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| | Welcome to Rubber Duck Land!home of the worlds best rubber ducks... or are they rubber duckies? |
Rubber Duck toys,
Rubber duck bathroom decor, Ducky party supplies, shower curtains and more.
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| Ducky Shirts, Mugs, Posters, Bags, Postcards, and more in our Shirts-n-More shop. Click Here to enter. |
Fun and Free Rubber Duck entertainment....Desktop Background Images are now available to keep you in the ducky mood all day at your computer!Handheld Duck Fun! Our Palm-OS PDA ducks provide ducky entertainment and wisdom wherever you go! Visit our PDA page.
Free Rubber Duck screen savers These will surely make your computer more cheerful, making sure you have a smile and a laugh every day. Plenty of duck fun!
Coloring Duckies are just the thing for your birthday party! Print out these ducky pages that are ready to color in. Just make sure you have an ample supply of crayons on hand. ... Rubber ducks love crayons!-- just don't let them eat any.We have just added an Online Rubber Ducks Coloring Book for those wishing to color via the computer.(Internet Explorer browser only). Play Pin The Beak on the Duckie at your next duck party! Print it out or CLICK HERE
for the online version! This is a great way to occupy a toddler and get the wee-one used to using the mouse. See our screensaver page for a version that doubles as a screensaver. Beware, the game can be mesmerizing for toddlers and has accompanying sounds. If the user pins the beak on the rubber duck properly it makes a quack sound, otherwise it's a dog or a cow or a frog... Yes, a very ducky game!Visit our Rubber Ducky Fun page for plenty of fun! Now there is a second fun page-- the Duckie Fun page! Both pages will entertain in ways that can only be done by rubber ducks!
We just added a version of the classic concentration game called Duckcentration! Try it now! Your memory will surely improve. Save a trip to the casino-- The Rubber Ducky slot machine
is here. While there is no real wagering going on-- it's bragging rights and some good quacking when you win. You might want to bring your rubber duck with you for luck on your next visit to a real casino.Put all your ducks in a row on our RUBBER DUCKY ALIGNMENT PAGE. Everyone should make sure they have their ducks in a row
at all times-- our alignment instructions are sure to be helpful. Compliant with the presidents 'no ducky left behind' initiative.We now rate the ducks we sell using the Conway Tubworthiness Scale so you can compare how they will perform in
the bathtub or pool. We try our best to take the guesswork out of shopping for rubber ducks. | | Visit our Rubber Duck links and WebRings page! |