wehaveseven @ 2003-04-14 00:37:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Clicking key noises are particularly satisfying!!!1 |
Good Heavens, is that the time?
I found an ENTIRE page about rubber ducks. No wonder I can't find out exactly what they're used for - there are so many different things! I think I'll have a rubber duck theme party for my next birthday. August the 4th, don't forget, Weasleys!
Intriguing Muggle Artifact Of The Day: Staplers!
Muggles use these thingamies to hold together stacks of paper. I pity the poor dears for needing these, but at the same time - they're so shiny! I wonder if I could convince the Ministy to get one. Hopefully a Bostitch Electric Stapler. It looks kind of like a whale. Intriguing!!
Now, I've been doing a bit of key-rearranging on this keyboard, and I think I've made some VAST improvements.
I'm constantly fascinated by the all the punctuationy thingamabobs found on a keyboard. .,/?><'";:[]{}-_=+)(*&^%$#@!~`\| LOOK! That's all the ones I can use! Isn't that intriguing? [I like these ones, they're kind of brickish with a nice shape to them!] {These ones are probably suited to my petal of a wife.} And look Ginny, I've been learning new faces :D :) :P :> .. that last one looks a bit like a chicken. ... or - a - DUCK! I HAVE A DUCK FACE! :> :> :> Next thing to investigate. What noise do ducks make? ...
WELL! Handy thing, is Google.com! Went there and clicked on this "are you feeling lucky?" button because I was feeling quite lucky at the time, as Molly had just handed me the last scone and she'd reheated it and all. But now I can tell you this, I can answer all of these questions:
• I found an abandoned duck, what should I do?
• What do ducks eat?
• How do I keep ducks out of my swimming pool?
• Is chlorine safe for ducks?
• Do my ducks wings need clipping?
• How do duck eggs breathe?
• Do ducks spend most of their time on land or water?
• Are ducks safe around children?
• My ducks are messy, is there anything I can do?
• Can ducks be potty trained?
• How long do ducks live?
• How can I tell if my ducks is male or female?
• How do I care for baby ducks?
• Where can I buy a duck?
• Do ducks make good pets?
• Considering giving a duck as a gift?
• I submitted a question but never heard back
BUT I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT NOISE THEY MAKE! I suppose this is real ducks though, not rubber ducks, which quite obviously have a completely different purpose when compared to real ducks. Fascinating, really! I suppose I'd have to squeeze one to find out!
Speaking of squeezing - Attention, Weasleys! Have a wonderful week!
Your Dad.