eponis @ 2003-05-01 16:28:00 |
I love M.B.
Mood: bouncy
Friends who stalk together, stay together. Maybe.
So what, exactly, is Ron doing here? Trying to set them up? Trying to give J_H a way to "get back at Malfoy"? Trying to attract J_H's attention by being where Malfoy is already attracting his attention?
Boxers. ::dies::
jitter_bug @ May 1 2003, 15:39:27 UTC |
I too adore M.B.
And I'm guessing he's sort of Harry's stand-in-stalker? *snickers* Harry has to be absolutely mortified. And the fact he was fleeing from Pig is utterly hilarious.
Though, since Ginny seems to have appropriated Pig perhaps she's doing poor Harry a favor?
At any rate, I'm laughing my ass off!
karabou @ May 1 2003, 15:40:13 UTC |
Oh my god.. Ron is stalking Draco for Harry! But Harry apparently wants nothing to do with it, still upset I'm sure. I'm thinking Ron is doing this thinking Harry will want to know all these things or go meet up with Draco or maybe just see him?... it seems that way, just because he's telling him things like "he left with three books". If so then Ron's intentions are very sweet.. ^^
And Millicent gives him personal Draco info! Rotfl!
neviachiel @ May 1 2003, 15:45:57 UTC |
Well, MB does have ulterior motives here doesn't she? If she has a thing for Pansy then she'd want Draco to be with someone else.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 18:18:55 UTC |
Or she just thinks they're both idiots and it would easier for everyone if they'd just get together without all the drama.
(parent)neviachiel @ May 1 2003, 18:33:27 UTC Re: |
Yes, I definately agree. They are both being idiots. :P
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princess_draco @ May 1 2003, 15:43:10 UTC |
Oh my God, I love Millicent! *dies!!*
"He does not appear to grow body hair either. I feel this is entirely unfair."
"He gives us a wide pseudo-grin that is very alarming." Oh, I can so see Draco doing that.
Ron rules too. "He's not that short after all, slightly taller than gnomes, I'd reckon."
And my hope is that he's trying to set them up, but I suppose that Ron is trying to be like, "hey, Malfoy's here, come and kill him." *shrugs* I guess we'll see.
And what does she mean by boxers? *intensely curious*
jitter_bug @ May 1 2003, 15:44:59 UTC |
You know, the boxers or briefs question. And here I was thinking Draco wore boxer-briefs. Oh well. Lol.
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princess_draco @ May 1 2003, 15:46:52 UTC Re: |
*falls on ground laughing*
He doesn't go commando then? >:O
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 15:47:21 UTC |
I think Ron may have revenge on his mind.
Draco hurt Harry badly and Ron isn't about to stand around and let Harry take it. I think Ron maybe doing this because he thinks that laughing at Draco can be something that he and Harry can do together.
Harry, of course, doesn't like this idea. I'm thinking he read the first note, give it right back to Pig, and has ignored all notes after that.
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squigeon @ May 1 2003, 15:50:40 UTC |
I'm wondering why certain things are labeled "URGENT" unless Ron's just bored. As if it was of dire consequence that Malfoy is no taller than a lawn statue. "I just found out if you mock him and run fast enough the lightening hits him!!! BRILLIANT"
*is dying*
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 15:53:14 UTC |
"Check your email."
I wonder what she sent him...more dirt on Draco? Any other ideas?
jitter_bug @ May 1 2003, 15:56:04 UTC |
Maybe she's going to attempt some match-making? After all, if she gets Draco to date someone else then Pansy's all hers.
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 1 2003, 16:44:12 UTC |
Maybe she sent him visual confirmation of the boxers. If they find Harry out cold in the computer lab, I guess we'll know ;-)
(parent)trowa @ May 1 2003, 15:55:07 UTC |
I HEART M.B. She said it all with this line:
"He gave me an intense look of constipation and walked away."
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 16:03:46 UTC |
This post is hilarious.
"Sod Sighting #2". Only Ron would stalk a boy for Harry, write notes to him about him, but still insult him in said notes. I <3 Ron.
What I want to know is, why is Harry avoiding the notes? Is he embarrassed about being outed and having his crush revealed? Or is he feeling guilty because Draco has a raincloud following him around as a protector and the cloud rains on Draco every time Harry is around so Harry is making sure he isn't around? Does Harry blame himself for everyone in the school hating Draco? His behaviour confuses me immensely.
I love M.B. "He cannot sleep if his feet are not under the duvet. This is very useful knowledge."
The duvet comment just makes him sound so... vulnerable. And that raincloud keeps raining on him, and from what Ron said, it struck him with lightning because Ron managed to get away. Only Ron would stalk Draco for Harry, and then be excited when Draco gets hurt.
eponis @ May 1 2003, 16:11:30 UTC |
Word. On all of it.
