luna_lg @ 2003-11-16 20:45:00

*pulls the whole "BAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA!!!* eye-poppin' thing*
Mood: shocked

Two words can only describe my full reaction to what just happened: Holy s***!!!


hobaggins @ November 16 2003, 17:54:01 UTC

Not just witches, but... whatever sort we want.



petitesl @ November 16 2003, 17:59:21 UTC

Evan says staying together isn't fair to either of us.
Hmmm indeed . . .


hobaggins @ November 16 2003, 18:23:38 UTC

Well, then again, who could resist?


petitesl @ November 16 2003, 18:25:40 UTC

Oh how I love the smell of field and sweaty gear in the mornings...


lore @ November 16 2003, 17:58:13 UTC

It's August all over again!!!

>< >< ><

love, lore


akutenshi2007 @ November 16 2003, 18:06:17 UTC

It's August, just in November.


hobaggins @ November 16 2003, 18:12:11 UTC

I don't get this "August" business.

Isn't NA always like this?


akutenshi2007 @ November 16 2003, 18:33:16 UTC

Well, yeah a lot of the NA is like this.

But I think it's a human tendency to blame things on other parties. Like superstition.


akutenshi2007 @ November 16 2003, 18:34:48 UTC

Yeah, just imagine that I typed 'time' between 'the' and 'NA'.


lore @ November 16 2003, 19:10:14 UTC

Yes, but, specifically in August, Lupin and Black broke up and at the same time Narcissa and Lucius and Molly and Arthur split as well.

Now we have Lupin and Snape seeming to have a break-up and Ginny is splitting with Cho in the thick of it....

If Harry and Draco have a fight or some other couple breaks up, I'll consider this an utter retread of August. But to what end?

love, lore


athene_51 @ November 16 2003, 19:18:44 UTC

I wonder if this is some kind of NA pattern? One month of endless, heart-wrenching angst, two months of relative peace, repeat.

Also, stop with the icons, vile woman! You know of what I speak.


lore @ November 16 2003, 21:09:43 UTC

Do I?

(wah, stupid August in November - hold me?)

love, lore


hobaggins @ November 16 2003, 19:24:55 UTC

I still don't really see the point of associating it with August.



bentley @ November 16 2003, 21:42:38 UTC



Anonymous @ November 16 2003, 18:41:36 UTC

Hmm, I don't know.... I'm picking up more on Ginny/Luna than Ginny/Evan!!


Anonymous @ November 16 2003, 18:46:40 UTC

Yah I bet Evan's like Ginny's fag hag only in reverse, and he wants to see some girl on girl action between Ginny and Luna. Actually thats just me. ::clicks anonymous::


Anonymous @ November 16 2003, 18:55:40 UTC

Hehe! If she does like Evan than I guess Cho was just a phase for her. Maybe she just got tired of not getting much attention so she dated a witch. Whatever it's just a bit weird to see her liking a guy again.


vassilissa @ November 17 2003, 02:30:02 UTC

There's this thing called 'bisexual'. It means you can date witches *or* wizards.


Anonymous @ November 17 2003, 03:07:40 UTC

I suppose, if you *must* label ...


illstarred @ Deleted Deleted



Anonymous @ November 16 2003, 19:34:02 UTC

I think Ginny suspects that too. She seemed to expect Cho to be devastated or at least offended about Evan.


saffronlie @ November 17 2003, 06:28:34 UTC

Hmm, Charlie and Cho's interaction could be considered flirting, but Seamus and Lupin have, I feel, confirmed Charlie's preference for wizards...


idlewind @ November 16 2003, 19:18:08 UTC

Well, I knew this would happen. Has there ever been a sucessful long distance relation ever involving a sixteen year old? I'm just glad there wasn't some hideous blow-up fight with Cho walking in on Ginny cheating with Evan.

I just hope Evan turns out to you know, not be evil or secretly a frog or something.


hobaggins @ November 16 2003, 19:23:55 UTC

not be evil or secretly a frog or something



idlewind @ November 16 2003, 19:29:04 UTC

Hee! Of course! *thinks* You know, I think nEVILle might be the boy for Ginny. I mean, we already know he's evil, so there wouldn't be the nRaged worry there would be with Evan. Plus, I get to type out nEVILle, and well, I'm easily amused.


acetal @ November 16 2003, 22:49:52 UTC

Not just witches, but... whatever sort we want.

Hrm. Cho/Charlie? Cholie? Is Cho working her way through the Weasley clan? Does Ginny have a thing for Evan? And what are those wacky Death Eaters planning for Hogwarts? Find out... whenever. Same NA time, same NA channel.

Personally, I love that Charlie has a mechanical owl. Very Clash of the Titans.


hezzabeth @ November 17 2003, 00:51:52 UTC

I've been listening to the song Torn over and over again getting more and more depressed.
If these two crazy kids cant work it out then who can?
Also I thought Luna's comment " I thought you believed in Draco Malfoy" was so cryptic and interesting.


zorb @ November 17 2003, 10:58:47 UTC

I just read Peter Pan and am having massive "Clap, clap if you believe in Draco Malfoy!" fantasies. :-D


lilychick @ November 17 2003, 11:55:27 UTC


Dude, I am totally putting that on an icon.


zorb @ November 17 2003, 12:26:22 UTC

:-D Do, and show it off when you've done!


therealycats @ November 17 2003, 14:46:17 UTC

Your icon is Trent in a dress.

I ♥ you.

Sorry for the OTness.


lilychick @ November 19 2003, 15:21:53 UTC

(*squees*) Thanks! That's the first comment I've gotten on it.

Um...I can't think of a clever way to make this not OT. So I'll duck out now.


hezzabeth @ November 17 2003, 15:03:45 UTC

I know, its such a peter panish thing to say now is'nt it?
I really want to know what Luna meant by that.


idlewind @ November 17 2003, 12:41:30 UTC

Anyone have any ideas what Pansy's goddamnit icon means?


saffronlie @ November 17 2003, 17:27:03 UTC

That she's sorry. Or fake sorry. Who can tell, when it comes to Pansy? :D
