just_harry @ 2004-06-10 10:04:00 |
Current mood: | enraged |
scotchtartan @ 2004-06-10 10:42 am UTC |
Potter, allowing Malfoy to update your journal for you is not working in your favour. This is not going to earn you extra credit upon grading.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 11:16 am UTC |
Professor, don't you think that I deserve some credit for this? After all, I had to do research to see what Potter actually does all day.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 11:21 am UTC |
Potter, this journal entry is a masterpiece. Whatever inspired you to become such a wordsmith?
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:29 am UTC |
Wow, Malfoy, I don't know. I guess I was just feeling gittish.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:49 am UTC |
You didn't even use half the stuff I told you. And you said you weren't going to mention the free semi-detached house from Flitwick.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 11:52 am UTC |
I can't be bothered to remember every insignificant detail of your breakfast.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 12:00 pm UTC |
Don't be petty. How else was I supposed to write about your day?
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 12:07 pm UTC |
Well you made it sound like I made you listen to them!
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 07:01 pm UTC |
I can't believe you fixed this picture. You should fix Ron's, too.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 09:43 pm UTC |
He put a black bar around it. And he made it a square. I don't know why. What was wrong with it before?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 10:13 pm UTC |
Because it's been a cancer on humanity for two years and I couldn't take it anymore.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 01:28 am UTC |
You ingrate, I had to look at your cartoonish face while I did that.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:32 am UTC |
Hey!! like Hello!! What is the bloody matter with you??
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 01:42 am UTC |
Oh, that doesn't sound suspicious in the slightest. You'll have to answer a few questions to prove your innocence.
I. How much do I weigh?
II. Who is better than you?
potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 01:57 am UTC |
I'm afraid you've lost, Weasel King. If you actually had something to give me, you wouldn't have bothered answering the questions and would have sent it in the post.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:59 am UTC |
Well I can't really do that, you'll know why when you see it. The only middle name I know of yours is Bloody but that's probably wrong huh.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 02:01 am UTC |
If you're trying to give me a curse, this isn't very clever.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 02:05 am UTC |
This is boring me now. I'm in the library, you idiot, you're sitting across the room.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 10:16 pm UTC |
I already did, you idiot. I don't have his password.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-10 10:38 pm UTC |
When I repaired the other one, of course. Are you especially dumb today?
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 04:11 pm UTC |
Wow, Harry, that is a particularly sexy photo you have there. New?
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 04:26 pm UTC |
Yeah, it's new. Although I don't think it's really, you know, great or anything, it's just me.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 04:39 pm UTC |
How can you say that? Look at it! It's got this nice slightly yellow lighting, likely from a candle, and it's shading one side of your face, and you can see a bit of your neck there, as your tie is untied (and a little bit of undressing is always, always sexy) and your lips are parted ever so slightly (which is the international signal for "you know you want to kiss me") and your eyes are half closed and looking off to the side, and your hand is just barely brushed up against your neck, and your shoulders are a bit lopsided, not square, and you look just generally dissheveled.
Please, if it weren't for other circumstances, I'd shag you anytime, you know that. Dean and I were even thinking of helping you out but we reckoned you'd be uncomfortable with that.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 04:56 pm UTC |
Um. Okay yeah, I think that would be a little uncomfortable. I mean, thanks? Er. This is awkward.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 05:21 pm UTC |
Why? What in the world is awkward about this? It isn't as though anything is likely to actually happen. It isn't as though any of that was really a surprise to you. Really, Harry, own your sexuality, man. Use it. In all of the conversations we've had about dressing and other things, that was all I was really trying to say.
I mean, if I were to actually try anything Dean would kick me from here to Tashkent and back so I don't think you need to worry about my molesting you in your sleep.
Good lord. You weren't worried about that, were you?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 05:30 pm UTC |
I don't know. I said your picture was sexy, you said you didn't know about that, I told you why, and then you said you felt awkward, and I said you shouldn't feel awkward about sex because really, it's just sex. You are attractive and you are just going to have to deal with that sooner or later. It's not like, you know, I'm some creepy old man (or, heaven forbid, old woman) perving on you or something.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 05:44 pm UTC |
Well I get valentines sometimes. I don't really - I'm not really - I don't think I have that sort of thing going on. I haven't really been thinking about having sex with anybody like that, I mean, like just sex, at least I haven't in a long time and before that it wasn't really any boys anyway. I don't think I'm really attractive or anything, it's kind of weird.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 05:50 pm UTC |
Well, when I said it was just sex, I didn't mean that you should have just sex with people, but that it was just sex, not some enormous mysterious thing like, I dunno, like love, although we've certainly had conversations about that, too, so I don't know why we couldn't have a reasonable conversation about sex.
I am not very good at just having sex with people. I thought I was once, and then it turned out that I wasn't. I also sort of fooled around with someone once or twice, but they are someone I care for anyway, so even though it wasn't a great romance, it sort of wasn't just sex either, if that makes any sense.
So come on, seriously, you've never thought about having sex with anyone that you weren't involved with? Even a passing thought in the corridor, not something you would ever in a million years act on? Please, you are human, aren't you?
Also, I don't use this icon enough.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 06:12 pm UTC |
I think that icon is the best icon.
I have so! It's not like I'm a prude. I just don't want to have sex with you and Dean! Which I guess is what I meant. Because you said that and that would just be weird. But it's not like I don't think about sex, that isn't what I meant.
It's not really enormous and mysterious but it sort of is, you know? I mean, it probably depends who it's with, but sometimes it is. I mean you - it's not really always that you're just talking about just sex, it's not the same thinking about it or talking about it because you can't really explain it and yeah, I think it is sort of enormous and mysterious. Maybe not the mysterious part, but it is kind of a secret that's alot more huge and important than it sounds like when you talk about it. Thinking about having sex with someone during Herbology is totally different.
And yeah. That makes sense. That's not really a huge thing, I think. But I think I mean I don't really want to do that right now, I guess.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 06:23 pm UTC |
Well, there is certainly no reason for you to fool around with anyone right now. Nor is there any reason for you to have sex with me and Dean. Hopefully there never will be reason to, if you know what I mean.
Of course sex is rather often not just sex. And I will say, for the record, that the sex I have with Dean is like, amazing, because of all the other stuff, and it's even more amazing than it was before, and I'm really hoping that this has absolutely nothing to do with Boot because if it does I will be very cross. But we talk about the not just sex sort of sex all the time, and I was just bringing up the just sex kind right now, because we can talk about that here in public, and we can't talk about the other kind in public really. It's odd, you and I end up talking about all this lovey dovey relationship stuff and "what-do-you-think-he-meant-by-that" and we never talk about "look at the package on that guy." You'd think we were a couple of girls. It's no wonder Ron has no idea what to do with us sometimes.
What we should do some night soon when we simply cannot do one more second of revision is pull out the butterbeer and talk about who we would shag, you know, in a just sex sort of way. Or play I Have Never, though that just ends up being a conversation about sexual technique. Then again, possibly you could teach me something. Just verbally, of course. I don't mean I want a demonstration.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 06:35 pm UTC |
No, that's weird to talk about in public. I sound really stupid and people can read this.
