hunin_munin @ 2003-04-28 05:01:00 |
Malfoy Wank
Mood: dorky
For whatever reason it is, I just thought that this was so sweet. Regardless of Lucius being in a drugged state, still my heart flutters. With all the attention the other characters are getting here, I thought Narcissa deserved some in a positive light.
Lemongrass! So cute!
As for Draco, where the hell is he? Can't say I blame him for making himself scarce with all that is going on. It does seem that few people are actually considering his feelings in this whole thing, not even long enough to take a moment to try and figure out just why he has felt the need to be so beastly to everyone. The poor dear is running scared. I'm just hoping he will make a response somewhere.
Personally, I'm almost expecting to read that he is in Albuquerque.
bookofjude @ April 28 2003, 02:24:06 UTC |
DRACO IS IN WALES WITH FRED! Haha. Actually, I'm surprised he skivved out on detention. Vector ain't going to be pleased with him... And where on earth is Alberquerqe? Sounds like some back-water-- wait, not finishing that. It probably is. I don't want to be right.
Lemongrass was *Squee*!cute! but, :) *hugs Looshie*
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 02:30:30 UTC |
Methinks it's the capital of New Mexico, in the US. But I may be wrong.
And Vector is not going to be pleased AT ALL.
bookofjude @ April 28 2003, 02:35:52 UTC |
HAH! I think she'd have to get her blood pressure checked after she catches him.
So will Draco, I think it'd be 0.
hunin_munin @ April 28 2003, 02:30:49 UTC |
Albuquerque is where Bugs Bunny is always saying he "should have taken that left at". ^^
I wasn't too surprised to see him skip the detention. I think I would too if it was something so ridiculous.
notapipe @ April 28 2003, 03:51:59 UTC |
Capital of New Mexico and the title of a completely irritating Weird Al song on Running With Scissors.
And everybody died! Except for me. You know why? Because I had my tray table up, and my seat in it's full upright posistion. I had my tray table up, and my seat in it's full upright posistion...
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 02:42:30 UTC |
Love the adult Malfoy silliness. Tho' it seems that we will have a big giant reset for that couple.
But...(resisting the hypnotic power of Last Unicorn usericon) Draco is many things, but he is not a "poor little dear." That infamous entry was pretty hateful/cruel. Almost all the shit he's going through, he brought it all on himeslf.
I mean, no matter what he's going through or his past, isn't he responsible for his own actions? Especially something premeditated like a post? Or like not showing up to a detention which was assigned to him (no matter that he feels it was unfair?)
Lots of people go through shit, but not everyone is then actively shitty to the rest of the world. And really, are there any "reasons" that could make his behavior ok?
I'm not saying he's beyond all hope, or even that his motives might not be comprehensible in some way... but... he's not a poor little dear. He is a dangerous spiky nasty little clawed thing.
Ok, sorry, just needed to get that out.
(stops beating her dead horse as it is getting ratty)
But it is a mystery as to where he is. He seems to have left the Manor before Remus got there. Perhaps he is just hiding out in the dorms?
hunin_munin @ April 28 2003, 03:06:36 UTC |
Oh, I was hardly saying that his behaviour was 'okay'. In no way was I meaning to condone his actions. I was rather disappointed with him, personally. But, seeing who he is, I doubt anyone is surprised at what he did. And, yes, he is responsible for what he has said and done. I would expect him to make up for it in some way, though when it comes to actual child abuse, I think it's a little overboard.
I think he just got in over his head on this one, then dug himself deeper, only to find that it's not so easy to dig oneself out again when everyone is shoveling it back in on you. In some ways, I am glad that no one is taking his shit anymore, but at the same time I think many of them were just taking out agressions on him having little to nothing to do with what he did to Harry. I think he has realised just what he did (to J_H, i don't think he cares about many of the others), and now sees that he can't fix it. People say and do stupid things when they are angry/scared. I just wonder if anyone has thought of that.
nightshade24 @ April 28 2003, 06:24:58 UTC |
I personally feel that Vector's punishment is ridiculous. Just how is that supposed to punish Draco? He's not going to learn anything from those detentions--it's only going to piss him off more!
