potterstinks @ 2002-12-13 14:08:00 |
This morning I was made witness to a dull conversation between a gaggle of Slytherin third years on the topic of Hogsmeade and holiday shopping. I myself am in complete agreement with Pansy. I've already been browsing the finest catalogues for my gifts this year. I've also been browsing them for the gifts to give to others. Certainly I'm not going to find any gifts for anyone at Gladrags. Malfoys, of course, have always been quite charitable with their money, since we've always had so much of it. I believe I've found the perfect gift for Mother, though Father has always been considerably more difficult to choose for. After all, he has everything. Of course, Mother does as well, but Mother is quite a collector.
To Purchase Generous Gifts For
Crabbe and Goyle should be simple enough, of course. I'm sure we'll be sending something to Crabbe and his mother over the holidays as well, so I've plenty of time to think about that. I do hope we won't be spending any time with the Averys this year. We vacationed with them in Norway over the holidays in my first year, and it's taken me until now to recover. One would think that it would be impossible to botch Christmas pudding, but apparently stupidity runs from the Averys' family all the way to their house-elves. I spent three days on the verge of death because of those bloody house-elves. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd been trying to poison us all.
Fortunately, term ends next week, which I am, naturally, looking forward to. Now that it's been snowing regularly, we're not to hold any Quidditch practices until further notice. Personally, I think that's just unnecessary. I rather think the Slytherins could do quite well at practising in the snow. But no, no. It's just as well, of course. I'd rather not catch my death of cold watching everyone practise.
I see that all the other Houses are having end of term / holiday parties, which is such a quaint idea. The Gryffindors seem to be up in arms over whether or not to invite the Slytherins, and I must say, I am deeply wounded that Weasley is against inviting us. An evening of harsh decorating schemes, bad food, and bad company is my idea of a dream. Somehow, however, I suppose I'll have to find a way to carry on with my life. Oh, wait, I'm over it.