If that has anything to do with Boot I think I'm going to be sick. It's Boot.
It's easier to talk to Ron about stuff like that, and easier to talk to you about stuff that's more serious with that. I mean, with Ron it was always about Cho or something, anyway, except Hermione would be there alot and that was sort of weird. Ron would always be really interested and Hermione would be serious so it was strange and now I think it would just be horrible.
I can't think of any boys though, I mean, unless you want to hear about Cho and Fleur and other girls who can read this and I'm not going to say. Maybe - okay, everyone can read this. So that would be better, with butterbeer. I don't know if I'd be very good at I have never though, and now you're making me feel self conscious! Which, okay, that's not really different from before.
As long as we're not going to talk about my pictures being sexy, anyway. Now I can't stop looking at it.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 07:02 pm UTC |
You don't sound stupid. There is something to be said for public declarations of love, you know. Not the details, but saying, "I love so-and-so"--that's very powerful, to the other person. I would stand up at the top of the North Tower and scream "I love Dean Thomas" at the drop of a hat, frankly. I don't care who knows. Anyway, you never sound stupid when we talk privately so I wouldn't worry about that.
I am so glad you said that about Boot, as I had a secret fear that you would suddenly say, "Oh, you know, I always quite fancied him, wouldn't mind giving him a go" which would likely make me violently ill.
Really, no boys yet? What about famous ones? Kirley McCormack? Some Cannons player? But that can wait until butterbeer.
I have nothing more to say about your picture being sexy, actually, although I think it is very funny that you can't stop looking at it.
I think you should make a post and invite the lads to butterbeer tomorrow night and a ripping game of I Have Never, and maybe then McG will get off your case. Also, you could invite your ghostwriter. Ooh, maybe we could even invite the Hufflepuffs? Or would that just weird everyone out? I know that I tend to be overly inclusive. You should do what makes you feel comfortable.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 07:20 pm UTC |
I sort of wish you would do that, because I can't help it, it's really funny to imagine you screaming at the top of a tower. I think someone might think you were about to kill everyone.
I think Boot's gross. He wears eyeliner and his shirts look like nets and he seems really crusty. I don't understand Dean about that, but I think I've said that before.
I can't tell the Weird Sisters apart, it's really embarrassing. They're all so hairy and stuff, who is who? I like them and all but I guess I don't know much about them. I love the Cannons but I've never really thought about it. I'll go through one of Ron's books later.
The idea of him and the Hufflepuffs sitting around together is really funny. I wish they would just do something alone so we could watch. Maybe we can tell them we're going somewhere else and then watch to see what they do. I don't mind the Hufflepuffs though, except when they start calling me the new Dark Lord and stuff. And when they call me queer, that's a little uncomfortable. Does Ernie not know you're gay? I mean, didn't he go to your house over hols?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 08:41 pm UTC |
Yeah, but you can like a player for his play and not fancy him, so you could cast your net a bit wider than the Cannons. It isn't all like that football bloke, who's-name, that Dean occasionally says I look like (although I do not), who is dead gorgeous and apparently really very good.
Ernie is oddly, I dunno. He just doesn't pay attention to what he doesn't pay attention to. Remember at Hallowe'en he went as Martin Miggs and suggested that I go as Scorpio Nespoir? Like, did he not notice that I am a Martin/Scorpio supporter? The entire thing was very odd indeed.
But that's what I mean about embracing your sexuality. Queer power! you know, and all that. I would love to watch them in a room together, except then the conspiracy theories would spiral entirely out of control. Maybe we can start calling you the new Light Lord? Nah. That's just silly. I'll just call you Harry, I think.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 08:52 pm UTC |
I don't know much about the players on the other teams, except a little about some of the Kestrels and the Falcons. And Meaghan McCormack, I liked her for awhile. And Dean likes David Beckham, and I don't know what he's talking about because David Beckham acts like a girl and he sounds like one too. I don't really know what he's on about with David Beckham.
I think Ernie has selective memory. He kept calling me his fishy king last year but then a few months later it was all Dark Lord stuff again. His costume was cool though. He puts alot of effort into it.
Now you're just making me even more excited to watch that. I mean, I think that in an hour they'd be taking out switchblades.
As long as I don't have to start calling you Finni. Remember when Lavender did that for like a week? That was weird.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 09:00 pm UTC |
Now I want you to have a thing for some Quidditch player so you will use the phrase, "I'd like to ride his broomstick" because that would be very funny.
Fishy king? That's just silly. As was Finni, but we do forgive a great deal of our snogging partners, do we not? No, but you can call me Finn if you want to.
Rumble! Oh, but now we're back to that whole silly West Side Story conversation. I think you were Maria, according to Lisa Turpin. Anyway, I think it's good for him to have to interact with people he doesn't think much of, because I don't like to see him wall himself up the way he does. It can't be good for anyone.
I think we should talk about Dean more. Do you think he should go to art school? Because I do.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 09:10 pm UTC |
Okay, can you actually picture me saying that?
Finn would be weird too. I don't think I can make that kind of change at this point in our friendship. I'm too committed to saying Seamus. You're asking too much.
I've never seen West Side Story, but why am I someone called Maria? Shouldn't I be Mario? Is there a Mario? I'll be Mario. I think Lisa Turpin meant Mario.
I don't know if it really works. I thought he was getting along with Ron but I was totally wrong. You think he's not really that angry about it and he's overacting but then he really is seriously angry and if you know what I mean, there's a difference between him being irritated and him being actually angry and it's kind of surprising when he's really mad. He gets kind of offended.
I think he should go to university after Hogwarts for art, yeah. It would be different if he weren't Muggle-born probably, but he's so good at drawing and he can't really get much out of that here except in Astronomy. I don't even know if he needs to go to school for it, he's the best artist I know. But he should.
And I think Dean should talk about marzipan more. And Queenie Greenknees should take his hair again, because that was probably the funniest thing ever.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 09:25 pm UTC |
He's so good at Charms. Perhaps he should do an independent thing with Flitwick so he can charm his art to move and things. Some of it is nice but some of it is a little herky-jerky. Not that, you know, he's really had a lot of time to perfect it.
It was funny. I mean, I love his hair, but I also love his head, and frankly I don't care what sort of hair he has, as long as it's still him underneath it. Marzipan and all. He could talk about that more but what I should do is get him some, and then perhaps he'll discuss it. I don't care for marzipan, but what I really hate about it is that they make these miniatures of other things out of it, yeah? But those miniatures are never to scale. They make a peach, and then a banana, and they are the SAME SIZE. I find this upsetting. Never mind that it looks like a little peach but it still tastes like sodding almonds. Can't they do something about that? Though, when he eats it then his kisses taste like amaretto which is sort of nice.
I actually am not asking you to call me anything else. I really rather like my name, actually. (This is the part where I say it's more interesting than James, but I don't want to insult your father, so I will merely say it is more Irish than James.) Would you like a nickname? I could call you Gryffinstud, or That Guy Who Keeps Wearing Violet Even Though We Tell Him Not To.