I also was horrified at his actions, but there has to be another way to work this out. Those severe detentions aren't doing anything. Basically it's like: Okay Draco, we know you're a homophobic little prick, so here's some hard labor for you. Yeah, that's really solving the problem.
And I wonder if Draco has even though of what he's done to Harry. I mean yeah he obviously has some hatred there, but does he even feel an ounce of regret for outing Harry? It seems as if Draco thought he was just playing a stupid (albeit cruel) joke and that it would blow over as usual. He didn't seem to realize that Harry was actually gay. I bet he's regretting ever making that post now.
But I am still anxiously awaiting when they will confront each other again. They can't avoid each other forever. But I'm more interested in what both Harry and Draco are thinking. Those have got to be some whirlwind thoughts right about now, huh?
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 07:02:25 UTC |
Glad you asked.:-)
No, I don't think Draco is remorseful at all for what he did to Harry and this is a serious thing. Detentions like this, I'm afraid, would probably make him feel even more justified in lashing out.
I think Draco feels irrational hatred for Harry and has for a long time now; Harry is a convenient target for all the things that are really wrong in his life. He still feels that way, imo. So while I think it's totally correct for everyone to make it clear that homophobic remarks and outing people are completely not allowed for any reason, dealing only with that issue is playing into Draco's hands, in a way. Draco's a master at twisting punishments into unfair persecution. If nobody's addressing why he lashed out at Harry I don't think they'll do much but drive his viciousness into related channels or underground, only to come out again.
eponis @ April 28 2003, 02:45:17 UTC |
Um . . . as adorable as Lushie - ahem, Lucius Malfoy the Deatheater who terrorizes house-elves, dominates his son, plays mind games with his wife, and is sick because he got in a duel for propositioning a nearly-married man - is, I think Narcissa put it best:
"Lucius can be terribly romantic when he wants to be."
Oddly enough, though, I love Narcissa to death (she's so very earnest), yet I think that Lucius is the perfect man to keep her in her snowglobe. So, I'm not too upset that they're back together, even if part of me knows that it's probably not the best thing for her.
But lemongrass? Very cute. :D I'm probably just a bit over-cynical about Lucius right now, as delightful as he is to read.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 02:49:57 UTC |
Dude, can you be over-cynical about a Death Eater who slipped Ginny Riddle's Diary and was there when Harry was getting his blood taken?
*is with you*
imochan @ April 28 2003, 05:16:54 UTC |
I just got an image of Looshie in a tight white tanktop.
I do not think I can be helped at this point.
I also fell asleep at my keyboard. O_o There is no hope.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 06:31:40 UTC |
Lucius is the perfect man to keep her in her snowglobe.
If only we had an icon of that... *chortles*
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 07:20:28 UTC |
My dream version of where Draco is:
He had a dressing down by Lucius and Narcissa who told him how awful it was to attack Harry that way and to be homophobic and worse, attack gay people because of it. They (Lucius mostly, Narcissa would not be the one doing any yelling, of course) ordered him to apologize to the list of people.
Draco has a meltdown because of this completely inconsistent viewpoint. The one thing he's always counted on is the bigotry he's been taught, and now, completely arbitrarily in his eyes, his parents are changing their mind and acting like the school usually does. Narcissa said gay people didn't exist, now she likes Remus and Lupin. Perhaps he figures out that Lucius, in fact, sleeps with men too. Lucius said to never apologize to Weasleys or non-purebloods (or anybody, really, except the Malfoys) but now they're making him do something he's been told is completely beneath him. Yet neither of them seem to see the inconsistency: Lucius is still as stern and righteous as ever, Narcissa still as sweet and sympathetic to him.
So he decides--hallelujia--that he needs to actually find out how things are for real. He trusts no one at the school, he has no one anywhere else to trust. So Draco has simply gone out into the world to see things for himself, for once, without a huge set of preconceived notions to cling to.
That's my dream.:-)
sistermagpie @ April 28 2003, 08:34:40 UTC |
Okay, perhaps not.
But he is certainly up to something. Minister of Magic. Well-played, ex-prefect.
Well, Draco never was one to go quietly insane.