Colin, I need to get        (o)(o)
    ^_^        to the diskothek but  -----@  <>  @
   /o~o\       bus money=none. Lendus?      ====
  /  v  \                                    /\
 / /   \ \----OK but I want your Super      >||<
   \   /      Konsol 62 and house keys       ||
   "' "'      as security on my              LL
            Oh right, and why don't I----- (o)(o)
            just bend over and let you    @  <>  @
    ^_^     bugger me up the drainpipe?     ~~~~
   /o~x\    Skank.                           /\
  /  v  \                                   >||<
 / /   \ \ ----That'll do. Prepare...        ||
   \   /                                     LL
   "' "'
              You big gay owl! Fuckit,     (o)(o)
              I shall walk.-------------- @  <>  @
                ^_^                         >||<
               /o~o\  ----Not when I've      ||
              /  V  \     finished with      LL
             / /   \ \    you!
               \ w /
               "' "'