thessamunga @ 2003-03-31 17:59:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
:O What is Harry doing?
*wibbles and refreshes every two seconds*
[edit] *cries and cries* You stupid boys.
zhonnika @ March 31 2003, 00:01:59 UTC |
Wah! I know! And I really love your Dan moods *leers*
I think he's trying to get Ron not to yell insults at Draco. *blink*
thessamunga @ March 31 2003, 00:11:06 UTC |
I think he might be slightly jealous that Draco is talking to Ron somewhat civilly, yet ignoring Harry completely. Or something! I don't know! *wibbles*
(parent)zhonnika @ March 31 2003, 00:12:54 UTC |
Come on now, Harry... give us a reply to Draco *hits refresh with you*
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luleh @ March 31 2003, 00:02:12 UTC |
Maybe he's trying to get potterstinks to talk to him? Like if he and Ron start talking, Draco couldn't resist the chance to stick his nose in?
thessamunga @ March 31 2003, 00:18:52 UTC |
Poor Harry seems torn between Ron and Malfoy, neither of which are talking to him right now, yet seem to be agreeing for once. I hope Harry and Ron are both feeling very guilty and realise how stupid they're being, SOON.
(parent)bookshop @ March 31 2003, 06:25:26 UTC |
I thought Harry was about to ask Ron if he wanted to be his partner for the werewolf thing and then changed his mind.
but who knows?
And what's with Draco? Was anybody else totally confused while they read that, haha? "Argh Draco is defending Harry and telling Ron he was an arse! Argh no he wasn't! Argh!"
sistermagpie @ March 31 2003, 08:40:57 UTC |
I love trying to figure out exactly what's going on. just_harry is obviously trying to get Ron to be his potions partner. At this point they've both agreed that neither has a partner, which is a huge step in the right direction.
potterstinks seems to be on one hand encouraging Ron to continue to be angry at Harry by reminding him that his friends should have stood by him when he was "right" about Cho and Ginny. However, this clearly would cause Ron to rethink his position on the whole thing because if Malfoy agrees with it it must be wrong. Maybe what really got Draco into the thread was that he wanted to make it clear that he agreed with Ron's disgust at the idea of any gay couple getting together, being that he's so straight himself? Or maybe he just can't stand not needling Harry anymore so has to do it indirectly? Gah! I need a banana. Shame about that allergy coming on so strong, but at least he'll still be able to wear latex.;-)
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Anonymous @ March 31 2003, 14:33:40 UTC |
Maybe what really got Draco into the thread was that he wanted to make it clear that he agreed with Ron's disgust at the idea of any gay couple getting together, being that he's so straight himself?
zhonnika @ March 31 2003, 00:07:50 UTC |
Well, at least Draco knows HES ALIVE... even if he was replying to Ron.
elite_stoat @ March 31 2003, 00:19:15 UTC |
Yay, he Acknowledged Harry's Presence! Finally. One step in the right direction.
Also, <333 you.
thessamunga @ March 31 2003, 00:24:09 UTC |
<33333 you more!
*makes a banner saying "BOYS ARE STUPID"*
elite_stoat @ March 31 2003, 00:32:38 UTC |
(parent)bookshop @ March 31 2003, 06:27:11 UTC |
but he didn't acknowledge him, really! "people who always think they're wrong" isn't exactly implicating *just* harry (pardon the pun). It was ron who kept mentioning him and draco never did! *wails*
(parent)greenapricot @ March 31 2003, 06:52:16 UTC |
But he does seem to be berating Ron for flying off the handle in an off handed sort ot way.
Oh, but I think it is like that. Friends are supposed to be understanding and all that, aren't they? You'd think if they were understanding, they'd not fly off their rockers.
I'm assuming he's talking about the whole Ginny/Cho thing here but if he's trying to get Ron not to get angry about things like that it could be sign that he's testing the waters for a relationship with Harry himself.
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Anonymous @ March 31 2003, 07:02:35 UTC |
He's trying to lure Ron to the dark side and agreeing with Ron's fight with Harry >:0
(parent)anamirza @ March 31 2003, 08:23:56 UTC |
Yeah, I think he's just trying to stir up trouble. I think it's funny that potterstinks can't leave the Gryffindors alone. He's ignoring just-harry directly, but yet, he's poking at him by congratulating Ron on doing the right thing by yelling at Harry and at Ginny. He's trying to let it go, but he. just. can't.
elite_stoat @ March 31 2003, 16:58:16 UTC |
Ssshh, ssshhh, ssshhhh!!! Quiet, woman. We must take what we can get!! DO NOT GIVE UP HOOOPPPPEEEEE!!! It's still more of an acknowledgment than he's made in a really long time, and that's something. *clings to last vestiges of hope*