W/r/t Harry, it seems like the poor lad just wants to be away from this whole debacle, and Ron - as much of a sweet, funny friend he's being - isn't letting him do that. I mean, whether you think that Ron's trying to stalk Draco so Harry can learn about him, or whether he's stalking him to get back at him, it seems like Harry would just want to forget about the entire thing. I feel so sorry for both J_H and PS, really, as I get the impression that right now, they both want to hide. And, well, M.B.'s post and PS's raincloud don't exactly let them do that.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 16:17:43 UTC |
I think that Ron thinks that he is genuinely helping Harry. He just can't help doing it in his typical dense-to-emotions-Ron way. Which means entertainment for us, of course.
sistermagpie @ May 1 2003, 17:42:14 UTC |
Yeah, Ron's kind of both stalking Malfoy and encouraging Harry to make fun of him with Ron. "Sod sighting" is sort of a double message if he's stalking him, after all. I guess, though, that Ron might be wanting to make his own feelings on Malfoy clear while getting him info for Harry. And besides, Harry knows he's a sod, he likes him anyway. So why shouldn't Ron call him that? I doubt Harry told Ron to do this, though, given that he's running from the owl. But Ron's an honest person and not a manipulator so I'd guess he must be helping Harry in his own mind because he acts like he is.
And of course, I'm tempted to take M.B.'s view on the matter. If she deduces that Harry wants personal information than I'm with her. I've never loved ps as much as I did when I found out he needed his feet covered by the duvet. And no, it's not fair he doesn't grow body hair. So there's Harry looking constipated and Draco looking soggy. They're perfect for each other. She's right.
vellum @ May 1 2003, 19:36:07 UTC |
hell yeah.
- "obsessed screaming hyperventilating teenage fangirl"
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 20:17:31 UTC |
*would ship sistermagpie/petitemillicent if he wasn't already shipping her with everyone*
(parent)shusu @ May 2 2003, 04:37:16 UTC |
See, this is the fundamental flaw with OTPs. It hinders proper orgies! Honestly. We yaoi writers are far more sensible.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 16:28:18 UTC |
It's pretty confusing, since both PS and J_H have been unusually quiet. At least PS's got a raincloud telling his moods. But watching them through the eyes of others is really hard to figure out their actual feelings.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 17:53:08 UTC |
I would much like an LJ code, as I am too poor to pay for an LJ.
kat99999 @ May 1 2003, 16:05:17 UTC |
That is- so cute. I can't tell who I love more, Ron, Millicent or Harry. Harry doesn't even have to post or comment or even talk to win me over, with that look of constipation. *grin*
Ron is a sweetheart if he is indeed 'stalking' Draco for Harry, and his notes are just entirely too amusing to not be endearing. I would love to see this go further, to find out more maybe through a potterstinks post of some kind- here's hoping!
In the mean time, I will sit and dream about boxers..
eponis @ May 1 2003, 16:17:20 UTC |
Oy, don't remind me. Not just Draco in boxers, but a Draco who's tall, has lovely white teeth and a pseudo-grin on his face, has smooth, hairless porcelain skin, and is wearing (probably supple silk) boxers.
::lapses into daze, then slaps self:: Bad eponis. Bad.
nimblelads @ May 1 2003, 16:12:31 UTC *rolls* <333! |
marry me, M.B. *bats eyes coquettishly*
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 16:20:57 UTC Re: *rolls* <333! |
With an icon like that, she'd be a fool to refuse.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2003, 16:39:27 UTC |
I love this one.
"Oh yeah, dad said he was wearing black that day he went to MOM. Thought you'd want to know - RW"
hehehe.. So funny and girlish.
xnera @ May 1 2003, 17:55:27 UTC |
So I was going through the NA archives looking for that darque_pansy icon, and I couldn't help but remember just how long Ron and Draco have been at each other's throats. They've been trading insults since the RPG started. Actually made me wonder for a while if Ron had a thing for Draco. It would explain why he's being so observant of Draco now--he's got an excuse ("Oh, I'm just keeping an eye on Malfoy for you, Harry! I thought you would like that!). And oh, the conflict that would cause between Ron and Harry if it was true...
Probably isn't, though. Ron seems to be het. Unless he's as clueless about his own emotions and feelings as he is about everyone else's.
notapipe @ May 1 2003, 20:20:05 UTC |
I think the best part of that post was the book stuff was written on. Dark Magic from Dark Matter. Hilarious.
(parent)shusu @ May 2 2003, 04:39:19 UTC |
Dude, was that some Big Bang theory in some of the scraps, too?
We must ANALYZE! We are Nragers, after all.
forevertwilight @ May 1 2003, 23:16:01 UTC |
This is like something my friend used to do for me a couple years ago. It completely irritated me cos it made -me- feel like a stalker, indirectly. x.x;
M.B. is just too cool.
slinkhard @ May 2 2003, 04:35:40 UTC |
Ships j_h/k_t_h3/p_s + nraged/herself
Loses thread in complex equations.
Rereads M.B. and Ron's posts. Dies of cuteness.