Someone called Mario could never sing "I Feel Pretty." West Side Story is a musical version of Romeo and Juliet. Maria is Juliet. I don't think Bernstein and Sondheim allowed for a gay couple, but when you think about it, they probably should have.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 09:54 pm UTC |
Well I've never noticed anything wrong with the way it moves at all but I can't even tell if a circle is actually round or not. But he has to draw so much more, doesn't he? I think I like drawings that sit still better. Actually I think I'd just like those more if I had to draw them which probably means I'm not really good at art stuff. I liked the banners he used to do for Quidditch all the time, and the picture he did for Sirius and Remus was really really good. I wish he'd do er, people more. Portraits I guess but that sounds really formal. I like the way his people turn out though.
I mean, that's horrible. I hate when miniatures aren't to scale. Horrible. I haven't really had much marzipan either, but I think it's a brilliant word. If I ever get another pet I'll call it Marzipan, and then Dean will be honoured. I've never had amaretto, either, is it good?
I don't like when they make chocolate with fruit inside, because I like my fruit separate, so I don't mind if it looks like a peach and tastes like almond, but I don't know why they'd make it look like a peach then. Maybe they could make it look like an almond. Or a little sailboat.
I like the name James. I wish my nickname could be Marzipan but that would really have to be Dean. Lisa Turpin called me Harpo once. I'm starting to think Lisa Turpin has alot to answer for. Maybe I'll just be Harry.
I can't sing, so I think I'll be just the wall or something, if that's okay.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:28 pm UTC |
Marzipan is a really good name for an owl or a cat, actually. So you don't like chocolate covered cherries? Because I was going to say that amaretto sort of tastes like the syrup in a chocolate covered cherry. Possibly we should procure some amaretto so you can try it. It's quite good.
Dean does excellent people. I like that he does them frequenly with real little backgrounds, instead of sort of just floating in space or something. Yeah, he'd have to just be drawing all the time but I think that's okay. I like his callouses.
Beware Lisa Turpin. She's still Head Girl. Say, you don't know who Head Boy is, do you? Is it you? That would be so like you to be Head Boy and not want anyone to know, but on the other hand, I don't think you would have busted us all for going to Ireland and getting pissed.
It is most certainly NOT okay to be the wall. You have to sing and dance, mostly about boys and Puerto Rico. I am sure there are boys who would move you to sing.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 10:38 pm UTC |
No, I like them but not alot. I think they're one of those things where you can eat a little and then you never want them again, but then when you see them again you want them and then you remember after you have some.
I like that too, and the way the backgrounds have different colours instead of just one, and how the backgrounds are dark sometimes because people usually don't do dark backgrounds.
I'm not Head Boy, I kind of wished I was when we got our letters for Hogwarts but I don't really mind. Plus that looks nothing like my handwriting, I can't make my letters that big. Even when I try to write big it's still really thin.
I've never been to Puerto Rico, Seamus. I'm out of the loop.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:58 pm UTC |
Ah. Yes, I feel the same way about Firewhiskey, actually. But then, Remus always has massive piles of chocolate all over the goddamned place. Man is an addict.
They don't, and I don't understand why not, as it can look really amazing. He's just really amazing and should absolutely go to art school.
Did you really? Then I'm sorry you didn't get it. Because who knows who this loser we have now is.
We'll see if that works.
You are so much further in the loop than any of the rest of us that I can't believe you just said that.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:04 pm UTC |
I like firewhisky. I think that's the opposite because you have to have more to want more.
Why aren't we telling Dean instead of each other?
I didn't want it that bad or anything, and I wasn't even you know, sitting around hoping for it, I just kind of wished I had when I didn't.
What loop? I'm not even in the loop on Ron's thighs.
petitemillicent @ 2004-06-10 11:35 pm UTC |
The next time I meet a Boggart, it shall look like this entire thread of comments, I suspect.
M. B.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:39 pm UTC |
Wouldn't it be all compressed though? You'd have to click to really see anything.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-06-11 12:35 am UTC |
It is all part of their evil Boggarty plans, my child.
M. B.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:37 pm UTC |
The loop on Ron's thighs is a nonexistent loop. I meant the loop on You-Know-Who. You are so in the loop on that one, that you ARE the loop.
I would like you to have everything that you want, because you are my friend. Unless, of course, I want it, in which case you would be out of luck, son.
Well, let's go tell Dean, then.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:49 pm UTC |
Oh. That loop. Yeah, everyone wants to be in that loop.
Now I know why I never get the last roll at dinner.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 12:00 am UTC |
Well, we haven't been teasing you lately about being the saviour of the wizarding world and all of that, so I thought I'd throw that bit in. I actually would rather not be in that loop but I will likely be cleaning up after it.
Well, we can make sure you get it tonight, Harrykins.
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:03 am UTC |
I'll just get Ron to carry them for me in his freakish left hand.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:30 am UTC |
He may have another use for it, though. Then again, that may be why it is so freakishly large.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 02:00 am UTC |
You are dating a girl that Dean once said was the prettiest girl in the school. She is clearly mad for you.
Your thighs are fine. Your hands are fine. Your hair is fine. You are fine. Have some butterbeer. Make fun of the Hufflepuffs.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 02:08 am UTC |
Uh we're not really dating.. At least I don't think, I don't know.. I hope she doesn't see this
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 02:10 am UTC |
Are you kidding? This thing is a mess. I can't even read it.
Okay, so you've been snogging her at every possible opportunity. Better?
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 02:15 am UTC |
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 02:21 am UTC |
How did I know? WHO DOESN'T KNOW? You two have been schmooping around these journals for weeks. Anyone who hadn't seen you actually snogging has certainly read about it.
However, I have told no one. Your "secret" is safe with me.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 12:04 am UTC |
You know, I meant to say, that's really unfortunate, about the getting along with people. I'm sorry that is rough on you. I suppose, then, I wouldn't want you to wall yourself up along with him, because that wouldn't be good either. But you know that we are all trying, right? Because we are, except when he does something unbelievably obnoxious.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:16 am UTC |
It's not all that bad. I don't want him to start being friends with Ron or something anyway. That would be weird. I just meant he's not pretending or something when he says he doesn't want to do something, or I mean, he's not always and if you think he is and just do it anyway he gets really offended like you're trying to change him. Then I feel bad about it because I wouldn't want someone to make me sit around with Crabbe and Goyle or to act like I should. Which, you guys aren't Crabbe and Goyle, but maybe you are from the other side of things. Er, don't take that the wrong way.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:04 am UTC |
It's difficult, because it isn't clear when he's being all, "Convince me" and when he's being all, "No bloody way in hell." Mine is much more obvious. I do generally know when he will and when he will not.
But is it weird that we are, well, I don't know if we're friends any more after some things he said, but whatever we were/are? I know it was for you at one point but I think you moved on from that anyway. I don't want for that to be weird for you, since the only reason I ever started talking to him in the first place was you anyway.
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:12 am UTC |
I know, but it gets easier to tell because he says funny things when he's not seriously angry, and when he is everything he says is much shorter. Or else he talks for ten minutes and gets really red and angry and then you feel like an arse because you didn't think he was really that mad.
Dean swears at least, so, you know, that makes it easier to tell.
