he is)
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:34:32 UTC |
Snape/Giant Owl NC17 by Josan> Sorry, took me a min to find it.
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:46:34 UTC |
I wonder how Cho knows exactly what burnt owl feathers smell like.
(parent)vellum @ April 27 2003, 01:48:47 UTC |
hogwarts runs amok.
getting tunnel vision, so i'm going to sleep. g'nite, y'all.
bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 01:55:00 UTC |
Was wondering that too... 'The Owls', staring Cho Chang, directed by Albus Dumbledore.