shusu @ 2003-05-09 02:31:00 |
it's 2:30am. (CT). do you know where your NA is?
Mood: awake
This place has gone to the dogs without me around.
You said it, ps.
.....I nodded off at midnight, checked again now, and there they are. Commenting away. O.o
[EDIT: While I was writing this: Snape = also awake, & sans classroom. ps also commented to Pansy's. You can't blink!]
The Alley never sleeps.
notapipe @ May 9 2003, 02:04:00 UTC |
I think the cramps stuff is reason enough to go to sleep. One of the advantages of slashyness, as this is a slashy rp, ought to be the protection from this kind of stuff. Although, balls were supposed to protect me from dealing with or hearing it as well, and yet it occurs. Is there anything sacred?
(parent)milenalupin @ May 9 2003, 02:37:01 UTC |
Oh, now you're being quite unfair.
Pansy's doing her best to make Draco see that's not the man for a girl, dammit. So give her some credit.
If that doesn't drive potterstinks into
just_harry's arms, it would be a hopeless case.
notapipe @ May 9 2003, 02:13:26 UTC Wanna know... |
The way to tell you are not sober enough for N_A? You're seriously in support of Draco/Antichrist!Pansy, even if only for the kink factor. WHY? WHY MY OTP?? I LOVE-ED YOU OTP! I LOVE-ED YOU....
(parent)milenalupin @ May 9 2003, 02:39:38 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
Antichrist!Pansy is deliciously evil.
Which is why she is WAY too precious for potterstinks and belongs with
These girl would shatter the grounds of the castle... *sighs dreamily*
milenalupin @ May 9 2003, 02:54:54 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
hach, such a pretty icon... *dreams of earthshattering evilness*
(parent)cirakaite @ May 9 2003, 03:43:39 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
Mmmmm . . . Pansy/Millicent is my top NA OTP at the moment. Because Pansy = Antichrist? It's proof that they were meant for each other. And notice that she started driving Draco off with the cramp talk (and stopped using the draco!heart icons) after she had time to think about why M.B. might turn her tank on Pansy?
(parent)notapipe @ May 9 2003, 12:23:03 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
I don't think there's a causal correlation between those events. There was a direct cause of the cramps discussion. Draco's percieved rudeness about her baking, which DID mention her "monthly" anyway.
Let me note, on this: Draco provokes it, but he cannot be held responsible for the evil assault on his, and our, eyes, that followed. We would not say that rape victims are responsible for being raped, would we? Discussing mensturation with a guy is like nuking a country, it's a totally disporportionate response.
notapipe @ May 9 2003, 02:46:39 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
That's why she belongs with M.B., but I am too enthralled by BlackCladDepressedTurtlenecked!Draco ravishing DevilSuit!Pansy against a gigantic numeral 6 and panting out "let... aaah! he who... mmm.. hath understanding... *pant* calculate... the number...(suck) of the beast" to care about that right now. This is so wrong.
(parent)milenalupin @ May 9 2003, 02:49:07 UTC Re: Wanna know... |
I can see your point. Because wrong is just good.
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hezzabeth @ May 9 2003, 02:40:32 UTC |
As a current "cramps" sufferor I find the whole situation rather amusing. When in pain , bake.
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hezzabeth @ May 9 2003, 16:06:26 UTC Re: |
I've never actually become "shiny" after those incidents so it makes me wonder how much he took!
(parent)marysiak @ May 9 2003, 06:03:50 UTC |
"The shade of green entering my cheeks is the colour of compassion."
*dies laughing*
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flyby @ May 9 2003, 09:11:22 UTC 6.58 are you sure where my spark is? |
Damn. Now I have Spark going round and round my head.
And lol for baking!Pansy. I just get all emotional and sit around reading bad fic and weeping.