I don't mean it's weird like that, just that he doesn't like Ron and I don't want him to start liking Ron because we're friends, or to pretend he likes Ron, because that would just be really weird to watch. I mean, if you want to be friends, go ahead, I don't really mean it like that and you probably get along better anyway because you can talk about stuff that I don't get. I don't really get paper dolls. I don't really fit in there.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:28 am UTC |
Well, Dean makes me feel like an arse sometimes in other ways so I think it's all in the game, or something. But yes, the profanity is a great help.
No, we wouldn't want you to suddenly like paper dolls as that would be very, very strange. I don't think you can like paper dolls and save the universe, actually.
and yeah, that whole being friends thing? I wouldn't try to be friends with MB for anyone.
turpinol @ 2004-06-11 12:52 am UTC |
No, no. I said Dean Thomas was Maria and Millicent Bulstrode was Tony. Harpo was unassigned. You were Anita.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 07:59 pm UTC |
We all have things we hate. I have this enormous fat head, that my father had, and it is just going to keep growing at an exponential rate, getting wider and puffier and likely redder, and I just can't stand it. I'm going to have cheeks on my face bigger than the cheeks on my arse by the time I'm 50.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-10 08:15 pm UTC |
This is the greatest conversation in the history of everything.
Please, do keep going. I am enthralled.
And incidentally, Seamus, your head is really quite nice.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 08:45 pm UTC |
It is? You must know that I have absolutely no reply for that, surely.
I am so glad that we are keeping you entertained. And it's better for the books than having a duel in the stacks, no?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:41 pm UTC |
Mmm. I'm sure that at some point in the past, with some gaggle of housemates, you had a similar series of entirely ridiculous conversations, so don't be all superiour, mate.
Are you cheerful?
lupercus @ 2004-06-10 11:46 pm UTC |
Oh, the stories I could tell, the discussions, the debates.
The contests.
I am reasonably cheerful, as much as can be expected. The weather's making my leg act up a bit, so I am laying low this evening.
You? You sound very cheerful yourself, my boy.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:54 pm UTC |
I am that-thing-you-don't-say-lest-you-tempt-fate.
He's just really so awfully lovely. Thank you. You are always right. It's very annoying.
Oh, wait, except about yourself. Oh, well, that's all right then.
I want you to be cheerful and not brood.
lupercus @ 2004-06-10 11:57 pm UTC |
Yes, I know it's annoying. Sirius tells me so at least twice a day.
I am not brooding. I am, however, dithering, which seems to involve a lot of tea and the reorganisation of my sock drawer. Shan't complain, though, because least I'm not smoking as much.
I want him found.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 12:12 am UTC |
I am incredibly good at organizing socks.
I am glad you aren't smoking as you know you shouldn't with the silver and the potions and the other things. I mean, you may be immortal, but let's not add to the things stressing your body on a regular basis, right?
I know you do. He will be. He has to run out of luck at some point, mustn't he? In the meantime, I suggest reading Martin Miggs. Or possibly that cute one where everyone turns into animals.
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:20 am UTC |
You are incredibly good at many things, Mr Surname That I Can Never Spell Properly.
I've all but quit now, you'll be happy to know. My only remaining vice - other than Sirius - is the drink. But Guinness is good for you!
Is that the books I keep seeing all the third-year girls carting around? With the characters what have freakishly gigantic eyes? Knuts Cauldron, or something to that effect?
At least it's not bloody Lustful Pantalones. That was all the rage when I taught your third-year.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:10 am UTC |
Sirius isn't a vice. Sirius is a husband. It's legal and everything. And Guiness is bloody good for you and don't you forget it!
Yes, that's the one. Odd, completely odd, but it makes me cheerful. The third one should be coming out soon. The boys all look like girls, though. I remember Boot really hated it because of that.
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:43 am UTC |
Sirius is a vice. Trust me, he is a tough habit to break. I am completely useless at it.
You read odd things, boy. Bring me a copy, I should like to see this for myself, and the teenage girls are loathe to part with theirs.
Though, perhaps it's just because I am a dirty old man.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:50 am UTC |
That's really sweet, actually.
I shall bring it!
I can't believe you actually admitted that.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 10:12 pm UTC it really is the greatest |
Harry is indeed rather fit in that photograph.
I vote for less talk of lovey-dovey, and more package gazing.
Boot has nothing to do with it.
And now Harry can't stop looking at his picture... ahahahahaha..
David Beckham does not look like a girl, Harry, you raving tit.
After school I will make marzipan art and it will all be to scale.
Your head is not fat. How can heads be fat, except in the metaphorical sense? Listen to Remus.
Seamus would look great in a rugby shirt, he just doesn't know it.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:45 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
He really does, doesn't he?
You only say that because you assume that everyone will be gazing at your package.
That is infinitely good to know.
Perhaps he should marry it.
Thank you, because I don't think I look like a girl, either.
Thank you. You are a blessing above rubies.
My cheeks, they are so wide! You must see this, you have drawn me!
In what universe? You know, I try to get Harry to dress differently and (Sorry, Harry) pitches a fit, and Harry says something about me dressing differently and you are all, "sounds good to me!" There is something seriously unfair about that. Don't you like the way I dress? I do it all for you, baby.
Well, that isn't really true but it may as well be.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 10:47 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Yes, Harry really does. Our roomie has bloomed directly under our roving eyes. I almost feel dirty, except I'm just that proud.
I don't assume they will be gazing at mine. I just have a hunch. I could be wrong. As for me I think my gaze will be drawn elsewhere.
Your head is not fat, and if your cheeks are wide it's because you have open features. That's better than having a narrow, rodent-like face, right?
I'm not trying to get you to dress differently. It's just that you could wear one of Boot's gnarled net shirts and still look look brill. Same applies to rugby shirts.
Re-replying is a pain, by the way. What must I do to get you to watch that mouth of yours? (okay, typing fingers, really, but I can take care of those as well)
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:53 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Really, he has grown up incredibly well. And such a nice boy.
Maybe we should get you some of those jeans that will force them to do so, or summat. I am not even going to ask where you will be looking. I do not want to know.
Thank you. I suppose it is. But you have met my father, so you know what you will be looking at in twenty years. Hopefully.
You are very nice to me, really. This is such an excellent thing. Don't wander off.
I'm sorry! I was intent on making my point to you, and you know how excited I get when it comes to clothes! I am really trying to get better about it.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 10:58 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Almost too nice, not that I can imagine him any other way. Definitely too modest.
What, you do not want to know that I will be looking at you? Hurt, Seamus, hurt.
And yeah, it can be hard to remember that it's not just the two of us talking. That other people can read it, I mean. I know you're trying.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:32 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I hate my increasingly infrequent outbursts of irresponsible immature behaviour. I know you don't, but I do.
Will you really? It just wasn't my assumption. Gosh. I mean, you know, I'm always looking at you but, well. I am all astonishment.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:41 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I just think you tend to be too hard on yourself in general. Go easy on my horsey.
Wasn't interested in looking anywhere else, really.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:50 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You are so possessive of Leigheas.
