potterstinks in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-11 01:55:00 |
Current mood: | enraged |
I've a few questions to ask of several of you. Call me crazy, but I've just been struck with the inspiration to ask them.
For Weasley Disappointment Number Six: do you actually find yourself attracted to Granger?
For Granger: who in this school do you think you're better than?
For the Weaselette: which of your brothers do you like the least?
For Professor Lupin: do you really think Black can commit after a list like that?
For Professor Black: how are you qualified to be Defence Against the Dark Arts professor?
For Longbottom: who do you think weighs more--you or Brown?
For Weasley Disappointment Number Five Whose Name is Gregory or Something Similar Starting With a G: when was the last time you cried?
For Professor Sinistra: who is your favourite student?
For Father: who is Tom Riddle? Where is Durmstrang? Who opened the Chamber of Secrets? How did Fudge become Minister? What really happened with the Goblet of Fire? How did Diggory die?
missgranger @ 2003-05-11 12:15 am UTC |
I do not ever think of things in those terms, Malfoy. I do not think anyone here is better than anyone else.
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:17 am UTC |
Oh, really? Then who do you think is less clever than others? Surely you think you're a bit more clever than some.
(parent)missgranger @ 2003-05-11 12:25 am UTC |
Oh, certainly I am a bit more clever than some. Most of the school, actually. Hold on while I go look up class lists!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:27 am UTC |
I'd like to see those names in alphabetical order. Oh, and I'm very patient, Granger, so I don't think I'll just give up while I wait. I hope that wasn't your plan. I'd like to know:
Who do you think you're more clever than?
Just how clever do you think your friends rate compared to you?
Which of the professors at Hogwarts do you feel aren't up to par in comparison to McGonagall?
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:18 am UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:29 am UTC Re: |
She's pretty and not like those girly girls, I can talk to her about anything and she won't think I'm insane, even though she says I'm insane I don't she doesn't mean it and she's funny too and I like it when she makes the crinkled face when she's mad and she's really smart but not boring like Percy and I think fcjyh,kln. lp''
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:43 am UTC Re: |
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:44 am UTC |
Oh, really? Everyone likes me? I see you also said I was right earlier in the evening. I'm flattered to know you care so much, Weasley. By the way, I've noticed you and I have some issues we need to work out. I suspect you're jealous of quite a few things I have, so perhaps it would be best if you got those off your chest.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:50 am UTC |
Why don't you go find out whether everyone likes you, Malfoy?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:54 am UTC |
Why don't you tell me about your day with Professor Lupin?
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 01:05 am UTC |
I HATE YOU MALFOY. He was upset and he looked like he needed someone to talk to and so I went and sat with him and one thing led to another and I kissed him and then Sirius saw and he looked like those pictures of him in the Prophet a couple of years ago and I HATE YOU MALFOY.
(parent)sinistra @ 2003-05-11 12:23 am UTC |
Colin Creevey. I could be no more delighted than to see him drag you down to the bottom of the earth. Really I hate you because of your parents. It's delightfully unfair don't you think. I also like Neville Longbottom.
percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:23 am UTC |
Last year when Katie dumped me I AM GOING TO POUND YOU INTO THE GROUND YOU GIT. >:0
percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:28 am UTC |
She said I lacked ambition, but I have my own shop, I think she wanted someone rich. HONESTLY MALFOY, YOU ARE SO DEAD.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:41 am UTC |
Not me, arse breath, I think she dumped me because she wanted someone rich, Ive never had money ever, the one time Fred and I had enough we bought our shop. not everyone can have death eater daddies who buy us everything.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:46 am UTC |
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:40 am UTC |
I thought Barty Crouch was dead, Father.
Why did James and Lily Potter die?
scotchtartan @ 2003-05-11 12:42 am UTC |
Mr Malfoy that is enough stop answering your son right this minute!
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-05-11 12:46 am UTC |
I would if I could, Minerva. You cannot blame the boy for taking advantage of the situation, can you?
(parent)scotchtartan @ 2003-05-11 12:50 am UTC |
I would like, Mr Malfoy, to do it myself but that would be unseemly of me.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-11 12:52 am UTC Re: |
You should, however. It'd do wonders for your personality. You know, you should exfoliate.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 09:56 am UTC |
What did you say? Why did my parents die? What did you say?
