-Why are we here, Colin? / / That's a good one! Some (o)(o)/ would say we were 'created' @ <> @ by some omnipotent being, ^_^ ==== or that we evolved from-----------/o~o\ /\ \ more basic life-forms. I'm / V \ >||< \ not even sure whether or / / \ \ || \ not we're alone in this \ / LL \ universe... "' "' \ No, Colin! I mean, why are we HERE? --------------------------------------------------------- ___ / O \__ / \_\ ----Oh, you mean inside this / __/_/ / giant parrot? / | -------- / __|/ -------Yeah. / / / / | / --------- | / / | \ ------------------No idea. | \ /\ \ ==| /="'"'==== | || | |/ | / | / |/ / ---------------------------------------------------------- I don't get it. / / It's post-modern. You're (o)(o)/ not supposed to 'get it'.--- @ <> @ \ ^_^ ==== -----So there's not going to \ /o~o\ /\ be a punchline? -- / V \ >||< / / \ \ || Hang on... yes...------- \ / LL "' "' ---------------------------------------------------------- ___ / O \__ / \_\ / __/_/ / | -----...because he was stuck to Daniel / __|/ O' Donnell's face! / / / | / | | / / | \ ---------How do I get out of here? | \ /\ \ ==| /="'"'==== | || | |/ | / | / |/ / ---------------------------END----------------------------