No? Because this all started with Harry and I talking about who we were looking at even though we would never do anything about it because we are perfectly happy, thanks. So you can look all you want to, honest, as long as I don't have to hear about it.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 12:03 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Okay, okay. I'm a bloke and all. But if I'm going to look at someone and talk about it, like now, then obviously the subject would be you.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:55 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You're just lucky Leigheas hasn't been shoed, or it might have hurt you more than it hurt me.
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-10 10:57 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Okay, Seamus, I don't care if you wear rugby shirts. I just didn't want to wake up and find mine all missing from my trunk one day.
(parent) seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:40 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:31 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:34 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
It hurt a great deal, if that makes you feel any better. Also, I think he's more confident about the whole thing.
(parent)![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:37 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:45 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Harry has never yelled at me nor touched my feet in violence. Because I am all control and discretion. And I avoid the subject of (Sorry, Harry) in general. (Which has nothing to do with Harry, and everything to do with (Sorry, Harry)... and too many parantheses).
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:49 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 12:01 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Er. I thought Seamus came up with it. In an accidental sort of way.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:04 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Maybe..BUT! That still makes you a thief!
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 12:06 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Okay. I will never steal your nickname for (Sorry, Ron) again.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:16 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Wait, who is (Sorry, Ron)???
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 01:12 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
My nickname for (Sorry, Harry) is now (Sorry, Ron). Because I stole it from you. Or so you claim.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:35 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You're very odd sometimes, you know that?
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-10 10:55 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I'm going to start putting pictures of the prince instead or something so I don't have to listen to this anymore!
Will you make a little sailboat?
deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:02 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Oh come on. It's not like we're talking about you saving the world. We lack depth that way.
Out of marzipan? To scale?
Hmm. Will you eat it? Starting with the starboard, of course.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:07 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I will eat THE ENTIRE SAILBOAT. Starting with the starboard.
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:11 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Woah. Okay. Sounds like a challenge. I didn't know you were so passionate about marzipan. Or sailboats, for that matter.
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:17 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Well now I am. Over a made-to-scale marzipan sailboat.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:16 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Can I have a broomstick??
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:18 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Sure. Just mind that you don't try to fly it.
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:47 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You probably have more money than me. I gave the last I had to S.P.E.W.
It's more that I don't want your thighs to dent the marzipan when you mount it.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:52 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Dean! Don't tease him, we'll have to hear about it all night now!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:57 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:58 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
See below. I never lie about appearance, on pain of rugby shirts.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:00 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
They wobble in the air.
(parent) seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:11 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Ron, he's just teasing you. Honestly. He's bored and wants to see what you'll do.
Ask him if he can find a use for your large hand and see what he says.
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:00 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I can honestly say I've never laughed at your thighs in my spare time.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:01 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You're just saying that so I won't be mad at you for treating me unfairly!
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:03 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:06 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
OH NOW THE TRUTH COMES OUT! I'll just go find someone else who cares. I see how it is.
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:09 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Okay. I'm sorry. I should care more about your thighs. When did this start?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:14 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
A couple of years ago really, I don't really like to talk about it. But you know how I try not to stay in one spot during Quidditch?? That's why.
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:22 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Have you thought maybe it's just your trousers?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:24 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
What?? Have you ever seen trousers that are flabby and spread?? Honestly Harry.
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:28 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Everyone's thighs do that when they sit down, Ron.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:32 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:49 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I can! Get Dean to sit down in front of you or something.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:59 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:15 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:19 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
You've been wearing them for two years!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:21 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:34 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
Wouldn't you have noticed when you first put them on?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:36 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:40 am UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I can't believe you kept this from me for so many years Harry, disappointed.
(parent) deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:57 pm UTC Re: it really is the greatest |
I wasn't really. It's marzipan. Anyones thighs would dent it.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 08:20 pm UTC |
Okay, I don't know what you're talking about with your head being fat. Only it sounds like you needed to let that out.
I don't like my knees. They're really knobbly. But I think I get them from my dad.
lupercus @ 2004-06-10 08:26 pm UTC |
From your dad, you got your impossibly sharp elbows.
And from your mother, you got your enormous feet.
But your knees are all your own, my pet. Sorry.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 08:31 pm UTC |
People in my dad's family have knobbly knees, though, I saw them.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-10 08:35 pm UTC |
Oh, of course they do, but yours are the knobbliest of all.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 08:36 pm UTC |
I can't believe you're telling Seamus he has a skinny head and telling me I have awful knees.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-10 11:31 pm UTC |
I never said your knees were awful. I said they were knobbly. There's nothing wrong with knobbly. I happen to find them endearing.
You and Sirius could start a club. Wizards With Knobbly Knees.
I, on the other hand, shall be the chairman of the Big-Arsed Werewolves Corporation.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:52 pm UTC |
Me and Sirius already started a club, we just didn't tell you because you're not invited. It's the We Hate Big-Arsed Werewolves Group. We have to hold the sign up on our stick legs though, we ran out of posts.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:02 am UTC |
Oh, my. Did you think that one up all by your own self? Very good! You are so clever, aren't you? Who's my clever boy?
Would the clever boy like a biscuit for being so very clever?
Oh, I could just pinch your ickle cheeks, you're so clever.
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:11 am UTC |
Wouldn't it be really sad if I'd got Ron or something to help me write it and spent ten minutes on it or something?
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:14 am UTC |
No, that wouldn't be really sad.
That would be really pathetic, Harry.
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:19 am UTC |
Ron's having a meltdown about his thighs instead. Did you ever notice them? Now they're going to be all I can think about.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:22 am UTC |
Ron has a meltdown about something at least once per day. I can set my watch by it.
I have to say, I have never taken notice of Ron Weasley's thighs. I did however find that one hand is larger than the other. Though, perhaps that has not yet occured to him?
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:25 am UTC |
I haven't noticed that. At least I can think about that instead. And now I can be prepared when he finds out, and say that I already cared.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:28 am UTC |
It really is quite distracting. At times I could not tear my eyes from his desk. Loathesome and offensive, and yet, I could not look away.
You do have normal friends, don't you dear?
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:33 am UTC |
There's Lisa Turpin. We said hi to each other one time.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:46 am UTC |
She is nice. And her hands are equally-sized.
Very good choice, Harry.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:34 am UTC |
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:55 am UTC |
Did she have a swollen left hand too, on top of being ugly??
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:31 am UTC |
No, she had a spot. And when she tried to curse it off...
Do you really want to go round without hands, Ron?
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:47 am UTC |
Your left middle finger is slightly longer than the right.
It was nice knowing you, Justin.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:30 am UTC |
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:43 am UTC |
In the common room! Do you have pockets in your robes?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:45 am UTC |
Okay! Yes! I'm only typing with one hand now, it's not so bad when they're not together.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:46 am UTC |
You know, if you haven't noticed, probably no one else is going to.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:53 am UTC |
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:56 am UTC |
Hold them up in front of someone really wimpy without telling them why and see if they run off.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:05 am UTC |
Dunno, but if your hands are horribly mangled he'll probably let you know.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:17 am UTC |
Well I wasn't planning to let him talk before he starts running away screaming like a girl really.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:35 am UTC |
If you shove them in his face he's going to think you're about to hit him, so he probably won't examine them. Maybe you should start biting your nails or something so he'll have to look.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:46 am UTC |
Ask Millicent? I think the second one's probably going to be obvious. He weighs less than I do.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 01:59 am UTC |
What are you going to do if he starts asking you to recite poems or something?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 02:00 am UTC |
He just said I lost but I don't know what the game is...