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-11 01:04 pm UTC Re: |
The same thing I told you a few years ago, Harry. They were meddling in things that they ought not to have meddled in, and you'd be wise to drop the matter. They're dead. That's all you need to know.
purestblood @ 2003-05-11 09:50 pm UTC Re: |
I am not telling you any more than I have told you already, boy. Drop it.
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 09:55 pm UTC |
I know you're not. But not because the serum wore off. It's because you really don't know, isn't it? I'll drop it when I want to and there isn't anything you can do about it.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-11 10:01 pm UTC Re: |
Smart little mouth on you, boy. Just like your father. I see those muggles didn't bother to teach you any manners, did they? I know what I know and goading me isn't going to help you find the answers you seek, foolish little boy. Remember the old proverb: Be careful what you wish for. I daresay you might find those you've put on a pedestal all these years might have to tumble off, and we can't have your fragile little psyche upset, can we, Golden Boy?
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 10:31 pm UTC |
From: "purestblood - LJ Comment" < lj_notify@livejournal.com >
To: < malfoy@nocturnealley.net >
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2003 03:37
Subject: Re:
Lucius Malfoy (purestblood) replied to your LiveJournal comment in which you
> I thought Barty Crouch was dead, Father.
> Why did James and Lily Potter die?
Their reply was:
Subject: Re:
They got too nosy for their own good. They were meddlesome fools who
ought to have known better.
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-- LiveJournal.com
You don't know anything.
purestblood @ 2003-05-11 10:46 pm UTC |
Bait me all you want. It won't work. Or shall we add clairvoyance to your formidable list of Hero Skills?
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 10:47 pm UTC |
I'm not clairvoyant. I can barely even pass Divination. I'm looking at your comment right now, you idiot. That's how I know what it says. If you knew anything you would have said so last night when you had to. But you're just bluffing and I know it and you're just too stupid to drop it.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-05-11 10:53 pm UTC |
You started this, boy. Go cry at their graves--oh wait,you can't do that, can you? Pity. I'd be careful whom you pick fights with. You need to learn a little respect. Maybe a few more months in the cabinet will teach you your place. Maybe not. I hear you're quite clumsy. I'd hate for you to have an accident.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 11:04 pm UTC |
It's too bad I'm not clumsy enough, isn't it, Mr Malfoy? But I bet it would look really strange if suddenly something did happen, wouldn't it?
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-05-11 11:13 pm UTC |
I suppose it all depends upon the circumstances in which things occur, doesn't it? Your parents weren't smart enough to get out of the way. I daresay you aren't either, or perhaps you've just been spending too much time with Hagrid. His stupidity can be contagious.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 11:18 pm UTC |
I haven't been spending any time with Hagrid lately, and stop pretending you know anything about my parents. You don't know anything at all but you just don't want anyone to know that Voldemort didn't trust you enough to tell you.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-11 11:25 pm UTC Re: |
I don't understand this sudden fixation with determining the fate of your parents. You'd do well to concentrate on the things that you can change, and not dwell on the past. It'd do wonders for your mental health, if the rumors I hear are true. I realize you're upset because Remus wants a litter of his own, but really, I'm sure you're a perfectly adequate substitute.
Funny you should mention trust. I do believe Sirius' trust was quite misplaced as regards Peter Pettigrew. I'd suggest discussing the matter with him. He might have some valuable insight to offer.
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 11:52 pm UTC |
Leave Sirius out of this! You don't have any right to talk about him at all! You don't know ANYTHING about what happened and you just make yourself look pathetic when you pretend like you do! You try to act like you're some big villian or something when really the only reason you're not in Azkaban is because you weren't even important enough to put there.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-12 06:39 am UTC Re: |
Harry, Harry, Harry. You must be upset to find that your father and Sirius had a most cordial relationship, but you really should find another outlet for your anger. Direct the anger at the person who's warranted it, not I. You are correct in your assumption that I do not, indeed, know anything about the night James and Lily Potter died. I, of course, share the rest of the wizarding world's relief that you were spared.
