eponis @ 2003-04-28 23:37:00 |
More Shakespeare!
Mood: amused
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
::hesitates to quote any more, as this is a Public Forum That Could Be Read By Children::
Edit: Between dirty Shakespeare jokes, drunk!Sevvie, shiny!Looshie, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, this is quite possibly my favorite N_A thread in a very long time . . . ::is refreshing constantly::
xnera @ April 28 2003, 23:06:31 UTC |
I'm loving all the singing. Would do some myself, but it would wake up the neighbors. Stupid condo.
(parent)trowa @ April 28 2003, 23:17:06 UTC |
I'm still trying to get over the fact that "Looshie" just told Sirius to go rim Remus.
(parent)beadgalsarita @ April 28 2003, 23:17:13 UTC |
I <3 singing!shiny!Looshie and drunk!Sevvie.
v. much in love and haven't laughed this hard in a looong time
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 23:18:03 UTC Too good to be true. |
(Am currently jiving to "Come together" and other Beatles classics. I blame NA :P)
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 23:30:34 UTC Re: Too good to be true. |
I am officially insane because I'm doing just that.
- PN
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 23:32:54 UTC Re: Too good to be true. |
Thank you, fellow anonaposter. It will make for good icons for the LJers, I am sure.
_audrey @ April 29 2003, 02:16:32 UTC |
Sorry to butt-in, but would either (or both) of you guys like a code?
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Anonymous @ April 29 2003, 02:54:32 UTC |
Um... thank you so much.... My emails snowy_dragons@yahoo.ca
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Anonymous @ April 29 2003, 04:08:10 UTC Re: Too good to be true. |
Your welcome, S.
(Gah. O_o;; Screencapping while fun, is going to kill my hard drive.)
Screencap count: 44
- PN
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 23:28:42 UTC |
So Sevvie and Siri are making up and getting drunk together while Lupin and Malfoy are making up and singing kareoke at each other.
*dies* They'll hate themselves in the morning . . .
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 23:53:23 UTC |
Getting high on incense fumes? And possibly . . .
*shuts mind down before the speculation on where Looshie's disappeared to begins. And divination towers. And Oh. My.*
amariel @ April 29 2003, 11:04:26 UTC |
The rest:
Lucius: Elanor Rigby
Lupin: I am the Walrus
Lucius: Come Together
Lupin: She’s Leaving Home
Lucius: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Lupin: Run for your life
Lucius: Carry that weight
Lupin: Tomorrow never knows
cirakaite @ April 28 2003, 23:30:01 UTC |
Yes, and I think that Lupin is currently the only non-drunk, non-stoned one.
*puts all faith in him*
Now, of course, if it were that R/S/SS *has* happened in the past little while. . .
eponis @ April 28 2003, 23:33:08 UTC |
"The details of our sex lives are quite complicated enough already, consensual, and none of anyone's business."
That's what I had guessed that meant . . .
eponis @ April 28 2003, 23:42:28 UTC |
Oh Lord.
::repeats to self:: Must not write NA smut, must not write NA smut. . .
beadgalsarita @ April 28 2003, 23:47:31 UTC |
oh my lord..this is just getting funnier and funnier. strip chess? lol
(parent)notapipe @ April 28 2003, 23:56:25 UTC |
well, they're getting Remus to get rid of his pants, I don't hink you have to wait long.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2003, 23:46:46 UTC |
Three words I'd never thought Snape would say: "howsithangn"