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 02:09 am UTC |
Well, what would you think if he said, 'Hello! I have something for you!'
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:48 am UTC |
Oh yes, straight away. Hurry! Before the imbalance of your hands dislodges the Earth from its axis and sends us spinning into the sun!
just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:55 am UTC |
Don't worry. As you can see from my entry, I'm going to be having that dimmed shortly and it shouldn't be too bad when we burn.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:36 am UTC |
Well. You do that, then.
And while you're at it, could you do something about the moon?
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:35 am UTC |
You're a growing boy, Ronald, I thought for certain you'd sorted that out by now.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:38 am UTC |
Sorted what out? Seamus told me to ask you that actually..
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 08:47 pm UTC |
Don't listen to him. He has impossibly high standards for legs. Look at that boy he hired at the bookshop.
Exactly. As for my head, yes, Dean won't believe me, but then, Dean has so much goddamed hair that his head looks enormous anyway.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 08:54 pm UTC |
I think you might be over criticising your head. Just a little.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 09:08 pm UTC |
Thank you. And your eyebrows, really, they're fine. They go with the hair. If you had little skinny eyebrows it would look silly.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 09:29 pm UTC |
That was so not a lie! I would never, never lie about your appearance. They'd take away my "stylish gay man" card and I would be sentenced to wear rugby shirts as penance.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:21 pm UTC |
Why am I unsurprised that you would ask this?
You are in league with my boyfriend. I would be angrier about this except that I have done the same thing to you on occasion so, I suppose what is good for the goose and all of that.
Still: Hmph!
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 10:41 pm UTC |
Yeah, I don't see how you can complain about me advising you about clothes here. You don't do it on occasion, you are on about my clothes all the time! And I think rugby shirts are here to stay, and I'm wearing them.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:47 pm UTC |
Fine, then you can take me shopping for rugby shirts.
It's just that I get these great jeans that make my arse look fabulous, and why would I cover that up with a rugby shirt? And you can't tuck them in or you just look like a moron. And then having such a bulky shirt on makes me look even shorter. I know, impossible, but true. I look short enough standing next to Dean; now I'll just look like I'm standing in a hole.
just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:09 pm UTC |
Well you don't have to wear a big one, but you don't have to wear them if you don't want to. I just thought you were going to tell me I couldn't and I'm fond of mine. I like them under jumpers.
No one looks tall next to Dean, except maybe Ron but he's shorter too.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:43 pm UTC |
I would never tell you that you couldn't wear something, unless it just didn't suit you at all. I merely would like to expand your wardrobe to include other things.
I know, it's my lot in life to just look like his caboose, but really, I don't think I mind all that much.
lupercus @ 2004-06-10 11:28 pm UTC |
I will have you know that Professor Black has impossibly skinny chicken legs. My standards are obviously not that high.
And as for Gavin, have you seen him in denim?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:45 pm UTC |
Well, then that explains the leather trousers, as only the incredibly skinny can really wear them, and then they add all that bulk.
Yes. I have. You really, um, know how to pick them, don't you?
lupercus @ 2004-06-10 11:48 pm UTC |
Didn't I tell you? We burned the leather trousers, down by the lake, about a month or so ago. I never want to see him in those damned things again.
And yes. I do.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:56 pm UTC |
You never! My, he really has turned it over, hasn't he? Good for you.
Very obviously. Actually, speaking of which, I have some questions. But not here.
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 12:06 am UTC |
That's not all he's turn over, and I will just end this sentence right here, thanks very much.
Questions? What sort of questions?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:00 am UTC |
Dog and pony questions. I was just wondering about something that you would know a great deal about and I hope you'd tell the truth.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:29 am UTC |
I think I know what you are asking.
And you're right, this certainly is not the place for that.
Come up and see me, sometime?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-11 01:40 am UTC |
Well, with an invitation like that, how can I refuse?
Though this evening I believe we are hosting the Hufflepuffs for some butterbeer. Perhaps tomorrow?
lupercus @ 2004-06-11 01:44 am UTC |
Tomorrow would be splendid. I believe Sirius will be out early in the evening, leaving us time to talk without his crumby interjections.
You bring your spirit and I'll provide the spirits.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 10:23 pm UTC |
What are you complaining about your head for?!! HULLO, I HAVE MONSTER THIGHS!!!!!!
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:38 pm UTC |
What are you on about? They're just really muscular. It's nice. Parvati likes muscle boys, anyway, so don't get your knickers in a twist.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 10:46 pm UTC |
Have you SEEN ME sitting in a chair???? Take a look sometime! THEY ARE FLABBY!!! THEY SPREAD!!!!
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 10:49 pm UTC |
Not that much! They are not flabby. They don't wobble wobble when you walk. We have all seen you naked, we know what your faults are. Just because you have to squish into your trousers doesn't mean you are flabby.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 10:58 pm UTC |
WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??? WHAT FAULTS? No man's thighs should spread!!! It's unnatural and I want to cut them off, and what do you mean I squish?!
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:05 pm UTC |
Good lord.
All of our thighs spread, except Harry's, and he's skinny and we all know that, so he doesn't actually count. And if you cut your thighs off I don't think you'll be able to walk, so that isn't really a viable option.
All I meant is that your trousers are snug, but I think that's an entirely good thing.
Also, that picture is very handsome.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:12 pm UTC |
Well maybe just the inner parts, I can sew them back together, yeah?
Really?? My mum likes it, I just put it there, it's nothing special really
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 11:57 pm UTC |
Really, your thighs are good. Remember who I talk to often. Right? Right.
The hair, it is very good in this photo, I think. And the expression. You look very determined. Determination is attractive.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:09 am UTC |
Oh, thanks, I guess.. I think I'll go see Madam Pomfrey about my thighs later.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 10:21 pm UTC |
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 10:28 pm UTC |
They are not big, just long, because you won't stop growing. Now your arms, on the other hand...
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:17 pm UTC |
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:22 pm UTC |
Your arms are sort of thick, but in a good way. Your thighs seem totally normal to me. You know, not any better or worse than anyone else's.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:55 pm UTC |
Are you sure? You're not just saying that so I'll stop, are you?? Have you heard anyone laughing when my thighs are up in the air all big and flabby during Quidditch? Be honest, I'll be fine.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-10 11:59 pm UTC |
I'm not just saying that. And I've never heard anyone laughing. This is the first I've heard of your thighs at all, truth told.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 12:11 am UTC |
I've always wondered how I'd look with your hair, I think it's cool.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 01:07 am UTC |
Thanks. It might look a little strange, though. It sure did on Queenie Greengrass, because it was a black man's hair and she's not. You could always grow your own hair into dreds I suppose.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 01:24 am UTC |
Oh I can??? I thought it just happened to yours! I didn't know I can grow it, how do I do this??
