hermione_like @ 2003-04-28 01:26:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Hurricane Arthur, that's who, Lupin! :)
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 22:30:51 UTC |
Maybe we'll see "ARTHUR WEASLEY! YOU. ME. DUEL. NOW."?? *hopeful*
(parent)notapipe @ April 27 2003, 22:40:16 UTC |
The boy is amazing. Draco has rejected him and vomited and been a total ass, he was just outed against his will, he hadn't eaten more than an egg, half a muffin and two scones, and then he goes and saves Remus's life.
(parent)imochan @ April 27 2003, 22:50:01 UTC |
You have reduced me to jelly.
I did not wish to be jelly.
Yet the Harry-love makes it okay.portkey was right when he said that Harry deserved someone better than potterstinks. I'm beginning to see know that if PS doesn't do something... GODIDONOTWANTTOSAYREDEEMING... *sigh*... i'm too tired for this. sufficed to say I hope Harry finds happiness wherever he wants, 'cause he deserves it.
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 07:29:21 UTC |
I'd love to know exactly what he does see in him, really. Has anybody really thought about it?
I mean, ps had never been anything but hostile to him and cruel to everyone else until Harry started paying him some attention. Then he did show he did have feelings and, imo, that he did want Harry's frienship. That is, until Harry became the focus of his anger again and he lashed out worse than before.
So why does Harry like him? I've thought of some vague reasons, but I can't say for sure. I certainly would never want to date Potterstinks. Why does Harry?
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 08:01:09 UTC |
maybe he just thinks he's hot to trot. i mean, if you think someone's really attractive, sometimes you get a little fuzzyinthehead, read: biased. and this is draco malfoy. hottie to trottie, damn, harry, of course you want to jump him.
of course, this is just a suggestion! :D
shusu @ April 28 2003, 10:50:34 UTC |
My friend put it best.
Me: we are fucking INsane
Her: Noooo
Her: You're Nsane
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 22:43:24 UTC |
He's right, you know. Lupin was a total frelling moron.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:47:39 UTC |
Yes, but love, fear, and anger don't make for the sharpest of minds.
He clearly feels bad, fears what kind of impression he had on his students (he cares for them so much), and plans on never doing it again.
He has learned something from it and that is what we can hope for.
notapipe @ April 27 2003, 22:52:42 UTC |
because that made all the lack of work accomplished last night worth it.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:55:40 UTC |
I myself am a huge fan of Lucius referring to himself as "shiny."
I think he needs to take Narcissa's medicine more often.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 22:55:43 UTC |
Yes, Looshie would make a great ferret name. ^-^ Looshie needs to drug himself up more just for our entertainment.