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S.P.E.W. Society For the Promotion of Elfish Welfare Leaflet 1 Leaflet 2 Each of our six-page S.P.E.W. leaflets are printed on enviromentally-friendly, recycled parchment, and are designed with a broad audience in mind. They include illustrative photographs and come already equipped with a Muggle Repellent Charm, so they may be handed out in places with or next to a Muggle population. Two-hundred copies of each have been printed; if you would like more than one leaflet, they can be purchased in bulk: fifteen sickles for every ten pamphlets, to help cover the cost of production. Leaflet 1 is an overview of our organisation, including its History, Manifesto, specially-selected Recommended Reading excerpts, and a section on how to contact me for more information on house-elves or joining S.P.E.W. Leaflet 2 is a fully-illustrated miniature handbook in identifying possible physical and/or emotional house-elf abuse or neglect. It has an involved checklist (Does the house-elf recoil as if in fear when you move towards it? Does the house-elf sport bandages, strange cuts or bruises, or exhibit complete loss of memory?), what to do if you think a house-elf is being abused, and a list of house-elf friendly establishments available for contact - including the Office of House-Elf Relocation and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic. It is truly sad that this leaflet exists, I think - however, it is instrumental in identifying and moving to prevent the outrageous abuse of our fellow magical creatures! For a free leaflet (or to buy several), please click here. |