likearaindrop @ 2003-07-10 16:24:00

(no title)

Harry posted!!! Harry posted!!!! Harry's alive!!!!

yup I usually lurk, but Harry's okay and nobody said anything so... *squees*

edit: Draco commented!!!! skhdfskhl!!!!


ashh @ July 10 2003, 01:35:38 UTC

*refresh, refresh*

It is an ungodly hour of the morning.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:36:56 UTC

it's afternoon here :P

*still refreshing*


anatidae @ July 10 2003, 01:37:35 UTC

It is an ungodly hour of the morning.

And us lurkers are taking advantage of that. :))


notapipe @ July 10 2003, 01:39:18 UTC

Yes, good thing I stay up until said ungodly hours of the morning. Plus, this functions as my excuse for why I wake up after noon every day.


vellum @ July 10 2003, 02:00:21 UTC

naps are good.

i've been converted. tabiji will dance for joy.


tabiji @ July 10 2003, 11:27:15 UTC

Awwwww...our little H/D shipper at last...I'm so proud!

*sniff sniff*


theantimodel @ July 10 2003, 19:30:34 UTC

awwww. Do you think this means you're off probation?

*does a little joy dance, even though she's not tabiji*


anatidae @ July 10 2003, 01:35:57 UTC

And Harry owled Draco.

*Joins the squeeage*


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:38:11 UTC

thats what my incoherent "skhfsdhfkj!!!" in the main post was for.... didn't want to spoil it for anyone *continues squeeing*


anatidae @ July 10 2003, 01:40:09 UTC Re:


That is a cover for my "Woops. ."


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:41:45 UTC

awww that face makes me want to hug you.... actually I'm just looking for an excuse to hug people as Harry's back!!!


notapipe @ July 10 2003, 01:47:42 UTC


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:49:24 UTC

awww thanks but O_O that icon *stares*


anatidae @ July 10 2003, 01:49:58 UTC



likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:40:39 UTC

Hedwig is your fat owl ..... poor hedwig :(


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:50:45 UTC

eeee it gets worse.... draco is a cruel bastard... but we already knew that..


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:05:34 UTC

nobody cares about the fate of the poor owl :((


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 01:50:01 UTC

Oh, thank goodness! He's alive. Unhappy, but alive. I love how Draco jumped right in. They missed each other. So cute and fluffy.

I can hear my one of my flat-mate's snoring, so I have a good reason to be up!

Must keep refreshing! No time to loose!


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 01:52:49 UTC

*looks at this *

*then looks at your comment of "so cute and fluffy" and dies laughing*


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 01:58:09 UTC

Hmmmmm, bad choice of wording on my part. My defense: I didn't see that before I posted that comment. ^_^


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:04:58 UTC

I wasn't laughing at you... not really but you're right, that is cute and fluffy for PS and JH


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:11:09 UTC

And it's nice to see cute and fluffy (or what passes for C & F), there has been so much angst lately.

Well, Mamma-Hermione is off to bed.......let's see what happens. Nothing most likely.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:14:07 UTC

hahahah I read that and was like "mum hermione!!!" too :D... and of course somethings going to happen, harry got rid of Hermione so that he could focus all his attention on Draco :>


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:22:07 UTC

I??r ok, she's ahead in her lessons; Hermione will sleep well tonight.

Is it just me or does it sound like Draco was the first person Harry contacted after his technological dry-spell? Draco has Hedwig and Harry still needs to send Remus a reply.

And why is Draco outside? "I suspect something is awry. Hmm."


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:23:33 UTC

"I??r ok" is supposed to read "Harry's ok."


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:26:08 UTC Re:

lol I was wondering whether it was just my puter that screwed it up... or if it was some funky NA code that I wasn't aware off :))


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:34:34 UTC

No, it LJ being silly. Computers are like love: complicated.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:28:22 UTC

It really does seem like that... unless Harry was sending letters to Remus and Lupin using their owls before..

I don't think Draco's outside.. i think he was talking about his hatred for the sun again... and since its night that wouldn't make sense now..


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:29:51 UTC

Ahah he isn't!!!


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:37:54 UTC

Sun=Sunburn=Draco complains=Harry feels sorry for him and rubs lotion where Draco can't reach.

Yes, I can see the sun being a bad thing. ^_^


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:53:42 UTC

lol I love the way you think :D

now if only Draco was more co-operative.


Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 09:53:03 UTC

I'm praying for this SO hardly... Join my noble deed and maybe ... oneday...we'll finally see THEM understand that theirloveissoNAandbeautifulandfluffyandsplendidandwonderfulandtheican'tlivewithouteachotherandsqueee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


jenicomprispas @ July 10 2003, 02:01:47 UTC

Glad to see I'm not the only one compulsivley up/refreshing. PS said nigh! *dies*


ashh @ July 10 2003, 02:35:04 UTC



likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:37:49 UTC

wahhhhhh *wibbles along*


babytyggeryss @ July 10 2003, 02:41:57 UTC

<3 Remus. He's like a mum, only not.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:52:17 UTC

We'll get you out of there as soon as the old codger - er, your esteemed Headmaster - gives the word. hehehe :D so cute


saffronlie @ July 10 2003, 06:56:58 UTC

:::heart breaks::: Oh dear. Aww. When oh when can he go back?! :(


sourcinderella @ July 10 2003, 02:35:41 UTC

!!! Hahaha.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 02:38:34 UTC

lmao!!! Ernie's insane :D!!!


black_dog @ July 10 2003, 03:17:28 UTC

They're flirting!