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 01:47 am UTC |
Well, you have to grow it out longer. And then stop washing it. And rub special oils in it. And don't comb it. And then let it grow some more.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-11 02:03 am UTC |
Well mine just does it naturally. We're talking white-man's dreds here.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-11 02:06 am UTC |
HAHA I can't believe you just called me a white man haha!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 10:53 pm UTC |
HARRY!!!!! You've known me for 329323430294234 years and you didn't even notice???
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:19 pm UTC |
What's the point of you if you're not even going to notice my monster thighs?? I mean really Harry, they're a bit hard to miss!
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-10 11:26 pm UTC |
Well, they must not be hard to miss, because I haven't noticed. But they're not hanging out over your eyes, either.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-06-10 11:34 pm UTC |
Why would they be.....?
potterstinks @ 2004-06-11 10:45 pm UTC |
If you think I'm going to sit around drinking cheap beverages with Longbottom of all people, you're quite mistaken. I'm not even going to dignify the Hufflepuffs with a response.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 04:04 am UTC |
You are very reliant on email notifications, you know. There are people who don't get them.
I think that it is nice to know that you are invited even if you don't come. I don't think anyone really expects you to come up here and play poker with us. But you don't have to be so contemptuous of everything all the time. You could just say, "No, thank you."
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 04:24 am UTC |
It's not my fault if someone hasn't turned it on. They should find my comment on their own.
I'm only contemptuous of things deserving my contempt. An evening of butterbeer with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. Please. You asked for it.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 04:34 am UTC |
I didn't ask for it, actually. I suggested to Harry that since we were gathering we might want to invite some other people, including but not limited to you, Ernie and Justin. I've found that you think that a great many things are deserving of contempt, including people very important to me, and I really can't be bothered to keep track of all of them. So if you'd prefer it, I can simply not invite you to anything else, but I'm certainly not going to be selective about it. Anyway, it was a gesture to Harry more than to you.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 04:41 am UTC |
Oh, I can't see why I would find being treated like Potter's handbag irritating at all.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 04:53 am UTC |
Okay, what?
You don't want to be invited for yourself, and you don't want to be invited as a gesture to Harry, but I reckon if you weren't invited at all you would be pitching some fit or another. I give up. What do you want, Malfoy? Because all of this fencing is really unnecessary.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 05:09 am UTC |
No, actually, I'm appalled that I was invited at all, but I certainly don't want to be spoken of as though I'm Potter's handbag.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 05:16 am UTC |
Why on earth do you keep saying that? In what way were we speaking of you as a handbag?
And fine, I shan't invite you to anything else, then, if you would rather not. Unless you'd like to break this down into rough categories for me. Though I still don't understand what the bloody hell is the matter with saying, "No, thank you." And it certainly isn't as though you care if your behaviour is appalling to anyone else.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 05:21 am UTC |
'Well, we invited you in case Potter needed someone to hold his butterbeer for him.' You've not invited me for my sake, you've invited me as window dressing.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 05:39 am UTC |
Okay, you point out to me where anyone said that.
Are you insane? Do you think that's what that meant? Honestly. Would I think that you would enjoy sitting around in Gryffindor Tower playing I Have Never? Likely not. Should you be invited? Of course, because you are an adult and if you don't care to come, you can just say no, thank you. I don't really understand what part of this concept is so difficult for you.
Do you just want me to sift through everything that I do and stop and think, should I invite Malfoy? I would rather, frankly, invite you to more things, than make it seem that you are not included in something. I cannot understand why it would upset you to be included in something. I honestly just can't. Because you see, I am not you, and I am not always going to be able to perfectly predict when you want to be included and when you don't. Even Harry can't. And frankly, I don't want to have to worry about upsetting you every time a few people get together, or feel stressed and stay up at night thinking, "Would Malfoy enjoy this? Should I ask him, or not? If I don't, will he be offended? If I do, will he be offended?" Would you care to lay out a mutually exclusive list of the things you enjoy and the things you do not so that I can consult it and not make an error?
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 05:54 am UTC |
Anyway, it was a gesture to Harry more than to you.
How would you care to be someone else's gesture?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 06:10 am UTC |
You know something? I've had about enough of this.
I thought, at one time, that we were becoming friends. I liked you, and it seemed that you liked me. But your behaviour after what happened with Charlie and George was not the behaviour of a friend. Charlie was my boyfriend, and you might have said, "Gee, I'm sorry about what happened with your boyfriend" but you did not. You were contemptuous and insulting. You might have talked things over with other people but you certainly haven't said anything to me. What is respectful about that? What is understanding about that? How is this the act of a friend? But I decided to try my best to let bygones be bygones, and try to be your friend again.
And now, you are pitching this enormous fit over this? Is everything about you, all the time? Do you really think that everyone in this castle sits up late at night thinking about how they can please you, or at the very least not offend you? For this event, and this event only, I thought it would be nice to include you, and you were such an arse about the entire thing—I mean, really, how dare I invite you to something that you might not enjoy—that I said, no, I didn't think you'd like it, but I was trying to be nice. If something came up that I actually thought you might enjoy, yourself, I would invite you to that as well. And you know, I would also invite Harry, just to be nice, and Harry would probably just say, "No, thank you"—as he has in the past, I might add.
I'm just tired of this. You are so cruel about something that means so much to me, and I catch hell for saying one thing one time? What the bloody FUCK, Malfoy?
I am sorry I hurt your feelings. I truly am, because I didn't mean to. And don't worry, I won't hold my breath waiting for you to ever say the same to me.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 06:52 am UTC |
I've not asked you to 'let bygones be bygones' or anything similar, as you would have noticed if you'd taken the time. You're the one who made such a big to-do out of acting as though my remarks didn't bother you, remember? No one cares what I say, or so they'd like me to believe, so why care now?
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 06:59 am UTC |
Taken the time? No one cares what you say?
What do you want? Go ahead, go out on a limb here and tell me what you want.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 07:27 am UTC |
2004-04-19 18:27 (link) Select
Don't I?
How kind of you to remember, at such an occasion, my present sadness. I know you merely strike out because you have been hurt. Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose, I suppose. Pity.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-04-19 18:32 (link) Select
Given that you're not important enough to ever be told anything that's going on, no, actually, you don't. Do you think you actually register on anyone's mind? Please. You couldn't hurt me if you tried, as I don't feel cannon fodder is worth wasting time over.
Also, I don't speak French. Don't be pretentious, it's boring.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-04-19 18:51 (link) Select
Why, our entire relationship was based on pretension. Pot, kettle, Malfoy.
Far be it for me to argue with your astute assessment of my relative importance to the community at large. I confess I should derive no benefit from it. If it pleases, you may imagine me to cherish our days together as a special time, when I was singled out for condescension from one as high and mighty as yourself. You will be mistaken, of course, but I would not begrudge you whatever small portion of cheer is left you.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-04-19 19:01 (link) Select
Why would I want to imagine you cherishing me? Moron.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-04-19 19:09 (link) Select
Always so droll. So erudite. I would say that I will miss that about you, but I must admit, I can't think of anything that I will miss about you.
2004-04-24 09:27 (link)
Did you actually think I was saying as much to imply that I 'cannot take it'? This is sad. You do realise that swear words really mean nothing, yes? I mean, you might as well have just called me a majestic tree and it would have all the same effect.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-04-24 09:44 (link)
Do you know what really means nothing? Anything that comes out of your smug, cowardly pie-hole.
