zedmeister @ 2003-05-04 14:20:00 |
(no title)
I haven't been around in nraged much lately, so just a quick question: the double date was on Friday, right? Do we know what happened?
eponis @ May 4 2003, 11:29:25 UTC |
No, we don't know anything yet, as far as I know. Beyond what Boot's wearing, anyway.
Though perhaps the fact that we haven't heard horror stories from Seamus or Dean is a good sign?
Also on the topic of disappearing people: I'm really starting to get worried about potterstinks. The fact that he hasn't said anything since the debacle bothers me; I can think of various reasons, but all of them are to some degree unsettling. I'm scared at the fact that at this point he seems to have no one to turn to; even Pansy isn't being terribly helpful, and everyone else seems basically hostile to a greater or lesser degree (well, beyond J_H himself). While they have good right to be upset, this silence . . . it makes me worry about what Aja originally said, that the affair will be good for him in the long run.
notapipe @ May 4 2003, 12:47:22 UTC |
Maybe in the long run he'll become Minister of Magic. That would be good.
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Anonymous @ May 4 2003, 15:40:29 UTC |
Randomly -- have you noticed that he added this (http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=nocturne_alley&itemid=134697) to his memories (under several categories), as "Me for Minister of Magic. The Ms have it."? It really is quite amusing that he did.
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Anonymous @ May 5 2003, 01:29:52 UTC Dumbledore? |
I'm not sure just how isolated Draco is. After all, he seems to be talking to Pansy. He might still be on speaking terms with the Crabbe & Goyle set, as well as Millicent and whatever other random people he might speak to during the day. Lupin cares enough about his welfare to cast a protection spell. And his Mother certainly is trying to contact him. It didn't seem like he hung out with many people outside his Slytherin circle before, so not sure how much more "isolated" he is now.
Still, if he is...
Perhaps spending more time with himself is just what he needs. He can examine himself and think w/out anyone there to distract him or push their agendas onto him.
Goyle and Crabbe, well they're nice (if sometimes rather thick) lads, but I'm not sure how helpful they'd be in a soul-searching operation. Pansy clearly has her own agenda, whatever it might be, I'm not certain how much it includes Draco's good. His Mother, well, she has her own problems, although she might be able to reassure him that she cares.
There are some others that Draco's associated with, but I'm not sure how much any of them might actually help. Snape, he has alienated with his homophobic comments (which, come to think of it was pretty stupid, surely the whole school knew about his fling with Sirius?) The Magnificent Millicent seems annoyed about the Pansy thing, although she may be the best bet for a levelheaded sounding board. Still, she has a low tolerance for b.s. and might not have the patience to deal with him right now. Vector has probably cooled off a bit by now and wants to be helpful, but doesn't she just remind you of the school counselor who so earnestly wants to help you with a tragedy and you have no desire to tell them anything remotely personal about yourself at all?
Friends/mentors/sterling examples are wonderful, but, in the end, the only one who can change Draco is Draco. Maybe a little soul-searching is what he needs. Not that I have any idea if he feels anything but tunnel-vision righteous indignation right now, or if any "isolation" would prompt him to "soul search" but it would be nice.
Final thought: I know Dumbledore doesn't show up much in the RPG... but he's still at Hogwarts theoretically.
I would be very surprised if Dumbledore has not had a few words with Draco. Dumbledore, may, in fact, be the reason that Draco has not been expelled yet, in spite of all the nasty pranks he's pulled. Dumbledore might have hope that Draco can be more that just a nasty little prat he seems. This thought gives me more hope for Draco than really much else (clings pathetically to her thought). Because, you know, Dumbledore is a Great Man.
sistermagpie @ May 5 2003, 07:12:46 UTC |
You and me both. What "will make him a better person" may, after all, mean different things to different people. Although I do actually like the fact that he's not posting...it seems like this is something he should do. After all, besides M.B, to whom he may not be ready to listen, I can't think of anybody it seems like he should be talking to for honest/good advice, especially given that the person he seems the most hurt by seems to have claimed the role of innocent victim, been showered with presents and support and is being said to have "earned a kind ear" and unconditional love. Faced with what must be seen by ps as the worst kind of hypocrisy (that's how I'd see it, certainly) what good would speaking do anyway?
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Anonymous @ May 4 2003, 22:04:42 UTC |