Well, this is a good payoff for being awake at 6 am.


likearaindrop @ July 10 2003, 03:21:30 UTC

well that was a long 11 minutes *grumbles*


Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 03:26:46 UTC

You'll have to find out some other way.
SDJHGJHFG!!DLFKLDFKFKS!!!! ahaha that has made my morning


black_dog @ July 10 2003, 03:30:57 UTC

Oh, I likely will.



dragynville @ July 10 2003, 03:54:25 UTC



Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 09:43:40 UTC

I suppose it was the BEST answer he could choose to make sn shine brighter for me! 8-)


nightflight @ July 10 2003, 08:19:41 UTC



Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 09:33:48 UTC

I lofe your icon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeesquee*


wednesday_tea @ July 10 2003, 10:15:38 UTC

Hahahahhahahaha! <3 I'm sitting here giggling like a five year old.


saffronlie @ July 10 2003, 06:54:53 UTC

Maybe I'm silly, but I didn't get the glowing in the dark thing. :|

Still, "Nighty night, Potter" made me giggle. And is still making me giggle.


darklites @ July 10 2003, 08:10:49 UTC

Okay, I'm a bit late in the game here, but I so adore

It's only about a week until your test, you know. Which can kind of seem like a long time, but it's just a week.

The ways it can be read:
1) Harry's saying that Draco should practise since the test is sooner than he thinks; 2) Harry's almost reassuring Draco that "it won't be long". Aw. And I don't want to be squeeing fangirlishly without cause, but since Harry's not the type of person to reprimand someone for not studying enough for anything, I am willing to be it is 2).

There's something so sweet about how quiet and... comfortable the relationship PS and J_H seem have entered into is. (I'm not using relationship in the romantic sense here) I get a sense that they are starting to very much rely on each other, and it really warms my heart. :)


takeonelook @ July 10 2003, 08:44:29 UTC

I don't want to be sqeeing without reason either, but I have to admit that I definately squeed when I first read that. To me it definately seemed more like scenario 2. Harry is owling Draco so I figured Draco has probably owled Harry also. It's probable that Draco, in his patented, off-hand, sarcastic manner of his mentioned something about the test being a long ways away, hence reassurance. But that was just my first impression. Now reading over the comments again, it could very well be scenario 1. Harry asks Draco if he's ready for his test because he's anxious for Draco to pass so they can visit eachother. Then Draco asks Harry how he knows that's why he was sitting outside. So I'm assuming that Draco assumed that Harry assumed that Draco had been practicing/preparing for his test outside. That was a lot of assuming. Anyway, that comment of Draco's could have made Harry wonder whether he's been preparing enough, hence scenario 1, please practice more Draco because test time is just around the corne


Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 09:28:34 UTC

I read this comment in this way:
"Dear Draco believe me it only one weak, it's not long, well it can seem long but it's not, and we'll see each other. I WANT YOU TO BE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But maybe i'm just seeing things


black_dog @ July 10 2003, 20:54:29 UTC

There's something so sweet about how quiet and... comfortable the relationship PS and J_H seem have entered into is. . . . I get a sense that they are starting to very much rely on each other

Oh I think this is exactly it, exactly the thing that makes this such a warm and smile-worthy set of posts. Ernie sort of accosts Harry with the crude lack of consideration of a gawking man-in-the-street, and Hermione as usual acts like everybody's nanny, more focused on her own virtuousness than on Harry's feelings. Only PS approaches Harry with total focus on Harry.

He commiserates with Harry without condesencsion or false cheer, and he sets about making Harry laugh without making any demands on him at all. It's the kindest and least self-absorbed set of comments that anyone at all has made to Harry lately.

I love PS' slight defensiveness about his eagerness to pass his test -- which I think contributes a little bit to the hiccup about "sitting outside." They so badly want to see each other, and they dance around it so carefully, because PS especially would never be caught dead admitting it.

Anybody else find it interesting that this exchange has been up for 18 hours now, and Ron has managed to avoid butting in and marking his territory? Either whatever's in the shed is really distracting Ron, or he's finally getting a bit of a clue and showing some sensitivity. In either case, Ron deserves a shout-out too, I think, precisely for saying nothing.


tabiji @ July 12 2003, 00:16:59 UTC

It's late and it's quiet now, and it's not nearly so hot. I was thinking could maybe go down to the park or something, but it closes at sundown. Probably no one would notice anyway.

It's interesting that Harry didn't say, "I was thinking THAT I could maybe go..." I wonder if this is a subtle hint telling Draco where they could meet?!

Mmmmmmmmmm. *getting lost in pervy slidesex fantasy*