Lucius Malfoy
just_harry @ 2003-05-12 10:27 am UTC |
I'm really relieved that they managed to clear you of all charges, too. Being an innocent man under Imperius must have been really terrible and it's too bad that not everyone is strong enough to fight it off.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-12 10:31 am UTC Re: |
No, Harry, only you can fight off Imperius. You are a credit to the wizarding world indeed. We all admire you deeply. Your father would be so proud of you.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-12 10:34 am UTC |
Thanks, Mr Malfoy. That means an awful lot coming from you.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-12 10:44 am UTC Re: |
I'm heartened, Harry, really I am. It's so rare to see a boy your age who is still so naive as to the workings of the world. I pray you never lose that innocence.
just_harry @ 2003-05-12 10:49 am UTC |
It's really great to talk to you like this, Mr Malfoy, but I have to get back to class.
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-05-12 10:51 am UTC Re: |
Have a nice day, Harry. And a word of caution: Be careful in whom you place your trust.
purestblood @ 2003-05-11 01:56 pm UTC Re: |
Now drop it, Potter. I am not under the influence of the serum any more, and will not tell you more than I already have.
Lucius Malfoy
purestblood @ 2003-05-11 11:34 pm UTC |
This does not concern you, Draco. Stay out of it.
I am heartened to see that you have Harry's trust. Trust is an issue for him.
Your Father
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 11:43 pm UTC |
Sorry, Father. I thought it best to answer so no information that was meant only for Malfoy ears would get out.
Your protege,
purestblood @ 2003-05-11 11:44 pm UTC Re: |
Nice comeback, Draco. I'm not sure I believe you, however.
Your Father
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 11:47 pm UTC |
I'm not certain what you mean. I thought it best that Potter didn't think you had depths of inside information on someone being killed. So I merely told him that of course you didn't know anything, as there's no reason you would. It's not as though you were there.
Your son,
purestblood @ 2003-05-12 06:59 am UTC |
Of course, Draco. You're right. I am overworked and quite stressed and I read something into your words and your actions that was not there. I know you emailed Harry my reply simply to illustrate your point.
Your Father
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 01:27 am UTC |
I'll be screening this comment to ensure that this information stays among Malfoys only.
![]() blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:28 am UTC |
Sometimes it's the twins because they tease me and they don't understand me and I don't understand them and sometimes it's Percy because he gives me boring books to read and he thinks I should be more serious and he's kind of snobby to Ron!
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:43 am UTC |
Which of your parents do you love better than the other?
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 01:14 am UTC |
That's really not fair Malfoy, which of your parents do you love better, for me it's my Dad, they both baby me but it's kind of more endearing on Dad, and now my Mum's going to cry, I really wish you would stop asking questions!
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-11 12:29 am UTC |
Yes, I do.
Because my name is the only one in there twice.
Thank you, and goodnight.
- Lupin
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:33 am UTC |
Oh, but aren't you the only one he's left for other partners in the past?
Draco Malfoy
scotchtartan @ 2003-05-11 12:37 am UTC |
Malfoy that is quite enough you may not be under the influence of veritaserum but that does not give you the right to participate in discussion where you are not wanted.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:33 am UTC |
I am qualified because I can hex off your unused testicles, you little git. Any other questions? Because I've had enough of them.
scotchtartan @ 2003-05-11 12:35 am UTC |
Professor Black I have stood long enough and watched you make derogatory and inappropriate comments to students I will be expecting to speak to you when you return from your honeymoon and incidentally you have this job as per Albus' request and I was against the decision.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:39 am UTC |
Well you're a dried up old hag who could use a good lay.
Damn Veritaserum.
scotchtartan @ 2003-05-11 12:41 am UTC |
I am also Deputy Headmistress which I am extremely proud of I sign this in all of my owl posts so that no one forgets really Albus does not do much work around here I do most of it and as Deputy Headmistress you will have words with me approximately 3940 at least.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:43 am UTC |
We all know you are deputy headmistress, you tell us constantly. And just how did you get that post? You and Albus, eh?
How many words did it take you to wear him down?
onourbrooms @ 2003-05-11 12:43 am UTC |
I for one am surprised you're not volunteering to solve that problem.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-05-11 06:34 pm UTC |
How clever of you, Draco. It's a shame that I left the reception before all of this went on. I had a dance with Harry Potter. I could have postponed it if I had been there longer and danced with him during the effects.
potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 10:00 pm UTC |
Oh, I think it's more interesting to ask questions for the public to hear. Besides, you would have been under Veritaserum yourself. It's good to know that the Slytherins avoided this mishap.