lupercus in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-12 21:39:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "Who Wants To Live Forever?" - Queen |
Well, today was certainly . . . interesting is the world I would choose, though I expect our resident thesaurus, Professor Snape, would probably be able to come up with something even more descriptive.
Though the day started out well -- an unexpected parcel arriving by owl that I shall talk about elsewhere - it deteriorated rather quickly afterward. I had Slytherin and Gryffindor for classes today, and we were looking over a rare Clabbert -- a monkey-like creature - I'd managed to procure. Unfortunately, Ron Weasley accidentally-on-purpose upset the cage onto Draco Malfoy and, in short, chaos ensued. Luckily there was no real carnage, unless you count the thorough coating of Clabbert dung that Draco was subsequently covered with. I do think he's learnt not to try and chuck one across the room.
I am afraid, however, that I did have to give Ron a detention -- he all but admitted he'd done it intentionally, because "Draco is an insufferable @£$&%!" and had apparently insulted his sister -- but after the lesson I cheered Ron up some with the fact that Draco may never get the, er, distinctive aroma of Clabbert out of his robes. It has a tendency to linger.
For his detention, Ron will degnome Hagrid's pumpkin patch. I've been told he's quite good at it. Harry's offered to help, but I think it's less out of loyalty and more that he actually finds it fun. Being raised by Muggles will do that to a boy, I suppose.
The rest of classes went about as well. I led a field trip of Hufflepuff second-years into the Forbidden Forest to have a look at a harpy's nest I'd uncovered a few weeks ago. I'm a bit concerned that there is, in fact, a harpy that has taken up residence in the forest. I may speak to Dumbledore about perhaps allowing me to 'take care' of her during the next full moon. It would be best for everyone; unsuspecting students are constantly sneaking into the Forest and a harpy would not think twice before killing one. I'd rather get to her first.
Nevertheless, the children were fascinated by the nest. One clumsy boy picked up a stray feather and, having not listened to me when I explained how a harpy's wings are as sharp as knives, wound up in the hospital wing with a sliced hand. The sight of all the blood spurred the rest of the class to suddenly start copying down notes. Who'd have thought that a little gore could serve as an educational tool?
The day could only get better from there, right?
At dinner, I found myself seated between Professors Snape and Black. A happy coincidence, one that required several goblets of wine. I appreciate your sympathetic glances, Professor McGonagall, don't think they went unnoticed. I would have acknowledged you had I not been so concerned with eating as fast as I could. I don't think I've ever inhaled my food with such speed -- not as a human, anyway. Sadly, it wasn't fast enough.
Professors Black and Snape began their nightly bickerfest over what I assume was some kind of stew (I didn't even taste it, though Flitwick claimed there was veal in it, and I love veal, so I am now bitter), this time arguing about the unfortunate incident at the Lantern Festival. It began as a few snide remarks slipped into conversation but quickly descended into an all-out row, which raised a few eyebrows round the Great Hall. I tried to calm them down but to no avail. They ignored me and kept at it.
Finally, I escaped, leaving them with an offhand comment about "kiss-or-kill" syndrome. It shut them up sufficiently enough for me to make my exit, pausing to slap Professor McGonagall on the back. She seemed to be choking on her goulash.
I want nothing more than to have a bath (dratted flea dip why hasn't the doctor owled me back about that vaccination gnashsnarlwhinge), a glass of port and a good night's sleep to make up for a rather trying day. I've put up wards around my rooms to keep people away -- yes, Professor Black, this means you -- and a lovely Silencing Charm. I can play my Queen albums as loud as I want to without Mr Filch coming round to sound me out about it.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. I've persuaded Professor Dumbledore to lend me Fawkes for the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff lesson. Apparently, beyond the headmaster and myself (a fellow Magical Creature), there is only one other person to whom the phoenix will answer. No prizes for guessing who.