As you can see, Finnigan, I am certainly not a Seer. I don't even take Divination.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 07:56 am UTC |
Typically, you haven't begun at the beginning, but okay. Dean is going to shoot me in the head for this, but if I didn't, then I wouldn't have done my best, so here goes. I am going to explain, very carefully, what I meant by everything I have said, and then you can decide what you want to do about it. And if, at the end of the day, you'd rather not, then fine, we can shake hands, good show, and never speak again.
I came back from a truly horrific Easter holiday in which my boyfriend was attacked, to you saying, well, what you said and getting yourself a bloody nose for it, which granted, I facetiously offered to heal, an offer you understandably declined. And then I said:
2004-04-19 17:59 (link)
Alas, Malfoy! Is our beautiful friendship to end on this sad note, simply because of your complete inability to get your head out of your arse?
I suppose it must. Likely this is for the best. No, no please; let us have no tears. We must face this future bravely. Stiff upper lip, etc. etc.
Crazy what you could have had.
I meant this. And you replied by insulting me, and Charlie:
2004-04-19 18:09 (link)
You don't know anything about what I've ever had or have, Finnigan. Go keep a stiff lip around your catatonic Weasley.
At that point, it seemed to me that it was you who didn't care, you who had made your choice, particularly as you referred to me as cannon fodder, but just to be charitable, after a series of exchanged insults, I said:
2004-04-19 20:10 (link)
Thank you kind sir. But be nice to Harry or he might punch you again. You never know with that one.
Actually, it will make me a superior Healer. And as such, I have this hopeful future diagnosis: Should you ever feel those regrets, those second thoughts, there will be ways to express them.
However I am not holding my breath.
I don't see any closed doors here, Malfoy. I see a lot of hurt feelings, and a lot of things that you said to me that I'm still not entirely happy about. So you can choose to do something about it, or you can walk away. And even if you do, I'm still not closing any doors. But I'm not going to come get you.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 08:19 am UTC |
I quoted the part that I was referring to, clearly.
First of all, if you're getting your knickers in a twist over the fact that I called you cannon fodder, have you had me confused with someone else? I've insulted you far worse than that far more often than that every time I've spoken to you. I imagine I could go find an entire string of comments devoted to my insulting you. Why are people surprised?
Let's see, when have the Weasleys offered condolences to My Family? Somehow I doubt people would be planting trees and posting animated angels if I were to be killed tomorrow. It's the way of the world, Finnigan, and I somehow doubt you'd be the first in line to defend my unrotting corpse. I seem to recall Longbottom cheering when my kneecap was smashed last year. Of course, when it's someone from the Gryffindor side of the world who's been injured, I've to put on my black veil or else have my nose broken.
I couldn't care less about the Weasley family, but given that Potter punched me in the nose, I saw little point in keeping my mouth shut over the entire affair. Since you sounded rather merry and dismissive, how was I supposed to know that you've been brooding over it for two months? Potter's the only person who's actually said anything to me, and actually, yes, I do have my own life and concerns that have nothing to do with the rest of you. Strangely enough, I'm more concerned with my own problems than whether or not you're feeling respected.
What, exactly, would you like me to do, Finnigan? Shall I drink butterbeer and listen to Longbottom's lack of a sense of humour all evening?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 08:38 am UTC |
Malfoy, it wasn't that; as you say, that was merely your usual level of obnoxious. It was that you kicked a man when he was down, and that is not on. And it certainly isn't the act of a friend. Can't you tell the difference between someone who doesn't care and someone who is trying very hard to sound like they don't care because it seems the other person doesn't care? You do plenty of that yourself anyway. And possibly the way you were supposed to know is that I haven't spoken to you, at all, in that period of time.
I am also more concerned with my own problems than whether or not you're feeling respected, yet I've spent all evening talking to you about your feeling like a handbag. Seriously, enough. You want everyone else to have you uppermost in their thoughts, but you never think of them. That's what I'm trying to say. I do have some self-respect in here someplace, you know.
And speaking of which, do you even know what goes on in this tower? You do not. Do you know how many people defend you here and now, when you are clearly not dead, when it counts? You do not. So don't bloody start with me about that, Malfoy. I can't imagine anyone I detest more than MB, but if something horrible were to happen to her, yes, I would offer you my condolences, because I might not care for her, but I do care for you. So I don't care, frankly, how much you care about Weasleys. That is clearly not the issue, whatsoever.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 09:06 am UTC |
Oh, yes? Let's fake my death and see what happens.
I've never claimed to be your friend, nor have I claimed to be anybody else's. Yet I continuously get scolded for not acting the part I've been assigned. How should I know when you're pretending you're not bothered? I certainly don't do things like that.
Did I say I wanted you to keep me at the top of your brain? I rather think not. All I said was that I don't want to be invited to things as a gesture to Potter, as first of all, it's insulting that anyone would assume that I'd actually attend something that I would hate as though I don't make any decisions on my own and you can simply decide that I shall go without even asking me personally. I'd prefer not to be invited at all, but if I must be invited to an event, I would miraculously prefer to be invited for my own merit rather than Potter's.
I sent you a Christmas card and invited you to my birthday party, which I feel was rather thoughtful.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-12 09:24 am UTC |
Have you decided not to believe me now? Is that what this is? It is becoming remarkably clear that there is absolutely nothing I can do to satisfy you, is there? And you certainly do pretend not to be bothered when you are, and to be bothered when you aren't, to such an extent that no one ever knows what you are on about. You never claim to be anything. Apparently you like to keep your options open, so that you can act just as you please, all the time, and have nothing to answer for. If someone thinks you have acted badly, they are in the wrong; you are always in the right. It gets very tiresome to hear the same old tune from you, endlessly. It makes it very difficult to know where one is with you in any way. You accuse me of this, but I am actually incredibly transparent.
I don't remember anyone assuming you would go. I think inviting people to things is a kind thing to do, and they can choose to accept with thanks or decline with regrets. Clearly you disagree. Very well. I shan't invite you to anything, then. Though, why do you say that my inviting you is offensive, and your inviting me is thoughtful? I admit, I am confused.
The hour is well past late, and our progress is slow. I suggest we take this elsewhere.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-12 09:28 am UTC |
Because I didn't invite you to be, for instance, thoughtful towards Millicent.
Given that I'm clearly not going to discuss anything personal with you where everyone can choose to read it, I imagine that would be the more clever choice.
finch_fletchley @ 2004-06-11 12:03 am UTC |
I want to hear about Cho and Fleur and other girls.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:17 am UTC |
Er. Did you want to come over and have butterbeer later, then?
(parent)finch_fletchley @ 2004-06-11 12:21 am UTC |
Just me, you, and Finnigan? I don't like those odds, man.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-06-11 12:24 am UTC |
Odds? What? We're not going to attack you. And Ron and Dean too, and whoever else, and I guess you can bring Ernie.
(parent)wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-11 03:31 am UTC |
I have so! It's not like I'm a prude. I just don't want to have sex with you and Dean! Actually, hearing that is a bit of a relief to the rest of your roommates.